Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce Final Report

Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce Final Report

Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce Final Report
Date: 29-Jun-2017

The Great Barrier Reef Water Science Taskforce has handed down its final report on how to deliver clean water for a healthy Great Barrier Reef, with 10 key recommendations.

The report provides advice on the best approach to meeting the Queensland Government’s ambitious reef water quality targets (to reduce nitrogen run-off by up to 80 per cent and sediment run-off by up to 50 per cent) and the priority areas for investing an additional $90 million.

The final report makes 10 recommendations which focus on enhanced communication, increased levels of agricultural extension and innovation, expanded monitoring, financial and other incentives, and staged and targeted regulations. The Queensland Government will consider the Taskforce’s recommendations in full and will begin to implement some recommendations immediately.

The final report is available on the Great Barrier Reef Living wonder website –

The Taskforce Final Report is now online:

The video of Taskforce members talking about the process is available here: ( and the 3 minute animation about the Final Report (

The Minister’s media release is available here:  

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