
Water and Wastewater Chemical Supplies – availability and suppliers

During the COVID19 pandemic, service providers’ remain responsible for adequately ordering and purchasing their own chemical supplies to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of their water and wastewater services.

The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water recognises that as the pandemic evolves, service providers may face some logistical or supply chain issues with these critical chemical supplies. To assist service providers the department has developed:

The lists aim to provide a central source of information regarding the availability of chemicals, any known supply chain issues and details of chemical suppliers and was developed based on information provided by qldwater, LGAQ and Seqwater. These stakeholders have committed to continued collaboration on this matter whilst this list remains in use. 

This information may help service providers to identify alternative chemical suppliers, should their current supplier experience difficulty in obtaining chemicals.  Note the supplier list is not exhaustive and is current as at August 2020. 

To ensure these lists remain relevant for the sector as the pandemic evolves, the department intends to update this information on an "as needs" basis. As service providers have the direct customer – supplier relationship with the chemical supplier, the department relies on service providers to provide timely and relevant information on:

  1. any difficulties or changes to the availability of the chemicals (e.g. difficulty in being supplied or delays in receiving chemicals), suppliers (e.g. cannot deliver on time due to lower number of deliveries to the region) or supply chain matters (e.g. increases in costs due to price shocks, raw material shortage, freight delays)
  2. any inclusions of key chemicals or chemical supplier(s) they use that are not on the list 

As such, service providers are encouraged to submit updates or raise issues early on by completing the form below.

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