Resource Library - Water Network

This topic includes resources related to the broader water network outside of the treatment plant, including pipes, pumps, reservoirs etc, divided into qldwater resources, other resources, sample documents, contracts and specifications and specifications.

qldwater Resources

Telco Land Access Agreement - Release Date 29-Apr-2024: - This document has been prepared for qldwater to assist its members when dealing with a licensed carrier seeking to deploy low impact facilities (in particular, via a LAAN pursuant to Schedule 3 of the Telco Act). It is recommended that Water Service Providers should seek independent legal advice to determine whether its application is suitable for site specific and tenure arrangements.

Procedure for Condition Assessment of AC Pipes - Release Date 20-Feb-2023: - This document has been prepared to provide guidance on assessing AC pipe condition. It highlights the importance of pipeline performance monitoring, which can be supplemented through opportunistic condition assessment, where appropriate.

Infrastructure Cost Review Aug 2019 - Release Date 09-Sep-2019: - 2019 – Infrastructure Cliff? Queensland’s ageing water and sewerage assets. 2. Cost implications for in-ground assets.- Research Report 5.2: In-ground asset costs analysis.

Outputs from Leakage Management Workshop - Release Date 16-Jun-2017: - Following the System Leakage Management Workshop held on 25 May 2017, this document includes a table of benefits, costs and risks, to help other service providers consider approaches.

3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines Volume 1 - Release Date 15-Jun-2017: - The Third Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoirs Guidelines is a joint publication between qldwater and NSW Water Directorate. This document has been divided into two (2) volumes. Volume 2 (below) contains Appendices A to E which are also available separately under the "Other Resources" tab.

3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoirs Guidelines Volume 2 - Release Date 15-Jun-2017: - The Third Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoirs Guidelines is a joint publication between qldwater and NSW Water Directorate. This document has been divided into two (2) volumes. This Volume contains Appendices A to E which are also available separately under the "Other Resources" tab.

SOP BSC_V1 Water Supply Reservoirs Inspections - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Standard Operating Procedure for Water Supply Reservoirs Inspections by Peter Mosse

Model Contract Specification for Drinking Water Storage Cleaning and Condition Assessment by Divers - Release Date 28-Apr-2016: - Dirty and poorly maintained drinking water storages have been implicated in waterborne disease outbreaks around the world. Storage of water in poorly maintained and managed storages can have a significant adverse impact on the aesthetic quality of the water and can make it difficult to maintain a satisfactory chlorine residual in the distribution system beyond the storage. This Contract is for diver cleaning of accumulated sediment and assessment of storage condition.

Building over Infrastructure - Letter to Minister - Release Date 03-Mar-2016: - Covering letter sent with The Building over infrastructure position paper above to the Minister for Housing and Public Works, The Hon Mick de Brenni. Members must log in to access this document.

Building over Infrastructure Services - final position paper - Release Date 03-Mar-2016: - Final position paper which was endorsed by the qldwater Technical Reference Group on 26 February 2016. This position paper and the letter below has been provided to the Minister for Housing and Public Works, The Hon Mick de Brenni. Members must log in to access this document.

WIW-NWP234B - Release Date 23-Jul-2014: - Water Training: NWP234B – Locate, Identify and Protect Utility Services

WIW-NWP253B - Release Date 23-Jul-2014: - Water Training: NWP253 – Install and Repair Water Services

WIW-NWP254 - Release Date 23-Jul-2014: - Water Training: NWP254B – Repair and Insert Water Distribution Assets

WIW-NWP330B - Release Date 23-Jul-2014: - Water Training: NWP330B Establish positions of underground utilities using locating devices

WIW-NWP339B - Release Date 23-Jul-2014: - Water Training: NWP339 – Perform Leak Detection

Cutting, Handling and Disposal of Asbestos Cement (AC) Pipe Guidelines - Updated June 2014 - Release Date 20-Jun-2014: - Cutting, Handling & Disposal of Asbestos Cement (AC) Pipe Guidelines - Updated version June 2014

Asbestos Cement Pipe Cutting Guidelines June 2014 - Release Date 05-Sep-2017: - Asbestos Cement Pipe Cutting Guidelines - policy and procedures

Overview of 2011 Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines (ADWG) - Release Date 13-Nov-2012: - The Queensland and New South Wales Water Directorates have co-invested in the production of this summary document which helps make the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines more accessible. Note that this summary document is purely focussed on the ADWG. Links and summaries to Queensland-specific information including regulation are kept up to date at Non-members can purchase a copy by contacting the NSW Water Directorate

Building Over or Near Local Government Water Infrastructure - Release Date 24-Feb-2009: - Standard policy and technical guidelines for issues relating to building (on private land) over or near to existing council water infrastructure. Developed using existing industry policies (with thanks to those members who participated), as well as technical and legal advice. | Free member download (modifiable). | Buy from Bookshop. |

ARCHIVE Sub-metering Policy and Supporting Guidelines - Release Date 23-Jul-2008: - The purpose of this template style document is to provide a framework for Service Provider employees and consumers/customers in relation to sub-metering of individual units/lots for "new developments" and "existing developments" if the management of the complex decides to intall sub-meters.

ARCHIVE Clarification on qldwater SLMP Template - Release Date 02-Jul-2007: - List of clarification points on the QWD's SLMP Template based on frequently asked questions arising at the training workshops and from requests from other members. The attached sheet provides a short list of FAQs based on the main sections of the Template.

ARCHIVE Template Service Level Agreement - Release Date 15-Jun-2007: - Template for a service level agreement between Queensland Fire and Rescue and a Local Government Water Service Provider. | Free Download . | 3rd Party Document. | .

Other resources

Procedure for Condition Assessment of AC Pipes - Release Date 20-Feb-2023: - This document has been prepared to provide guidance on assessing AC pipe condition. It highlights the importance of pipeline performance monitoring, which can be supplemented through opportunistic condition assessment, where appropriate.

South Burnett Tender Water Meter Renewal - Release Date 31-Jul-2020: - South Burnett Regional Council tender to supply a large volume of water meters for a Capital Works project – Meter renewal program, to commence mid September 2020. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

WIOA WaterWorks Special Feature on Telcos - Release Date 13-Dec-2019: - An extract from WIOA Waterworks special feature on telcos and water assets. It provides a great summary of the regulatory environment, risks every service provider which hosts telecommunications equipment on its infrastructure need to consider, and the process for Low Impact Facilities including how to object.

Drinking Water Provisions PH Reg 2018 - Release Date 04-Sep-2018: - Public Health Regulation 2018 – revised provisions for drinking water. The Public Health Regulation 2005 has been remade as the Public Health Regulation 2018. The new Regulation commenced on 1 September 2018 and contains revisions to the quality standards for drinking water. Amendments to the Regulations should not result in any day to day operational changes for drinking water service providers despite the 2018 Regulation looking quite different.

Outputs from Leakage Management Workshop - Release Date 16-Jun-2017: - Following the System Leakage Management Workshop held on 25 May 2017, this document includes a table of benefits, costs and risks, to help other service providers consider approaches.

WSAA Economic Intervention Principles for Active Leakage Control - Release Date 19-Jun-2017: - Guidelines relating to the subject of Economic Intervention Principles for Active Leakage Control by Wide Bay Water Corporation and Water Loss Research & Analysis as part of WSAA Asset Management Project. Dated 20 March 2011.

WSAA Framework for Targeting Leakage and Pressure Management - Release Date 19-Jun-2017: - Report on framework for targeting leakage and pressure management by Wide Bay Water Corporation and Water Loss Research & Analysis Ltd dated 30 March 2011

WSAA Info Requirements for Pressure Management Zones - Release Date 19-Jun-2017: - Guidelines relating to the subject of Information Requirements for Pressure Management Zones before and after implementation by Wide Bay Water Corporation and Tim Waldron and Associates dated 20 March 2011.

WSAA Pressure Management Practices - Release Date 19-Jun-2017: - WSAA Review of Pressure Management Practices in the Australian Water Industry - dated 27 July 2010.

WSAA Targeting Leakage Using Nightflow Measurements - Release Date 19-Jun-2017: - Guidelines relating to the subject of Targeting Leakage Using Nightflow Measurements by Wide Bay Water Corporation, Australia and Water Loss Research & Analysis Ltd, UK dated 22 May 2011.

WSAA Valuing Benefits of Pressure Management - Release Date 19-Jun-2017: - Guidelines relating to the subject of Valuing Benefits of Pressure Management by Wide Bay Water Corporation and Water Loss Research & Analysis Ltd dated 21 March 2011.

3rd Party Telcos - AMTA RF Safety Compliance Fact Sheet - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Exclusion Zones Factsheet - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Fact Sheet about the MCF - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Fact Sheet Working Safely at Sites - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Industry Code Fact Sheet - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 56 Fact Sheet RCSMB Nov 08 - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 58 Fact Sheet EME Work - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 72 Fact Sheet The Block Next Door - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 83 EME Fact Sheet Network Update - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 83 Fact Sheet IBC Update - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 83 Fact Sheet Infill Sites Update - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - MCF 83 Roof Top Update - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Mobile Base Stations and Health Fact Sheet - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Reading the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency EME Report - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Regulatory Requirements for Mobile Base Stations - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - SOP BSC_V1 Water Supply Reservoirs Inspections - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - SWMS 225 Reservoir Inspections and Maintenance Works - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Unitywater Telco Cond of App - Release Date 06-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

3rd Party Telcos - Working Safely Around Radio Frequency (RF) Transmitters - Release Date 07-Jun-2017: - Sample document forming part of Volume 2 of the qldwater / NSW Water Directorate "3rd Party Infrastructure on Water Supply Reservoir Guidelines".

Alarm Workshop Outcomes - Defining CCPs - Release Date 22-May-2017: - This document is provided as a related accompanying document to the Remote Treatment Operations guideline below. We thank the author of this document, Goulburn Valley Water for providing this document for our members.

2017 Automated Metering Workshop Presentation Digital Meters Pilot - Andy Wyer, Unitywater - Release Date 22-Feb-2017: - 2017 Automated Metering Workshop Presentation: Digital Meters Pilot - Andy Wyer, Unitywater

WSAA Asbestos Cement Pipe Risk Management for Renewal Methods - Aug 2016 - Release Date 02-Nov-2016: - This document has been kindly provided by the Water Services Association of Australia. By downloading this document you agree not to share or distribute this document with other parties.

Summary of Pipe Fittings - Release Date 13-Oct-2016: - Brief summary of pipe fittings and their advantages and disadvantages, collated from information provided by various water service providers.

WIW-NWP233 - Release Date 23-Jul-2014: - Water Industry Training: NWP233B Construct and Install Water Distribution Assets

ARCHIVE Preparing a SLMP - Release Date 01-Jul-2013: - Guidelines for the preparation of a System Leakage Management Plan. Superseded, for information only.

BCQ Explanatory Notes (Att 2) - Release Date 18-Sep-2012: - Explanatory note to Draft Qld Development Code

ARCHIVE Fireflows, PLMP - Release Date 13-Feb-2012: - Guidelines for implementing a Pressure and Leakage Management in buildings containing fire protection and other hydraulic systems. Document provided by LGIS. |

NMP 1.4 - Excavation and Piling near Sewers, Stormwater Drains and Water Mains - Release Date 21-Sep-2011: - See Plumbing Newsflash #480 on a proposal to mandate the current non-mandatory part 1.4 of the QDC 1.4. The Department of Local Government and Planning is seeking feedback on this proposal.

Plumbing Newsflash 480 - QDC 1.4 - Release Date 21-Sep-2011: - Plumbing Newsflash #480. | Comment sought on proposal to mandate the current Non-Mandatory Part 1.4 of the Queensland Development Code - Excavation and Piling Near Sewers, Stormwater Drains and Water Mains and have the Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committees (BDDRC) hear appeals on these matters. |

DERM TMP Guidance Documents 311 AM Drinking Water Quality Management - Release Date 01-Jan-2008: -

ARCHIVE Template Service Level Agreement - Release Date 15-Jun-2007: - Template for a service level agreement between Queensland Fire and Rescue and a Local Government Water Service Provider. | Free Download . | 3rd Party Document. | .

Member sample documents

Help us populate this page by sending your sample documents to Please specify any conditions of use:

A. No restrictions on distribution (will be stored on protected area of web site, however if there is a request to share with a non-member we can do so)

B. Can be available to qldwater members (protected area of web site)

C. Other conditions which might allow it to be used more openly i.e. certain parts de-identified, costs removed etc.

Microbiology Log Sheet for Ecoli Testing - Release Date 14-Mar-2022: - Microbiology Log Sheet for Ecoli Testing from Terry Fagg, Western Downs Regional Council

SEQ Telco Conditions of Approval - Release Date 12-Apr-2018: - Sample Document: Conditions of Approval

SEQ Telco Email Response Objection to Land Entry Activity - Release Date 12-Apr-2018: - Sample document: Email response objection to land entry activity.

SEQ Telco Supervised Access Permit - Release Date 12-Apr-2018: - Sample document: Supervised Access Permit

SEQ Telco Email Response Reasons to Sustain Rent Prices - Release Date 06-Apr-2018: - Sample document: Email indicating reasons to sustain rent prices.

SEQ Telco Seqwater Telemetry Access Permit - Release Date 06-Apr-2018: - Seqwater sample document: Telemetry Access Permit for use on reserve land. The example is for a 3 year term (with option) and includes recommendations from the water directorate guidelines.

SEQ Telco Telecommunications Installation Checklist for Designers - Release Date 06-Apr-2018: - Sample document: Telecommunication Facility Installation at Water Utility Sites - Checklist for Designers

QUU Arc Flash Hazard Assessment - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Work Instruction W158 Arc Flash Hazard Assessment & PPE Selection

QUU Drawings 11kV Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - 11kV Switchboard Protection Line Diagram

QUU Drawings Cable Schedule - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Cable Schedule

QUU Drawings Control System - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings Control System Network Diagram Comms Architecture

QUU Drawings DC Power Supply Panel - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - DC Power Supply Panel Single Line Diagram 24VDC Dstribution

QUU Drawings Distribution Board - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Distribution Board Single Line Diagram 400VAC & 230VAC

QUU Drawings Distribution SWBD - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Distribution SWBD Single Line Diagram 24VDC Distribution

QUU Drawings Electrical Drawing Index - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings Electrical Drawing Index

QUU Drawings Equipment Schedule - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Equipment Schedule

QUU Drawings Field Device Connection DIA Flow Switches - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Field Device Connection Diagram Flow Switches

QUU Drawings Field Device Connection DIA Level Switches - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Field Device Connection Diagram Level Switches

QUU Drawings Field Device Connection DIA Solenoid Valves - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Field Device Connection Diagram Solenoid Valves

QUU Drawings General Arrangement Construction Details - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement Construction Details

QUU Drawings General Arrangement Construction Details 2 - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement Construction Details

QUU Drawings General Arrangement Local Control Panel - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement Local Control Panel

QUU Drawings General Arrangement Main Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement Main Switchboard

QUU Drawings General Arrangement Motor Control Centre - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement Motor Control Centre

QUU Drawings General Arrangement Outdoor Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement Outdoor Switchboard

QUU Drawings General Arrangement PLC & Communication Panel - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - General Arrangement PLC & Communication Panel

QUU Drawings Instrument Loop Diagram Flow Transmitter - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Instrument Loop Diagram Flow Transmitter

QUU Drawings Instrument Loop Diagram Level Relay - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Instrument Loop Diagram Level Relay

QUU Drawings Instrument Loop Diagram Level Transmitter - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Instrument Loop Diagram Level Transmitter

QUU Drawings Label Schedule - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Label Schedule

QUU Drawings LV Power Cable Block Diagram - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - LV Power Cable Block Diagram

QUU Drawings Main Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Main Switchboard Single Line Diagram 400VAC & 230VAC

QUU Drawings Main Switchboard Schematic Diagram - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Main Switchboard Schematic Diagram Incomer ACB

QUU Drawings Main Switchboard Schematic Diagram Auto Transfer Switch - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Main Switchboard Schematic Diagram Auto Transfer Switch

QUU Drawings Main Switchboard Schematic Diagram UPS - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Main Switchboard Schematic Diagram UPS

QUU Drawings Main Switchboard Termination Diagram - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Main Switchboard Termination Diagram PLC Layout Diagram

QUU Drawings Main Switchboard Termination Diagram PLC Layout - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Main Switchboard Termination Diagram PLC Layout Diagram

QUU Drawings MCC Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - MCC Switchboard Single Line Diagram

QUU Drawings PLC Panel - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Panel, Single Line Diagram 24VDC Distribution

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Digital Input Card - 16PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram 32PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Digital Input Card - 32PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram Analog Input Card 12PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Analog Input Card 12PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram Analog Input Card 8PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Analog Input Card - 8PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram Analog Output Card 8PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Analog Output Card - 8PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram Digital Input Card 16PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Digital Input Card - 16PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram Digital Input Card 32PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Digital Input Card - 32PT

QUU Drawings PLC Termination Diagram Digital Output Card 16PT - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - PLC Termination Diagram Digital Output Card 16PT

QUU Drawings Schematic Diagram DOL Reversing Starter - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Schematic Diagram DOL Reversing Starter

QUU Drawings Schematic Diagram DOL Starter - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Schematic Diagram DOL Starter

QUU Drawings Schematic Diagram Modulating Control Valve - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Schematic Diagram Modulating Control Valve

QUU Drawings Schematic Diagram Motorised Control Valve - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Schematic Diagram Motorised Control Valve

QUU Drawings Schematic Diagram VSD Starter 75kW - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Schematic Diagram VSD Starter 75kW and above

QUU Drawings Schematic Diagram VSD Starter Under 75kW - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Schematic Diagram VSD Starter Under 75kW

QUU Drawings Standard Electrical Symbols - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Standard Electrical Symbols

QUU Drawings Termination Diagram DOL Reversing Starter - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Termination Diagram DOL Reversing Starter

QUU Drawings Termination Diagram DOL Starter - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Termination Diagram DOL Starter

QUU Drawings Termination Diagram Modulating Control Valve - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Termination Diagram Modulating Control Valve

QUU Drawings Termination Diagram Motorised Control Valve - Release Date 06-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings - Termination Diagram Motorised Control Valve

QUU Drawings UPS Distribution Board - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Typical EI&C Drawings UPS Distribution Board Single Line Diagram 230VAC

QUU Equipment Datasheet 11kV Cabling - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR873 11kV Cabling - 120mm2 HD/XLPE

QUU Equipment Datasheet AC Uninterruptible Power Supply - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR638 AC Uninterruptible Power Supply

QUU Equipment Datasheet DC Power Supply and Batteries - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities Equipment Datasheet FOR624 DC Power Supply & Batteries

QUU Equipment Datasheet Demountable Switchroom - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR871 Demountable Switchroom

QUU Equipment Datasheet Distribution Transformer - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities Datasheet FOR619 Distribution Transformer

QUU Equipment Datasheet Distribution Transformer 500kVA Dry Type - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR872 Distribution Transformer 500 kVA Dry Type Transformer

QUU Equipment Datasheet Earth Transformer Dry Type - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR994 Earth Transformer - Dry Type

QUU Equipment Datasheet HV Motors - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR874 HV Motors

QUU Equipment Datasheet HV Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR875 HV Switchoard

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Diesel Power Generator - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR880 LV Diesel Power Generator <100 kVA

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Diesel Power Generator 100-500 kVA - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR881 LV Diesel Power Generator (100 - 500 kVA)

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Diesel Power Generator >500 kVA - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR882 LV Diesel Power Generator >500 kVA

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Distribution Board - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR637 LV Distribution Board

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Motor - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR876 LV Motor

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR870 LV Switchboard

QUU Equipment Datasheet LV Switchboard Less 400A - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR943 LV Switchboard <400A

QUU Equipment Datasheet Padmount RMU - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities Equipment Datasheet FOR622 Padmount RMU

QUU Equipment Datasheet Padmount Substation - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR877 Padmount Substation

QUU Equipment Datasheet Variable Speed Drive - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR878 Variable Speed Drive

QUU Equipment Datasheet Ventillation Fan Switchboard - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Equipment Datasheet FOR879 Ventillation Fan Switchboard

QUU General Requirements for Hazardous Area Installation - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: General Requirements for Installation of Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas TMS1203

QUU Power System Analysis Guidelines TEM336 - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications - Power System Analysis Guidelines TEM336

QUU Safety in Design Report - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Safety in Design Report TMS1436

QUU Supplier Data Requirements List - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Supplier Data Requirements List - Mechanical Documents CHE486

QUU Technical Specifications AC Uninterrupted Power Supplies - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications AC Uninterrupted Power Supplies TMS 1187

QUU Technical Specifications Cathodic Protection of Pipelines and Structures - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Cathodic Protection of Pipelines and Structures TMS1595

QUU Technical Specifications Control Panels - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Control Panels TMS1222

QUU Technical Specifications Control System Implementation - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Control System Implementation TMS1202

QUU Technical Specifications DC Power Supply Systems for HV Switchgear - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications DC Power Supply Systems for HV Switchgear TMS1221

QUU Technical Specifications Distribution Power Transformers Less 5MVA - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Distribution Power Transformers (less than 5MVA) TMS 1185

QUU Technical Specifications Dry Type Distribution Transformers - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Dry Type Distribution Transformers (Less than 5MVA) TMS1624

QUU Technical Specifications Electrical Installation - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Electrical Installation TMS1200

QUU Technical Specifications Electrical Instrumentation and Control System Design - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Electrical, Instrumentation and Control System Design Criteria TMS1648

QUU Technical Specifications High Voltage Motors - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications High Voltage Motors TMS1404

QUU Technical Specifications High Voltage Switchboards - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications High Voltage Switchboards TMS 1186

QUU Technical Specifications Instrumentation Installation - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Instrumentation Installation TMS1201

QUU Technical Specifications Low Voltage Diesel Powered Generators - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Low Voltage Diesel Powered Generators TMS1589

QUU Technical Specifications Low Voltage Switchboards and Enclosures - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Low Voltage Switchboards and Enclosures TMS60

QUU Technical Specifications Low Voltage Variable Speed Drives - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications Low Voltage Variable Speed Drives TMS1406

QUU Technical Specifications LV Electrical AC Motors - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications LV Electric AC Motors TMS1637

QUU Technical Specifications LV Generators Arc Flash Analysis - Release Date 05-Dec-2017: - Queensland Urban Utilities sample document: Technical Specifications - Power System Analysis Report for LV Generators Arc Flash Analysis

Contracts and specifications

Please note: qldwater has put a hold on uploading new tender specifications to the Resource Library due to the limited number of downloads in relation to the work required to download specification documents, classify and upload to our site. We will continue to extract/download the tender specifications from VendorPanel and eTenderBox and store them on our network drive – keep an eye on our eFlashes for updates on the latest available documents or email us if you need help finding anything in particular.

Specification documents listed below may or may not have been final versions. Often additional posts or modified documents were provided from time to time but it has not been possible to capture and store all of these amendments. While the utilities responsible for preparation of the documents may be willing to assist in sourcing other related information, doing so would purely be at their own discretion.

Mount Isa CC Tender Advanced Metering - Release Date 23-Feb-2021: - Mount Isa City Council tender to acquire an Advanced Metering Infrastructure System and related products, software and services for all of its approximately 7,200 water meters. qldwater has archived all files relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

DLGRMA Tender Palm Island Rising Main - Release Date 30-Mar-2021: - Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs tender for a new rising main and treated water storage on Palm Island. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Release Date 16-Mar-2021: - Gladstone Regional Council Expression of Interest to investigate costed options for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure solution to improve on the existing network of about 24,200 water meters. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Cassoway Coast Tender Stoters Reservoir - Release Date 09-Mar-2021: - Cassowary Coast Regional Council tender for concrete joint repair of the Stoters Reservoir. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Water Mains Renewal - Release Date 23-Feb-2021: - Gladstone Regional Council tender to replace existing water reticulation mains at three separate work locations across Gladstone, as a result of the assets reaching the end of their functional life. The work to be performed under this Contract comprises the provision of all materials, plant, labour, testing, and commissioning to replace the failing water reticulation mains at Sandpiper Avenue, Aerodrome Road, and Auckland Street. The works shall be fit for purpose and, as a minimum, meet the required design requirements. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Cherbourg SC Tender Reservoir Replacement - Release Date 16-Dec-2020: - Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council tender for the design and construction of proposed reservoir replacement works including raw water inlet and well works, a new rising main, repair and upgrade two supernatant ponds, replacement of two reservoir tanks, storm water management and backup generator. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

GAWB Tender Kirkwood Pump Station - Release Date 01-Dec-2020: - Gladstone Area Water Board tender to construct and commission the Kirkwood Pump Station. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

TMR Tender Watermain Replacement - Release Date 01-Dec-2020: - Department of Transport and Main Roads – RoadTek – tender for the Boogan Road Watermain Replacement as part of the preliminary work for the Boogan Road Rehabilitation Project in the Cassowary Coast region. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday RC Tender Blowers Compressors - Release Date 01-Dec-2020: - Whitsunday Regional Council is looking to engage an experience and qualified Contractor for regular, consistent servicing of all blowers, compressors, air receivers, air dryers and associated equipment across its Water and Wastewater Treatment sites. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday Tender HACH Instrumentation - Release Date 01-Dec-2020: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for regular, consistent servicing of all HACH instrumentation and associated equipment across its Water and Wastewater Treatment sites. This contract will be for a period of 12 months with an additional 2 x 12-month extension at Council’s discretion. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast Tender Clearwater Pump Station - Release Date 10-Nov-2020: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for major augmentation and construction works at the Teddington Water Treatment Plant Clearwater Pump Station. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands Tender Pump Station Upgrade - Release Date 02-Nov-2020: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the construction upgrade to the Blackwater Water Treatment Plant including the Raw Water Pump Station Facility and the supply line between the existing storage pond and the water treatment plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

SDRC Tender Reservoir Access - Release Date 02-Nov-2020: - Southern Downs Regional Council tender to supply, install and construct three access structures and accompanying infrastructure for reservoirs at Hawker Road, Warwick; Lyndhurst Lane, Rosenthal Heights; and Evert Road Warwick, QLD. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

TSIRC Tender Reservoir Renewal - Release Date 02-Nov-2020: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender for the construction of designed upgrades to the Warraber Island Reservoir. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands Tender Emerald Pump Stations - Release Date 14-Oct-2020: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the rectification works for three sewerage pump stations in the town of Emerald. The rectifications work involves civil, pipework, mechanical and minor concrete works. qldwater has archived all details relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Water Meters - Release Date 22-Sep-2020: - Gladstone regional council tender for the supply and delivery of water meters. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Torres Strait IRC Tender Reservoir - Release Date 16-Sep-2020: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender for construction of designed upgrades of the Warraber Island Reservoir. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast Tender Trunk Water Main - Release Date 14-Sep-2020: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for the supply, delivery and unloading of 4.8 km of DN600 pipe and associated valves and fittings to Hervey Bay, Queensland. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Southern Downs Tender Condition Assessment - Release Date 14-Sep-2020: - Southern Downs Regional Council tender to critically analyse Council's reservoir, tank and pump station assets and provide a condition assessment for the assets at each site. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Mackay RC Tender Equipment Servicing - Release Date 31-Aug-2020: - Mackay Regional Council tender for the servicing of blowers, compressors and associated equipment across Council water and wastewater treatment sites. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

WSAA Public Consultation Submission - ASEA AC Pipe Management Guidelines - Release Date 10-Aug-2020: - Water Services Association of Australia submission for review of Asbestos-Cement Water and Sewer Pipe Management Guidelines Draft for public consultation.  qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Goondiwindi Tender Reservoirs - Release Date 03-Aug-2020: - Goondiwindi Regional Council tender for the construction of 3 concrete water storage reservoirs: one 400kL concrete reservoir and one 144kL concrete reservoir at the Talwood Water Treatment Plant; and one 400kL concrete reservoir at the Yelarbon High tower Reservoir site. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Bundaberg Tender Water Tower Engineering - Release Date 29-Jul-2020: - Bundaberg Regional Council tender for water tower engineering assessments. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Richmond Tender Water Main Replacement - Release Date 29-Jul-2020: - Richmond Shire Council to replace an existing water main with new DN150 uPVC mains and house connections. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Burdekin SC Moranbah Pipeline capacity - Release Date 10-Jul-2020: - Sunwater is inviting Tenderer's to bid on an annual allocation of 1,525 ML of High Priority water. The water will be transported from the Gorge Weir along the Burdekin Moranbah Pipeline. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

CHRC Tender Water Meter Reading - Release Date 23-Mar-2020: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for water meter reading in the Central Highlands regional area. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Douglas SC Tender Water Main - Release Date 16-Mar-2020: - Douglas Shire Council tender for the supply and installation of a new water main to service Killaloe Transfer Station. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Lab Equipment - Release Date 16-Mar-2020: - Gladstone Regional Council tender to perform mass replacement of ageing water meters across the Gladstone region. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Rising Mains - Release Date 16-Mar-2020: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for condition assessment and design for AO5 Rising Mains. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

SDRC Tender Water Meter Replacement Program - Release Date 16-Mar-2020: - Southern Downs Regional Council tender for the provision of plumbing services in the roll out of a water meter replacement program across the region. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast tender Elanora Recycled Water Pumping Station - Release Date 25-Feb-2020: - City of Gold Coast tender for the construction and augmentation of recycled water assets for the upgrade of the Elanora Recycled Water pumping station. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Goondiwindi RC Tender Reservoirs - Release Date 25-Feb-2020: - Goondiwindi Regional Council tender for the building and construction of Yelarbon and Talwood Reservoirs. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Bundaberg RC Tender Soblusky St Bore Pump Station - Release Date 17-Feb-2020: - Bundaberg Regional Council tender for the construction of Soblusky Street Bore Pump Station Building. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast tender Reservoir Asset Renewals - Release Date 17-Feb-2020: - City of Gold Coast tender for reservoir asset renewals and refurbishment at various locations. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Oaka St Water Main - Release Date 23-Jan-2020: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for the water main replacement at Oaka Street, Gladstone. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

DLGRMA Tender Palm Island floating intakes - Release Date 20-Jan-2020: - Tender Issued by Department of Local Government & Racing and Multicultural Affairs to upgrade floating intakes and valves at Solomon and Francis Creek Dams, Palm Island. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Isaac RC Tender Capricorn St Reservoir - Release Date 20-Jan-2020: - Isaac Regional Council Tender for the roof replacement of the Capricorn St Reservoir. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday RC Tender Reservoir Replacement - Release Date 20-Jan-2020: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for the Moonlight Drive Reservoir Replacement at Jubilee Pocket. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday RC Tender Reservoir Upgrade - Release Date 20-Jan-2020: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender to upgrade the Coyne Road Reservoir at Cannonvale. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Torres Strait IRC Smart Water Meters - Release Date 20-Dec-2019: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender to implement an Automated Metering Network (AMN) to all 15 Council Divisions within the region. The new network must be capable of transferring information from Smart Water Meters (SWMs) to a meter data management system. The request for tender seeks submissions for the supply of SWMs, the installation of a fixed communication or connectivity platform for transfer of real (or near real) time data from the water meter to a central location, and the est

Torres Strait IRC Tender Pump Station Upgrades - Release Date 20-Dec-2019: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender for the construction of Iama Water Main, Kubin Weir Pump Station Upgrade and St Paul Weir Pump Station under the Indigenous Councils Critical Infrastructure Program. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday RC Tender Water Transfer Mains - Release Date 20-Dec-2019: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for the installation, commissioning, and testing of 11.87km of new trunk potable water mains, 2.49km of raw water main and 8.87 km of dual communications conduits. This project is intended to improve the connectivity and flexibility of the potable water supply system which services Proserpine, Cannonvale, Airlie Beach, Jubilee Pocket, Shute Harbour and surrounding communities. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed

Bundaberg RC Tender Water Bore Condition Assessments - Release Date 04-Dec-2019: - Bundaberg Regional Council tender for water bore pump station condition assessments. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday RC Tender Reservoir Roof Renewals - Release Date 22-Nov-2019: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for the replacement of two reservoir roof structures damaged during Severe Tropical Cyclone Debbie, including the demolition of existing nominated infrastructure, design, supply, construction, testing and commissioning of the Works. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender Emerald Reservoir - Release Date 20-Nov-2019: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the roof replacement of the Emerald Reservoir. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Tender River Heads WPS10 - Release Date 20-Nov-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for the augmentation of the River Heads reservoir infrastructure including building modifications and association pipe work. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Tender River Heads WSP - Release Date 18-Nov-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for the augmentation of the River Heads reservoir infrastructure including building modifications and associated pipe work and construction works. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Reservoir Rectification - Release Date 18-Nov-2019: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for rectification works to water reservoirs at Radar Hill, Ferris Hill and Mount Larcom. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Unitywater Tender Data Loggers - Release Date 18-Nov-2019: - Unitywater tender for DMA pressure and flow data loggers renewal. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender Automatic Gates - Release Date 11-Nov-2019: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the design and construction of automatic gates which relates to issues identified with reservoir access and telco providers accessing water infrastructure. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Woorabinda ASC Tender Water and Wastewater Treatment Upgrades - Release Date 11-Nov-2019: - Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council tender for the provision of design and construction of various upgrades across local infrastructure including water supply, water treatment, SCADA, wastewater treatment upgrades and connection and commission of all new assets. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Isaac RC Tender Clermont Reservoir - Release Date 04-Nov-2019: - Isaac Regional Council tender to the design and construction of the 5ML Clermont treated water reservoir. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast Tender Asset Lifecycle Delivery Services - Release Date 23-Oct-2019: - City of Gold Coast Water and Waste (WW) directorate EOI for a Delivery Contractor to assist it in maintaining, renewing and augmenting its water and sewerage network infrastructure, supporting delivery of WW’s renewals, preventative, programmed, and reactive maintenance, works and services.

Whitsunday RC Tender Mechanical Maintenance Services - Release Date 23-Oct-2019: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for mechanical and maintenance services for Whitsunday Regional Council’s water and wastewater treatment and network assets. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender Capella Reservoir - Release Date 10-Oct-2019: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for roof replacement at Capella Reservoir. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Asset Growth Strategies - Release Date 10-Oct-2019: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for suitably qualified professionals to develop the Lake Awoonga Water Asset Growth Strategy and Boyne Tannum & Calliope Sewerage Asset Growth Strategies, to be completed as two separable portions. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

GAWB Tender Pipeline Repair and Maintenance - Release Date 16-Sep-2019: - Gladstone Area Water Board tender for pipeline repair and maintenance services. Qldwater has archived all document relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Tender Generators - Release Date 06-Sep-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for the provision of two backup diesel generators to support operations at the Urraween Water Pump Station located in Hervey Bay and the Teddington Water Treatment Plant located at Tinana. The works involve the supply, temporary storage, maintenance during storage, delivery to site and provision of installation advice and commissioning support for a generator at each site in accordance with relevant specifications, drawings and standards

Gold Coast Tender Underground Service Locations - Release Date 27-Aug-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for suitably experienced, qualified and equipped Contractors to provide service locations preparatory to construction works.

Douglas SC Tender Pump Station Replacement - Release Date 13-Aug-2019: - Douglas Shire Council tender for the replacement of Pump Station 4E. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast tender Civil Works - Release Date 13-Aug-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for planned and reactive civil works relating to hydrants, manholes, plumbing or sewer inspection services and other water and sewer utilities. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request

Logan CC Tender Water Infrastructure Program Alliance - Release Date 29-Jul-2019: - Logan City Council tender to develop a Water Infrastructure Program Alliance Contract (previously titled ‘Logan Water Infrastructure Program Partnership’) from 1 July 2020 with suitable consulting and construction organisations for the planning and delivery of its water and wastewater capital works over the next five to nine years. The estimated program value will average $100M per year over the initial period of the Contract. This will include approximately $8M of infrastructure planning, asset

Longreach RC Tender Water Main Upgrades - Release Date 08-Jul-2019: - Longreach Regional Council tender for Longreach Water Mains upgrades. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Cassowary Coast Tender Bulgun Intake Reservoir - Release Date 04-Jul-2019: - Cassowary Coast Regional Council tender for the construction of a 4.5ML potable water reservoir and associated civil works at Bulgun. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Tender Water Main Replacement - Release Date 21-Jun-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for the construction of a water main replacement on Torquay Rd and Charles St, Hervey Bay. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast tender Stapylton Industrial Precinct - Release Date 21-Jun-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for the construction of sewerage pumping stations, deep gravity and rising mains at the Stapylton Industrial Precinct. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Tender Water Main Replacement Alice St - Release Date 27-May-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the design and construction, to replace the existing DN150 Cast Iron water main in Alice St, Maryborough. The overall length is approximately 1,880 meters. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Douglas SC Tender Water Main Replacement - Release Date 17-May-2019: - Douglas Shire Council tender for professional engineering services for the replacement of water main and sewer rising main. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Cassowary Coast RC Tender Reservoir Roof Replacement - Release Date 26-Apr-2019: - Cassowary Coast Regional Council tender for the design and construction of Stoters Reservoir roof replacement. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Moreton Bay RC Tender Water Quality Upgrade - Release Date 26-Apr-2019: - Moreton Bay Regional Council tender for a suitably qualified contractor for water quality improvements, specifically construction of a sediment pond and bioretention basis at Bells Creek, Redcliffe. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request

Gold Coast Tender Reservoir Supply Valves - Release Date 17-Apr-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for the design and construction of reservoir supply valve replacement at multiple locations. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

South Burnett RC Tender Water Main Replacement - Release Date 17-Apr-2019: - South Burnett Regional Council tender for the replacement of water reticulation mains and associated fittings including decommissioning of existing mains at a number of locations in Kingaroy, Queensland. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Clearwater Pump Station - Release Date 03-Apr-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for major augmentation works at the Teddington Water Treatment Plant Clearwater Pump Station. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Seqwater Tender South West Pipeline Project - Release Date 02-Apr-2019: - Seqwater tender to design and construct a new South West Pipeline to provide future water supply to the Beaudesert and Logan areas. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Moreton Bay RC Tender Pine Rivers Park Wetland - Release Date 29-Mar-2019: - Moreton Bay Regional Council tender for the construction of the Pine Rivers Park wetlands in Strathpine. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Reservoir Bypass Pipeline - Release Date 25-Mar-2019: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for the construction of a reservoir bypass pipeline. Qldwater has archived all documents relation to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Whitsunday RC Tender Bowen Water Main - Release Date 20-Mar-2019: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for the construction and replacement of the Bowen Water Main. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request

QUU Tender Water and Wastewater Networks Capital Works Programs - Release Date 13-Mar-2019: - QUU Tender inviting interest parties and industry participants to attend an industry briefing on the Water and Wastewater Networks Capital Works Program. Scope of works include multi-disciplinary engineering design and construction of brownfield and greenfield infrastructure in both water and wastewater programs. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

GAWB Tender Emergency Diesel Generators - Release Date 21-Feb-2019: - Gladstone Area Water Board tender to purchase two 650kVA mobile diesel generators. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this system and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast Tender Drinking Water Stations - Release Date 21-Feb-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for the augmentation of drinking water filling stations at various locations. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Goondiwindi RC Water Supply Network Analysis - Release Date 13-Feb-2019: - Goondiwindi Regional Council tender for water analysis systems, water models and diagnosis of inadequate drinking water supply. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast Tender Reservoir Decommissioning - Release Date 23-Jan-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for the decommissioning and stormwater upgrade at Tallai. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Fraser Coast RC Tender Urraween Reservoir Roof Liner Replacement - Release Date 11-Dec-2018: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender to replace the roof liner at Urraween Reservoir. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Toowoomba RC Tender Perseverance Raw Water Main - Release Date 11-Dec-2018: - Toowoomba Regional Council tender for the supply and delivery of ductile iron cement lined pressure pipes, valves and fittings for Perserverance Raw Water Main. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Southern Downs RC Tender Leslie Dam Pump Station - Release Date 29-Nov-2018: - Southern Downs Regional Council tender to design and construct the Leslie Dam Pump Station. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Isaac RC Tender Rising Main and Nebo Bore - Release Date 22-Nov-2018: - Isaac Regional Council tender of a connecting rising main and equipping of Nebo Bore 6. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Cassowary Coast RC Tender Stoters Hill Water Reservoir Works - Release Date 20-Nov-2018: - Cassowary Coast Regional Council tender for the floating roof replacement at Stoters Hill Water Reservoir, Innisfail Water Supply Scheme. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Cassowary Coast RC Tender Water Meter Replacement - Release Date 08-Nov-2018: - Cassowary Coast Regional Council tender to engage a contractor to carry our a water meter replacement program of selected water meters in the Innisfail region. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Burdekin SC Supply of Water Mains Leak Detection Equipment - Release Date 18-Oct-2018: - Burdekin Shire Council request for quotation for the supply of water mains leak detection equipment.

Douglas SC Tender Daintree Bore Stage 2 - Release Date 18-Oct-2018: - Douglas Shire Council tender for the construction and installation of Daintree Bore stage 2. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Cassowary Coast RC Tender Wheatleys Hill Reservoir - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - Cassowary Coast Regional Council tender for the construction of Wheatley's Hill Reservoir and associated works. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

DITID Tender Submarine Cable and Potable Water Pipeline - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - The Department of Innovation, Tourism Industry Development and the Commonwealth Games (DITID) request for quote to undertake a Bathymetric & Marine Geophysical Survey of proposed Great Keppel Island Submarine Cable and Potable Water Pipeline as part of the Great Keppel Island (GKI) Rejuvenation Project. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

GAWB Tender Cleaning Contractor Site Facilities - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - Gladstone Area Water Board tender for experienced cleaning contractor to provide cleaning services for its offices and site facilities. qldwater has archived all document relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Isaac RC Tender Nebo WTP and Reservoirs - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - Isaac Regional Council request for tender for the design and construction of the Nebo Water Treatment Plant and Reservoirs. qldwater has archived all document and drawings related to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Southern Downs RC Tender Storm King Dam Water Pipeline - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - Southern Downs Regional Council tender to renew the Storm King Dam water pipeline from the dam to Stanthorpe Water Treatment Plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Bundaberg RC Tender Mon Repos Water and Sewer Pipelines - Release Date 06-Aug-2018: - Bundaberg Regional Council tender for the construction of Mon Repos water and sewer pipelines. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Seqwater Beaudesert WTP Storage Upgrade - Release Date 06-Aug-2018: - Seqwater tender for the detailed design and construction of two new treated water storage reservoirs adjacent to the existing Beaudesert Water Treatment Plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Douglas SC Mossman Whyanbeel Water Scheme Interconnector - Release Date 31-Jul-2018: - Douglas Shire Council tender to connect its Whyanbeel and Mossman water schemes as part of the Mossman Whyanbeel Water Scheme Interconnector State 2 Project. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender Testing of Backflow Prevention Devices - Release Date 18-Jul-2018: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the testing, repair, installation and maintenance of backflow prevention devices across the region. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Townsville CC Tender Cungulla Reservoir Tower Upgrade - Release Date 18-Jul-2018: - Townsville City Council tender (construct only) for the Cungulla Reservoir Tower Upgrade. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.


We have collated interesting presentations from our events over the years. We thank our presenters for allowing us to share their knowledge.

Annual Forum Presentation Dushyant Patel - Release Date 19-Sep-2022: - Dushyant Patel from Mackay Regional Council provides an overview of using satellite imagery to detect leaks.

Annual Forum Presentation James Gardner WSAA - Release Date 19-Sep-2022: - James Gardner from WSAA provides an overview of water pipe relining technologies.

Annual Forum Presentation Murray Evans - Release Date 19-Sep-2022: - Murray Evans from the City of Logan presents "Simple stuff - managing non revenue water using acoustic technologies".

Port Douglas Regional Conference Automated Metering Case Study Alex Ung - Release Date 07-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Regional Conference Automated Metering Toowoomba Case Study by Alex Ung

Port Douglas Regional Conference Automated Metering Case Study Dr Cara Beal - Release Date 07-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Regional Conference Automated Metering Case Study by Dr Cara Beal: AM in First Nations Communities

Port Douglas Regional Conference Automated Metering Case Study Wayne Kristalyn - Release Date 07-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Automated Metering Session: Port Douglas case study by Wayne Kristalyn

Port Douglas Regional Conference Presentation David Stevens - Release Date 07-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Regional Conference Presentation by David Stevens, Cairns Regional Council: Cairns Water Security - Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

Port Douglas Conference Presentation Ravenshoe Regional Water Quality Improvement Plan - Release Date 08-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Conference presentation by Jon Turner, Megan Cappella and Danielle Jensen from Tablelands Regional Council: Ravenshoe Regional Water Quality Improvement Plan

Fundamentals Webinar Reservoir Integrity - Release Date 08-Oct-2021: - In this presentation, Murray Thompson explains the main functions of reservoirs as secure and safe sources of drinking water to consumers, taking into account poor reservoir design, operation and maintenance. Murray provides examples of typical integrity failures and poor water quality outcomes for customers, explaining that every drinking water reservoir is a Critical Control Point in water supply.

Automated Metering Presentation Andrea Thayer - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop 2021 - Mackay Regional Council AMR Project Update by Andrea Thayer

Automated Metering Presentation Chris Owen - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop 2021 - City of Gold Coast AMR Project Update by Chris Owen

Automated Metering Presentation David Brooker - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop - Urban Utilities AMR Project Update by David Brooker

Automated Metering Presentation Ivan Di Giusto - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop Presentation - Extracting Value from Vendors by Ivan Di Giusto

Automated Metering Presentation Jaason Englesmit - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop Keynote Opening Address by Jaason Englesmith from Jacobs Worldwide

Automated Metering Presentation James Goode - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop Presentation - Digital Futures for Water Utilities by James Goode from WSAA

Automated Metering Presentation Lalji Rathod - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop Presentation - Southern Downs Regional Council new AMR Project update by Lalji Rathod

Automated Metering Presentation Mostafiz Rahman - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop presentation - Gladstone Regional Council new AMR project update by Mostafiz Rahman

Automated Metering Presentation Stephen Jewell - Release Date 21-Sep-2021: - Automated Metering Workshop presentation - Mount Isa new AMR project update by Stephen Jewell

Fundamentals Webinar Telcos on Tanks - Release Date 29-Jul-2021: - In this presentation, Murray Thompson provides guidance for workers to safely access reservoir sites with mobile phone antennas, dishes and panels, including an overview of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy (EME), working safely near antennas, how to use Radman personal radiation monitoring devices and safe operating procedures for accessing and inspecting reservoirs.

Fundamentals Webinar Disinfection of Water Assets - Release Date 27-May-2021: - Murray Thompson presents the Fundamentals of the Disinfection of Water Assets, an overview of actions that need to be taken to prevent the contamination of drinking water when working on or near water infrastructure. 

Barcaldine Presentation Ski Park Leanna Patterson - Release Date 26-May-2021: - Barcaldine Water Ski Park by Leanna Patterson, Barcaldine Regional Council

Fundamentals Webinar Electrical Safety - Release Date 28-Apr-2021: - Murray Thompson presents the Fundamentals of Electric Safety when working on metallic pipes as part of the Fundamentals Webinar Series.

Fundamentals Webinar 6 Backflow Awareness - Release Date 29-Jan-2021: - Murray Thompson highlights the importance of awareness and control over cross connections. The presentation include examples of good and bad practice and links to further resources.

Fundamentals Webinar #5 Water Main Flushing - Release Date 08-Dec-2020: - Murray Thompson presents the Fundamentals of Water Hygiene - water main flushing and environmental impacts. We all have a responsibility to provide safe, good quality drinking water from the catchment to tap. There is also a need for us to consider and manage potential negative impacts associated with the discharge of chlorinated water to the environment. In this presentation Murray reflects on what “Environmental Harm” means and what we can do to minimise the impact of chlorine and other chemicals when flushing water mains.

2020 Atherton Conference Presentation Kezia Drane - Release Date 13-Oct-2020: - Atherton Conference presentation by Kezia Drane, James Cook University: Water and Sewerage Research for Townsville City Council

2020 Atherton Conference Presentation Laura Kuskopf - Release Date 13-Oct-2020: - Atherton Conference presentation by Laura Kuskopf, James Cook University: Water and Sewerage Research for Townsville City Council

2020 Atherton Conference Presentation Laura Shiels - Release Date 13-Oct-2020: - Atherton Conference 2020 - Presentation by Laura Shiels, Townsville City Council: Analysis of Naegleria fowleri in a Tropical Distribution Network

Essentials Webinar 14 Mark Herrman - Release Date 22-Sep-2020: - Long Term Recycled Water Release Program – constructing marine crossings on the GC  by Mark Herrman, City of Gold Coast. Mark talked about a major pipeline project drilling under the the Broadwater and the Nerang River to provide a pipeline to a seaway release point.

Essentials Webinar 12 Neels Kloppers - Release Date 24-Jul-2020: - Essentials Webinar #12 - Presentation by Neels Kloppers. Neels is Gladstone RC’s Manager Asset Performance and Monitoring and has been responsible for attempting to drive improvement in councils’ renewal programs.  His presentation will include a bit of history on various technologies trialled including CCTV assessment and video interpretation, data management and other network infrastructure condition assessment activities. 

Essentials Webinar #10 Daniel Muir - Release Date 19-Jun-2020: - Essentials Webinar #10 Presentation by Daniel Muir, Urban Utilities - Smart linings CRC learnings

Essentials Webinar #10 Prabhu Krishnasamy - Release Date 19-Jun-2020: - Essentials Webinar #10 Presentation by Prabhu Krishnasamy - High-tech tools for high risk condition assessments.

Essentials Webinar #8 Shaun Johnston - Release Date 01-Jun-2020: - Essentials Webinar #8: Presentation by Shaun Johnston, Burdekin Shire Council - Old style asset management still has a place.

Essentials Webinar 5 Presentation James Goode - Release Date 18-May-2020: - James Goode from WSAA described how WSAA is assisting the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) with the development of Good Practice Guidelines for the management of AC pipes, which are currently in review.  James provides the background for the development of the draft guidelines, which will be released for broader consultation in June or July 2020.

2019 Hervey Bay Presentation Michael Doherty - Release Date 30-Jul-2019: - Hervey Bay Regional Conference 2019 Presentation: Michael Doherty, Gympie Regional Council - The SCADA journey for our infrastructure

2019 Townsville Presentation DBYD - Release Date 15-Jul-2019: - Townsville Mini Conference July 2019 - presentation by Terry O'Keeffe, DBYD: Is your organisation ahead of the game?

2019 Townsville Presentation Mark Harvey - Release Date 15-Jul-2019: - Townsville Mini Conference 2019 - presentation by Mark Harvey, Charters Towers Regional Council: Charters Towers planning case study or... you want to put a reservoir where?

2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation Aneurin Hughes - Release Date 18-Jun-2019: - 2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation: Case study Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance and renewals program. Aneurin Hughes, Cardno

2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation Rob and Ryan - Release Date 18-Jun-2019: - 2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation: Infrastructure Cliff? Queensland's ageing water and sewer assets report and cost implications for in-ground assets. Rob Fearon and Ryan Cosgrove, qldwater

2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation Stuart Wilson - Release Date 18-Jun-2019: - 2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation: WSAA's Strategic Asset Management initiative and the "bow wave" by Stuart Wilson, WSAA

2019 Asset Management Workshop Troy Kasper - Release Date 18-Jun-2019: - 2019 Asset Management Workshop Presentation: Case study: Logan's alignment with ISO 55000 without seeking full certification. Troy Kasper, Logan City Council

2019 Biloela Conference Presentation FRW - Release Date 08-Apr-2019: - 2019 Biloela Conference Presentation by Evan Davison Yaamba Road 600mm Trunk Water Main Relocation Project

2019 Biloela Conference Presentation REMOTE Worker - Release Date 08-Apr-2019: - 2019 Biloela Conference presentation by Susan Petersen from Gladstone Regional Council - Remote Lone Worker Procedures

2019 Biloela Conference Presentation Terry DBYD - Release Date 08-Apr-2019: - 2019 Biloela Conference Presentation Terry O'Keeffe DBYD

2018 Annual Forum Preso City of Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Drinking Water Quality - Release Date 13-Sep-2018: - 2018 Annual Forum presentation by Kris Pardoe, City of Gold Coast: Commonwealth Games - Drinking Water Quality.

2018 Annual Forum Preso City of Gold Coast Holistic Metering Services Contract - Release Date 13-Sep-2018: - 2018 Annual Forum Presentation by Scott Emmonds, City of Gold Coast: Holistic Metering Services Contract.

2018 Bundaberg Preso Chris Pipe Martin Logan City Council - Release Date 08-Oct-2018: - Bundaberg Conference Presentation by Chris Pipe Martin from Logan City Council - Round Mountain Electrochlorinator. This presentation was filmed and can be viewed at

2018 Bundaberg Preso Jeff Rohdmann BRC - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Jeff Rohdmann, Bundaberg Regional Council: Detection of PFAS in Bundaberg City Groundwater Supply.

2018 Bundaberg Preso Matthew Cook North Burnett - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Matthew Cook, North Burnett Regional Council: A "fit for purpose" water meter reading solution for a small regional council.

2018 Bundaberg Preso Rob Stone Gympie Regional Council - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Rob Stone, Gympie Regional Council: 2018 Water Main Cleaning Program - Utilising detection services No-Des technology.

2018 Bundaberg Preso Ryan Catling WBW - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Ryan Catling, Wide Bay Water: An alternative approach to disinfection modelling.

2018 Bundaberg Preso Toni Stiles DNRME - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Toni Stiles, DNRME: Regulator Update - Cybersecurity and Guideline Development.

2018 Goondiwindi Preso Ryan Cosgrove - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - Goondiwindi Regional Conference 2018 - presentation by Ryan Cosgrove: Infrastructure Cliff - Fact or Fiction?

2018 Cloncurry Presentation Terry OKeeffe DBYD - Release Date 30-Oct-2018: - Cloncurry Regional Conference 2018. Presentation by Terry O'Keeffe from Dial Before You Dig - Protecting Assets.

Brian Hester Disinfection Presentation Ozwater - Release Date 23-Apr-2018: - Brian Hester Ozwater Presentation: A review of the disinfection requirements during maintenance and project work on drinking water assets.

2018 Skills Forum Presentation Brad Milfull LCC - Release Date 30-Oct-2018: - Skills Forum 2018. Presentation by Brad Milfull, Logan City Council: Water Industry Worker Training Program - the Logan City Council experience 2009 to 2018 (and into the future).

2018 Skills Forum Presentation Kent Weeden CoGC - Release Date 30-Oct-2018: - Skills Forum 2018. Presentation by Kent Weeden, City of Gold Coast: Experiences with implementing the Water Industry Worker training program in SEQ.

2017 Annual Forum Presentation Ryan Cosgrove - Release Date 20-Sep-2017: - Queensland Water Regional Alliances Program buried infrastructure research project update by Rob Fearon and Ryan Cosgrove, qldwater

2017 NQ Conference Mackay Presentation Robin Hagen Isaac Regional Council - Release Date 19-Jul-2017: - 2017 NQ Conference Mackay. Presentation by Robin Hagen, Isaac Regional Council: Water and Wastewater Management Challenges in Isaac

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Fraser Coast - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop presentation by Fraser Coast Regional Council

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Gold Coast - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation by Kevin Page, City of Gold Coast

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Darren Polla-Mounter and Ray Aspey Unitywater - Release Date 25-May-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop. Presentation by Darren Polla-Mounter and Ray Aspey, Unitywater: Unitywater’s system Leakage Journey

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Dave Cameron - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop presentation by Dave Cameron

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Jeremy Thomas Logan City Council - Release Date 25-May-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation by Jeremy Thomas, Logan City Council: Logan’s Leakage Journey

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation John Mann Fraser Coast Regional Council - Release Date 25-May-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop. Presentation by John Mann, Fraser Coast Regional Council: Coast DMA’s / PMA’s

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Kevin Page Gold Coast - Release Date 25-May-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop. Presentation by Kevin Page, Gold Coast: GCW Leakage Journey and current position

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Kylie Rogers Mackay Regional Council - Release Date 25-May-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop. Presentation by Kylie Rogers, Mackay Regional Council: Leak Management – the MRC Approach

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Logan - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop presentation by Logan Shire Council.

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Rob Mahony Queensland Urban Utilities - Release Date 25-May-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop. Presentation by Rob Mahony, Queensland Urban Utilities: Unaccounted for water program approach

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation QUU - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation by Queensland Urban Utilities

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Unitywater - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation by Unitywater

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation Mackay - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop Presentation by Mackay Regional Council

2017 Leakage Management Workshop Fraser Coast 2 - Release Date 12-Jun-2017: - 2017 Leakage Management Workshop presentation by Fraser Coast Regional Council

2017 Central Queensland Conference Yeppon Presentation Troy Leyden Rockhampton Regional Council - Release Date 22-Mar-2017: - 2017 Central Queensland Conference Yeppon. Presentation by Troy Leyden, Rockhampton Regional Council: Lucas Street Reservoir & WPS Temporary Bypass Solution

2017 South West Queensland Conference Dalby Presentation Paul Banfield SUEZ - Release Date 01-Mar-2017: - 2017 South West Queensland Conference Dalby. Presentation by Paul Banfield, SUEZ: Ice Pigging

2017 South West Queensland Conference Dalby Presentation Renee Henry DEWS - Release Date 01-Mar-2017: - 2017 South West Queensland Conference Dalby. Presentation by Renee Henry, DEWS: Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Review and Audit

2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Presentation Sam Pickett Jose Castineyra and Aed MacPhadin - Release Date 16-Feb-2017: - 2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop Presentation by Sam Pickett, Jose Castineyra and Aed MacPhadin, Queensland Urban Utilities: WHERE TECHNOLOGY IS HEADING

2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop Presentation Andy Wyer Unitywater - Release Date 16-Feb-2017: - Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop 2017. Presentation by Andy Wyer, Unitywater: DIGITAL METER PILOT EXPERIENCE

2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop Presentation Chris Manning Townsville City Counci - Release Date 16-Feb-2017: - Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop 2017. Presentation by Chris Manning, Townsville City Council: Role of innovation and smart technology in Sustainability

2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop Presentation Chris Owen City of Gold Coast - Release Date 16-Feb-2017: - Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop 2017. Presentation by Chris Owen, City of Gold Coast: Smart Metering DirectionQld Water Automated Metering/Digital Utilities Workshop

2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop Presentation Ian Johnson Cairns Regional Council - Release Date 16-Feb-2017: - 2017 Automated Metering Digital Utilities Workshop. Presentation by Dr Ian Johnson, Cairns Regional Council: Automated Meter Management

2017 Automated Metering Workshop Cairns FNQ Automated Metering Trials - Release Date 23-Feb-2017: - 2017 Automated Metering Workshop presentation by Cairns Regional Council

2017 Automated Metering Workshop Presentation - Dave Cameron, qldwater - Release Date 22-Feb-2017: - 2017 Automated Metering Workshop Presentation - Dave Cameron, qldwater

2016 Innovation Forum Presentation Linda Roberts Mackay Regional Council - Release Date 15-Sep-2016: - Innovation Forum 2016. Presentation by Linda Roberts Mackay Regional Council: MiWater Update

2016 Innovation Forum Presentation Phil Richter Queensland Urban Utilities - Release Date 15-Sep-2016: - Innovation Forum 2016. Presentation by Phil Richter, Queensland Urban Utilities: Better Management of Stored Water Assets

2016 Innovation Forum Presentation Richard Petterson Urban Utilities - Release Date 15-Sep-2016: - Innovation Forum 2016. Presentation by Richard Petterson, Urban Utilities: Case Study: Transferring Business, Planned Maintenance (Peter Best)

2016 Townsville North Queensland Regional Conference Presentation Esther Bank - Release Date 20-Jul-2016: - Townsville North Queensland Regional Conference 2016. Presentation by Esther Bank, Townsville Water and Waste: Townsville’s Water Reservoir Strategy and its Implementation

2016 Townsville North Queensland Regional Conference Presentation Terry O'Keeffe Dial Before You Dig - Release Date 20-Jul-2016: - Townsville North Queensland Regional Conference 2016 Presentation by Terry O'Keeffe, Dial Before You Dig: DBYD LOCATOR CERTIFICATION

2016 Hervey Bay Regional Conference Presentation Denis Heron Wide Bay Water Corporation - Release Date 14-Apr-2016: - Hervey Bay Regional Conference 2016. Presentation by Denis Heron, Wide Bay Water Corporation: Wide Bay Water’s Approach to THM Management

2015 Innovation Event presentation Trevor Dean - Release Date 26-Nov-2015: - 2015 Innovation Forum presentation by Trevor Dean, Wide Bay Water Corporation: THM Reduction Via Reservoir Aeration - Wide Bay Water Corporation's economic solution to achieve ADWG limits for THMs in Maryborough.

2015 Gold Coast Conference Presentation Scott Casey Bundaberg Regional Council - Release Date 20-Aug-2015: - Gold Coast SEQ Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Scott Casey, Bundaberg Regional Council: Work management systems

2015 Cairns Far North Queensland Conference Presentation Michael Lever Leveredge - Release Date 08-May-2015: - Cairns Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Michael Lever, Leveredge: Waterborne Disease Epidemics

2015 Rockhampton Regional Conference Presentation Julian Tickle Townsville City Council - Release Date 16-Apr-2015: - Rockhampton Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Julian Tickle, Townsville City Council: Townsville Water and Waste Chlorate Project

2015 Rockhampton Regional Conference Presentation Mark Harvey Townsville City Council - Release Date 16-Apr-2015: - Rockhampton Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Mark Harvey, Townsville City Council: DWQMP – Taking it off the shelf

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