Past Events

Please follow the tabs to see events for each year.

Events 2024

Date Location Host Event
6 March 2024 Teams


Essentials Webinar: Land Use Safety Planning for Chlorine Gas Facilities

Ben Fleming, Senior Safety Advisor at the Major Hazard Facilities Unit within the Office of Industrial Relations presented on land use safety planning for chlorine gas facilities, providing an overview of the application of safety and planning regulations to hazardous chemicals including the primary planning instruments for chlorine installations.

To watch a recording and to download Ted's presentation, click here.

21 March Teams


Essentials Webinar: Changes to the National Performance Report (NPR): how it will affect your annual reporting requirements

Dr David Scheltinga, Manager of the qldwater Statewide Water Information Management System (SWIM) presented on the upcoming changes to the National Performance Report (NPR): how it will affect your annual reporting requirements.

To watch a recording and to download Matthew's presentation, click here.

19 April Parliament House


Water Skills Forum 2024

The Water Skills Forum 2024 was held at Parliament House, Brisbane.

To view recordings or download presentations from the forum,
click here. This is a member only page so please log in first.

23 April Teams


Essentials Webinar: Ensuring Telcos meet regulatory requirements to protect critical water assets

Carmel Serratore, Principal Consultant at Integrated Legal Solutions and previously Legal Counsel for Seqwater stepped through the new legal agreement template (Telco Land Access Agreement or TLAA) which has been prepared for qldwater to assist its members when dealing with a licensed carrier seeking to deploy low impact facilities (in particular, under a LAAN pursuant to Schedule 3 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth)). The TLAA seeks to ensure telecommunication providers and their personnel/contractors meet their legislated (and contractual) requirements whilst protecting the interests and ongoing rights of urban water service providers (WSPs).

To watch a recording and to download Carmel's presentation, click here.

8 May Teams


Fundamentals Webinar: Introduction to SCADA

Murray Thompson provides an introduction and overview of SCADA and telemetry systems utilised within the water and sewerage industry including practical workplace examples of how these systems operate on a day-to-day basis. It is designed for field and operations staff to ensure they are able to confidently monitor, operate and report upon the performance of their water and sewerage assets and also response appropriately to events and alarms.

This webinar is part of the qldwater Urban Water Micro Credential Program 2023 Project and acts as an introduction to a series of Micro-Credential courses which will be delivered between June and September 2024.

To watch a recording and to download Murray's presentation, click here.

13-17 May Various


Water Connections Week 2024

The 2024 Water Connections Tour included visits to Mount Isa, Cloncurry, Julia Creek, Richmond, Hughenden and Winton.

The Water Connections Tour has been developed to allow participants to gain insights into the issues and challenges of providing essential urban water services to regional and remote Queensland communities. It provides an opportunity to bring together both state and federal government to gain first-hand insights of  issues identified in the Urban Water Risk Assessment and compliance for wastewater treatment assets.

Thanks to our Water Connections Tour sponsor, Lackon, for their financial contribution and providing a project management expert to accompany the tour delegation.

14 May Teams


Fundamentals Webinar: Using Data Effectively

James Howey from Viridis presented an introduction to Micro-Credential to be delivered later this year. This non accredited training course is intended to help staff appreciate the value of using water quality data collected as part of operational roles. It also aims at helping make use of tools like Excel spreadsheets and swimlocal to record data, see data trends, identify emerging issues, make informed decisions on corrective actions and comply with the organisation’s Drinking Water Quality Management Plan (DWQMP).

To watch a recording and to download Murray's presentation, click here.

22 May Teams


Fundamentals Webinar: Drinking Water Quality Management Plans

James Howey from Viridis presented an introduction to Micro-Credential to be delivered later this year. This non accredited training course is aimed at helping operators and operational support staff understand the importance of a Drinking Water Quality Management Plan (DWQMP) and the critical role operators play in ensuring the thorough implementation of the DWQMP. This training assists operational staff understand the critical management plan operational touch points, to ensure the plan meets its intended purpose to supply safe drinking water and manage risks from catchment to consumer.

To watch a recording and to download Murray's presentation, click here.

Events 2023

Date Location Host Event
26 October Teams


Essentials Webinar: Managing Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) through your Drinking Water Quality Management Plan

Blue green algae outbreaks in surface waters can be challenging for water service providers, especially when coupled with other risks that are heightened by high temperatures. In this presentation, Ted Aldred from the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water identifies where water service providers Drinking Water Quality Management Plans address those risks. The Q&A session addressed ways for water service providers to capture the emergent risk that HAB might present and included some lived experiences from service providers who are successfully managing those risks.

To watch a recording and to download Ted's presentation, click here.

19 October Teams


Essentials Webinar: BOM climate and water outlook for the coming season

At the end of 2019 Queensland was in drought and moisture content in soils was very low across Queensland, in some places the lowest on record. This was alleviated by the following two years being wetter than average including major flood events in SEQ and NSW during 2022. At the end of 2023 many catchments are very dry, especially those in SEQ where winter rainfall fell in the lowest 10% of historical records. Greater rainfall will be required to cause catchment inflows into our dams. The seasonal forecast for November is for rainfall very much below median, with totals likely to fall in the lowest 20% of records for much of the state. At the same time, the chance of temperature being above median is above 80% for the whole state, with a high chance of record temperatures across Queensland. We are in for a hot dry summer, which will have follow on effects for water security across the state. In this comprehensive overview, Matthew Coulton from the Bureau of Meteorology provided history and insights into the various climate outlook products that are available from BOM, all of which are regularly updated.

To watch a recording and to download Matthew's presentation, click here.

5 - 7 September Toowoomba

Toowoomba Regional Council

Annual Forum 2023

The Annual Forum 2023 was held at the qldwater office at Eagle Farm, Brisbane.

For an overview of the day and to download presentations, click here. Members will need to log in to download presentations.

15 - 19 May Central Queensland


Water Connections Week

The tour itinerary included visits to treatment plants, meetings with key staff and elected representatives and local hospitality in the South Burnett, North Burnett, Cherbourg, Fraser Coast, Woorabinda, Gladstone and Bundaberg Council areas.
View our Water Connections story map here.

8 June Eagle Farm


Water Skills Forum 2023

The Water Skills Forum 2023 was held at the qldwater office at Eagle Farm, Brisbane.

To view recordings or download presentations from the forum,
click here. This is a member only page so please log in first.

9 June Eagle Farm


Strategic Priorities Meeting

Events 2022

Date Location Host Event
22 February MS Teams qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Common Challenges and Controls for Water Reuse - presented by Ben McClatchie
Fundamentals Webinars (
04 March Eagle Farm


Strategic Priorities Meeting

15 March MS Teams


Fundamentals Webinar

Presence/Absence of E. coli Test - presented by Terry Fagg

Fundamentals Webinars (

24 - 25 March Yeppoon

Livingstone Shire Council

Livingstone Regional Conference

To view the presentations from the conference, click here.
This is a member only page (

10 - 12 May Brisbane qldwater AWA - OzWater Brisbane
23 - 24 May Port Douglas Douglas Shire Council Port Douglas Regional Conference
To view presentations from the conference, click here. 
This is a member only page (
31 May MS Teams qldwater Fundamentals Webinar 
Lagoon Management presented by Kathryn Turner, Urban Utilities
Fundamentals Webinars (
2 June Eagle Farm


Water Skills Forum 2022

The Water Skills Forum 2022 was held at the qldwater office at Eagle Farm, Brisbane.

To view presentations from the forum, click here.
This is a member only page (
3 June Eagle Farm


Strategic Priorities Meeting

13 - 14 July Gympie

Gympie Regional Council

Gympie Regional Conference

To view the presentations from the conference, click here.

This is a member only page (

06 September Gold Coast

City of Gold Coast

Annual Forum 2022 Day 1 - Research and Innovation Showcase

07 September Gold Coast

City of Gold Coast

Annual Forum 2022 Day 2 - Gold Coast Tour Day

The second day included site tours of the Tugun desalination plant with thanks to Seqwater, and Merrimac recycled water projects with thanks to City of Gold Coast. This was followed by the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test, some presentations from City of Gold Coast on local issues and challenges and the annual vendor pitches – which support scholarships for qldwater members to attend industry events.

The Annual Forum Dinner followed, with entertainment supplied via “A beer and a chat with the Elder Water Professionals.”

08 September Gold Coast

City of Gold Coast

Annual Forum 2022 Day 3 - Annual Forum Day

09-Sepember Eagle Farm


Strategic Priorities Meeting

15 September MS Teams


Fundamentals Webinar

The Fundamentals of Trickle Filters - presented by Terry Fagg

View Recording of Webinar Here

Fundamentals Webinars (

10 November MS Teams


Fundamentals Webinar

The Fundamentals of Inflow and Infiltration - presented by Dominique Keirens, City of Gold Coast

09 December MS Teams


Strategic Priorities Meeting

Events 2021

Date Location Host Event
19 January
MS Teams
Fundamentals Webinar
Backflow/Cross Connection Awareness & Control
presented by Murray Thompson
28 January MS Teams qldwater Essentials Webinar
Seven year major sewer upgrade project that is approaching completion
presented by Nadine Story and Noel Ralph
Innovations in Asset Management
presented by Dr Joe Mathew
17-18 February Goondiwindi qldwater & NSW Water Directorate Sustainable Services for Regional and Remote Communities
23 February
MS Teams
Fundamentals Webinar
Working with Chemicals & Hazardous Substances
presented by Murray Thompson
4 March Eagle Farm qldwater Water Skills Forum 2021
5 March Eagle Farm qldwater Strategic Priorities Group Meeting
11 March MS Teams qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Pumping Fundamentals
presented by Terry Fagg
15 April Zoom qldwater Essentials Webinar
THM Management in Drinking Water Networks
Speakers: Stuart Boyd, Duncan Middleton, Cameron Ansell, Phil Wetherell
Panellists: Phil Wetherell. Paul Sherman, Terry Fagg
22 April Ms Teams qldwater Emerging Contaminants and Biosolids Workshop
27 April Zoom qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Electrical Safety Working on Metallic Pipes
presented by Murray Thompson
19-20 May Barcaldine qldwater Barcaldine Regional Conference
25 May Zoom qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Disinfection of Water Assets
presented by Murray Thompson
4 June MS Teams qldwater Strategic Priorities Group Meeting
10 June Zoom qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Jar Testing
presented by Terry Fagg
22 June Zoom qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Guide to CT Measurement & Application
presented by Murray Thompson
21-22 July Zoom qldwater Charters Towers Regional Conference
27 July Zoom qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
RF Exposure & SafetyWorking on Reservoirs
presented by Murray Thompson
17 August Zoom qldwater Fundamentals Webinar
Offline and Online Remote Assistance Technologies for Regional and Remote Water Service Providers
presented by David Francis, CEO Virtual Method
19 August Zoom qldwater Essentials Webinar
Drinking Water Quality
presented by Terry Fagg & Mark Harvey
7-9 September Alexandra Hills Hotel qldwater
qldwater Annual Forum 2021
qldwater Members can access recordings and presentations of the Automated Metering and Annual Forum Day
10 September Ms Teams qldwater Strategic Priorities Group Meeting
21 September Zoom qldwater
QWRAP Webinar  Artificial Intelligence for CCTV Analysis
28 September Zoom qldwater
Essentials Webinar (Special Edition)
COVID Sewage Surveillance
7 October Zoom qldwater
Fundamentals Webinar
Water Supply Reservoir Integrity a Critical Control Point (CCP) in Drinking Water Management Systems
presented by Murray Thompson
19 October Zoom qldwater
Fundamentals Webinar
The Basics of Instrumentation Vertification and Validation
presented by Gary Fenwick, Urban Utilities
21 October Zoom qldwater
qCRAC-SWEAP Contaminants Source Control Workshop
2 November Zoom qldwater
Essentials Webinar
Unitywater's Automated Metering Journey
presented by Steve McDonald, Unitywater
16 November Zoom qldwater
Fundamentals Webinar
Seasonal Disaster Readiness
presented by Trevor Harvey
3 December Ms Teams qldwater
Strategic Priorities Group Meeting

Events 2020

Date Location Host Event
5 March Virginia qldwater Queensland Water Skills Forum
6 March Virginia qldwater TRG Meeting
9 April GoToWebinar qldwater Webinar: Responses to COVID-19
9 April GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #1 - including COVID-19 update
16 April GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #2 - Overview of corrosion and odour management in sewer systems, and an aviator's approach to managing water services during a crisis
23 April GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #4 - COVID Facts and the Water Sector, and Developing Cairns' Organic Waste Roadmap
29 April
30 April GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #4 - Creating a Universal Point of Entry Drinking Water System for Rural Areas Using IoT, and update on Townsville contaminants research 
7 May GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #5 - Floating Treatment Wetlands: A Nature-based Solution for a Small Rural Community at Kenilworth and WSAA Asbestos Water Pipes Best Practice Guidelines
14 May GoToWebinar qldwater qldwaterEssentials Webinar #6 - Regulator Update (DNRME), Townsville: A Water Sensitive City in the Making
13-14 May Goondiwindi Goondiwindi Regional Council qldwater Small / remote communities workshop - POSTPONED, NEW DATE TBA
21 May GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #7 - Intelligent Water Networks, How to Prepare Future Leaders for the Transition from Tools to Team, WSAA COVID-19 response
28 May GoToWebinar
qldwater Essentials Webinar #8 -Old School Asset Condition Assessment, Department of Environment and Science Update
4 June GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #9 -Cool Wastewater Treatment Projects at Helidon, ColoSSus - COVID-19 Sewage Monitoring
17 June GoToWebinar qldwater Water Skills Partnership Fundamentals Webinar #1 - Media Filter Backwashing
18 June GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #10 - High-tech tools for high risk condition assessment, Smart lining CRC learnings
23 June Albion qldwater TRG Meeting - VIDEOCONFERENCE
25 June GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #11 - Managing PFAS in biosolids at the City of Gold Coast and CCTV and Asset Data Management at Gladstone Regional Council
23 July GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #12 - 90 minute Productivity Commission Special and CCTV and Asset Data Management at Gladstone Regional Council
20 August GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #13 -The Sunwater Cultural Journey, Protect Sewer and Program Management Software
10 Sept Eagle Farm / GoToWebinar Sigura Sigura Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test - it's game on!
11 Sept Eagle Farm / MS Teams qldwater TRG Meeting
17 September GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #14 -Logan gasification demonstration plant, options for demonstrating sustainability in a water business and long term recycled water release program on the Gold Coast
6 Oct GoToWebinar qldwater Water Skills Partnership Fundamentals Webinar #2 - High-Pressure Water Jetting - clearing sewer chokes and blockages by Murray Thompson
7-8 Oct Atherton Tablelands Regional Council FNQ Regional Mini-Conference
15 October GoToWebinar qldwater qldwater Essentials Webinar #15 - MegaShut by Urban Utilities, Biosolids to Bioproducts by Unitywater and CRC-p the WSAA Perspective
21 Oct GoToWebinar qldwater Water Skills Partnership Fundamentals Webinar #3 - The fundamentals of chlorine disinfection by Terry Fagg
10 Nov GoToWebinar qldwater Water Skills Partnership Fundamentals Webinar #4
18-19 Nov Twin Waters AWA AWA QWater/ NQWater Conference
26 Nov GoToWebinar qldwater Essentials Webinar #16 - Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) Mutual Aid Guidelines, TigerNix Asset Failure Predictive Analytics and Lagoon pH licence amendments
2 Dec GoToWebinar qldwater Water Skills Partnership Fundamentals Webinar #5
4 Dec MS Teams qldwater SPG Meeting

Events 2019

In 2019 qldwater hosted the second Water Skills Partnership Forum and held regional mini conferences in Biloela, Charleville, Townsville and Hervey Bay. Other qldwater events included two Reef Councils Wastewater Stewardship Strategic Assessment Project workshops, an Asset Management Workshop and the Annual Forum in Logan.

Date Location Host Event
7 March Albion qldwater Queensland Water Skills Partnership Forum
28 March Biloela Banana Shire Council Regional Mini-Conference
 2 May Brisbane  qldwater qldwater Emerging Contaminants WorkshopThis event is free for speakers and for up to two representatives per qldwater member, with additional attendees charged at $100 per person. For further information contact
 13 May Brisbane  Paroo Shire Council qldwater Water Connections Tour Day 1 - Cunnamulla
Brisbane  Bulloo Shire Council qldwater Water Connections Tour Day 2 - Thargomindah
Brisbane  Quilpie Shire Council qldwater Water Connections Tour Day 3 - Quilpie
Brisbane  Murweh Shire Council qldwater Water Connections Tour Day 4 - Charleville
Brisbane  Murweh Shire Council qldwater Water Connections Tour Day 5 and Regional Mini Conference, Charleville
4 June Brisbane qldwater Reef Councils Wastewater Stewardship Strategic Assessment (WWSSA) Project
13 June Brisbane qldwater qldwater Asset Management Workshop
3 July Townsville Townsville City Council SWIM/swimlocal training and workshop
4 July Townsville Townsville City Council QWRAP meeting, site tour of Haughton Pipeline and dinner
5 July Townsville Townsville City Council Regional Mini-Conference
25 July Hervey Bay Fraser Coast Regional Council QWRAP alliance meeting, tour of a range of sites in Maryborough and Hervey Bay and dinner
26 July Hervey Bay Fraser Coast Regional Council  Regional Mini-Conference

11 Sept Logan Logan City Council qldwater Annual Forum Day 1 including technical tour showcasing Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance activities
12 Sept Logan Logan City Council qldwater Annual Forum Day 2 - presentations
5 Nov  Brisbane  qldwater
 Reef Councils Wastewater Stewardship Strategic Assessment (WWSSA) Project

Events 2018

Kicking off with the inaugural Water Skills Partnership Forum in February, 2018 events included a Regional Queensland Industry Governance workshop, regional conferences in Cloncurry. Goondiwindi and Bundaberg and the Annual Forum on the Gold Coast.

Date Location Host Event
24 Feb Berkeley Springs, CA, USA Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting International Water Taste Test (Australia's entrant is Toowoomba Regional Council's Mt Kynoch Scheme water)
28 Feb Brisbane qldwater Water Skills Partnership Forum - More information and presentations here.
1 Mar Brisbane qldwater TRG Regional Queensland Industry Governance Workshop 
2 Mar Brisbane qldwater TRG Meeting
15-16 Mar Goondiwindi IPWEAQ IPWEAQ SWQ Branch Conference
11 Apr Brisbane qldwater Strategic Advisory Committee Meeting
18-20 Apr Cairns IPWEAQ IPWEAQ NQ Branch Conference
8-10 May Brisbane AWA Ozwater 2018
14-18 May Normanton, Gununa, Burketown, Doomadgee, Mount Isa, Cloncurry qldwater Water Connections Tour
18 May Cloncurry Cloncurry Shire Council qldwater Regional Conference and Best of the Best Water Taste Test - More information and presentations here.
31 May Brisbane qldwater SCADA Workshop - SCADA & Control Systems and Cyber Security. Open to all. - More information and register here.
Access presentations here (members and attendees only)
1 Jun Brisbane qldwater TRG Meeting
6-7 Jun Logan WIOA WIOA Qld Conference
6-7 Jun Logan WIOA Water of Origin Taste Test
Queensland Live Mains Tapping Competition
14-16 Jun Barcaldine IPWEAQ IPWEAQ CQ Branch Conference
TBA Jul Cairns AWA AWA NQ Conference
18 Jul Goondiwindi Goondiwindi Regional Council qldwater Mini Conference and Best of the Best Water Taste Test
More information and register here.
9 Aug Bundaberg Bundaberg Regional Council qldwater Mini Conference and Best of the Best Water Taste Test
More information and presentations here.
5 Sept Gold Coast  qldwater qldwater Annual Forum Day 1 - Technical Tour, visiting Commonwealth Games infrastructure
More information and presentations here.
6 Sept Gold Coast  qldwater qldwater Annual Forum Day 2 - Presenting solutions to 6 of the 10 industry issues, including resource recover and industry benchmarking
More information and presentations here.
7 Sept Brisbane qldwater TRG Meeting
10-12 Oct Gold Coast IPWEAQ IPWEAQ State Conference
18 Oct Toowoomba WIOA National Taste Test
29-31 Oct Brisbane LGAQ LGAQ Annual Conference
7 Nov Brisbane qldwater Strategic Advisory Committee Meeting
7 Dec Brisbane qldwater TRG Meeting

Events 2017

Special workshops included an Automated Metering / Digital Utilities Workshop and a Leakage Management Workshop. Regional mini conferences were held in Dalby, Yeppoon and Mackay and the Annual Forum was hosted by Queensland Urban Utilities at the Innovation Centre.

Date Location Host Event
16 February Brisbane qldwater Automated Metering / Digital Utilities Workshop presentations (attendee and member access only)

Event Website
1 March Dalby Western Downs Regional Council SWQ Conference
22 March Yeppoon Livingstone Shire Council CQ Conference
8-12 May Wide Bay Burnett/ CQ Bundaberg, North Burnett, Banana, Central Highlands, Woorabinda, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Livingstone Water Connections Week
25 May Brisbane qldwater - by popular demand
Leakage Management Workshop presentations (attendee and member access only)

Event Website
7 June Logan Metro Sports Complex Queensland Live Mains Tapping Competition at WIOA Conference Queensland Live Mains Tapping Competition
19 July Mackay Mackay Regional Council NQ Conference
6-7 Sept Brisbane
(Brisbane City, Spring Hill, Eagle Farm, Luggage Point STP)
qldwater Annual Forum Day 1
Tour (hosted by Queensland Urban Utilities), Vendor Showcase and Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
2017 qldwater Annual Forum and Tour Draft Program and Registration
 7 Sept  Brisbane (Albion) qldwater Annual Forum Day 2
Forum Day (hosted by qldwater's Technical Reference Group)
 Presentations - attendees and members access only
 29 Nov Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre | followed by Harbour Cruise Water and Wastewater Interest Day
and Gladstone Regional Council
Water and Wastewater: Common success and issues experienced within Central Queensland.

Events 2016

Regional mini conferences were held in Hervey Bay, Townsville and Emerald and the Annual Forum took place at Colleges Crossing and Riverview Hotel.

South East Queensland Conference Program, Urangan

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

12.30pm Arrival, registration Meet at Wide Bay Water, 29 Ellengowan St, Urangan
1.00pm Technical tour and site visits by coach
(BYO hat, sunscreen, water and walking shoes)
Lenthalls Dam, Burgowan Water Treatment Plant, Nikenbah Wastewater Treatment Plant, Hebblewhite Reuse Farm
5.00pm Return to Wide Bay Water
Evening Dinner and drinks - optional  Dinner sponsored by Wide Bay Water Corporation - Cafe Balaena

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Time Speaker Topic
8.30am Tea and coffee on arrival
9.00am Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater Welcome and introduction
9.25am Kane Macready, Engineers Plus Principal Sponsor Address
9.30am Peter Care, Wide Bay Water Corporation Welcome and Overview of Wide Bay Water Corporation projects
10.00am Paul Newman, Dial Before You Dig Why you should Dial Before You Dig
10.15am Bilfinger, Lonza, Royce Water Technologies and SPEL Environmental Silver Sponsors - elevator pitches
10.30am Morning Tea
11.00am Nerida Airs, Manager Water and Waste Water, South Burnett Regional Council Overview of new technologies used at Gordonbrook Water Treatment Plant near Kingaroy
11.30am Peter Donaghy, General Manager Treatment & Environmental Management Operations, Queensland Urban Utilities Sustainable sewage treatment business can deliver more for less
12.00am WaSP Wars
12.30pm Lunch
1.15pm Ian McArdle, Mackay Regional Council Innovations in data management to realise value in water businesses
1.45pm WBBROC Water Alliance Panel Session: SCADA collaboration and regional challenges
2.15pm Trevor Dean, Wide Bay Water Corporation Sewer relining program
2.45pm Afternoon Tea
3.15pm Kelly Hopewell, Gold Coast Water, City of Gold Coast Report on recent Churchill Fellowship trip to USA and South America: International trends of biosolids management: what can we apply back home?
4.00pm Denis Heron, Wide Bay Water Corporation Wide Bay Water's approach to THM Management
4.30pm Networking Drinks
5.00pm Conference concludes

North Queensland Conference Program, Townsville

Time Speaker Topic
9.30am Arrival Tea and Coffee provided
9.45am Keith Parsons, Director Townsville Water and Waste Townsville City Council - Welcome to Townsville
9.50am Dave Cameron, qldwater Welcome and introduction
10.20am Prof. Paul Simshauser, Director-General, Department of Energy and Water Supply Principal Sponsor Address - DEWS upcoming work program
10.35am Jonathan Ham, Cairns Regional Council Challenges operators of advance WWTPs face in tropical environments (supported by WIOA)
11.05am Break
11.30am Terry O'Keeffe, Dial Before You Dig Why it is  vital to Dial Before You Dig
11.45am Chris McCallum, Cassowary Coast Regional Council (WIOA) Challenges for Operators in NQ/FNQ
12.15pm Bilfinger, Lonza, Royce Water Technologies< Sponsors - Elevator pitches
12.30pm WaSP Wars A water based game of tactical skill and knowledge
12.50pm BREAK Lunch
1.30pm Laura Shiels, Townsville City Council Managing water quality under drought imposed water restrictions
2.00pm Damien Sharland & Janice Wilson, Mackay Regional Council Nutrient analyser feedback control for demonstrated operational savings
2.30pm Adam Lovell & Jeff Rigby, Water Services Association of Australia Elevating performance of urban water utilities in Australia
3.00pm Jason Langue, Townsville City Council Residential behaviour change approaches to achieving water demand reductions
3.30pm Break Afternoon tea
3.45pm Esther Bank, Townsville Water and Waste Water reservoir strategy and its implementation for Townsville
4.15pm Ian Clarke, Charters Towers Regional Council From Cockroach to Cane Toad - W&S surprises in the transition from Central Coast NSW to NQ
4.45pm Conference concludes
6.00pm Networking drinks at the Riverview Tavern
6.30pm Optional dinner (additional cost applies) The Riverview Tavern, 247-251 Riverside Road, Riverside Gardens, Townsville

Central Queensland Conference Program, Emerald

Time Speaker Topic
9.30am Arrival and registration
9.45am Cr Kerry Hayes, Mayor Central Highlands Regional Council (CHRC) Welcome
9.50am Peter Manning, CHRC W&S Overview
10.15am Dave Cameron, qldwater Welcome and introduction
10.45am Michael Dalton, Livingstone Shire Council TC Marcia - the Livingstone Shire Council experience
11.05am Morning Tea
11.20am Terry O'Keeffe, Dial Before You Dig Why it is  vital to Dial Before You Dig
11.40am George Baker / Ed Dahlheimer, Gladstone Regional Council Dabbling in electricity supply: lessons learnt from installing a HV network for sewage pump stations on Curtis Island
12.00pm Hydramet, Bilfinger, Lonza, Royce Water Technologies Sponsors - Elevator pitches
12.20pm WaSP Wars A water based game of tactical skill and knowledge
12.40pm BREAK Lunch
1.30pm Jason Plumb, Fitzroy River Water Ensuring Rockhampton's water supply security
2.00pm Anthony Lipsys, Banana Shire Council Asset Rehabilitation - Manholes or Money Pits?
2.30pm Toni Stiles, DEWS DEWS Regulator Update
2.45pm David Scheltinga, qldwater Making your SWIM data work for you
3.00pm Bus departs for Technical Tour East Nogoa Water Treatment Plant, Emerald
4.30pm Bus returns to venue

2016 Innovation Forum Day 1

Technical Tour - Colleges Crossing

Time Session Speaker
8.50 Bus to Colleges Crossing Meet at qldwater office, 4/43-49 Sandgate Rd, Albion. Bus leaves at 9am sharp.
10.00 Arrive Colleges Crossing Cafe, Mt Crosby Lodge taste test samples. 
10.15 Seqwater Presentation 1  Seqwater filter pilot trial - Mathew Clements 
10.35 Morning tea and Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test Delegates to participate in a blind taste off of all water samples
11.00 Seqwater Presentation 2 Bio-filtration pilot trials Capalaba - Deb Gale / Katrin Doederer, Seqwater
11.20 Taste Test Final Panel introduction by Glynn Parry, Ixom
11.45 'Olympics' activity Mains tapping competition hosted by Gold Coast Water.
Water tanker for the competition supplied by H2Flow Water Services. 
13.00 Technical Tour (PPE required: long sleeved shirt, long pants, hi-vis vest, closed in shoes, hat and safety glasses.)
Proceed to Mt Crosby Westbank WTP 

Tour of plant by Yang Zhang, Seqwater
Depart Mt Crosby Westbank WTP

Tour of Eastbank Pump Station and presentation on coagulant dosing optimisation - Christina Lockett, Seqwater
Depart Eastbank Pump Station
Bus returns to Albion Own arrangements for dinner

2016 Innovation Forum Program Day 2

Riverview Hotel, Brisbane

Time Session Speaker
8.45 Arrival Tea and coffee on arrival.
Welcome Address Steve Gray, qldwater Technical Reference Group Chair
9.05 Innovation Principles and Scene Setting Dave Cameron and Rob Fearon, qldwater
9.20 Keynote Speaker Remote Sensing: applications and possibilities for the urban water industry - Dan Tindall, Principal Scientist, Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
9.40 Contemporary Disruptors and Trends Infrastructure planning and financing: asset options and evaluation tools - Raveen Perera, Queensland Treasury Corporation
Case Study: Transferring Business, Planned Maintenance - Richard Petterson, Exectuive Leader Operations & Service Delivery, Queensland Urban Utilities
Workforce diversity and strategies to access untapped employment markets - Anthony Lipsys, Manager Water Services, Banana Shire Council

10.00 Morning Tea
10.30 DEWS Themed Session
Chair: David Sheehan, GM Water Quality Performance & Regulation, Coliban Water
Address from Paul Simshauser, DG, Department of Energy and Water Supply (DEWS)
Setting the scene: Trends and issues in water management and regulation - David Sheehan, Coliban Water
Amalgamations at Toowoomba: Evaluating options for infrastructure efficiency - Kevin Flanagan, GM Water and Waste Services, Toowoomba Regional Council
Panel Session
Complexities of Service Planning in a Resource Community - Peter Manning, Manager Water Utilities, Central Highlands Regional Council
Securing Water for Cairns - Steven Porter, Manager Infrastructure, Water and Waste, Cairns Regional Council
'Round the Traps' Quick Updates:
Blackwater Update - Peter Manning, Central Highlands Regional Council
MiWater Mackay - Linda Roberts, Mackay Regional Council
Joint reservoir and mains cleaning, Outback Regional Water Alliance - Neil Stiles
Panel session continued
12.30 Lunch Sponsored by Ventia
13.15 DEHP Themed Session
Chair: Mark O'Donahue, CEO Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence
Address from Jim Reeves, DG, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP)
Strategies for licensing improvements across treatment plants - Cameron Jackson, Queensland Urban Utilities
Diatomix - Blue Green Algae Control - Luisa Magalhaes and Scott Lowe, Unitywater
Panel Session
Mackay sewer management plan and sewer sensors - Linda Roberts, Mackay Regional Council
'Round the Traps' quick updates:
NEREDA Technology: Kingaroy Wastewater Treatment Plant - Nerida Airs, Manager Water and Wastewater, South Burnett Regional Council;
Biggenden Rocks - Trevor Harvey, Manager Technical Services, North Burnett Regional Council;
Beaudesert Stream Bank Remediation - Cameron Jackson, Leader Water Quality and Environment Planning Group, QUU
DEHP Panel Continued
15.15 Afternoon Tea
15.30 Enabling Innovation Session QUU Innovation Program Journey - Col Chapman, Innovation Research and Development Manager, QUU 
QUU CEO Innovation Hour: Live demonstration of project refinement process - Louise Dudley, QUU CEO and WSAA Chair; Scott Mason, CEO Central Highlands Regional Council; Jason Devitt, Director Waste Engineering and Commercial Infrastructure, Mackay Regional Council
16.30 Wrap up Session Synthesis of actions from the day and the plan going forward - Cr Paul Bell, Central Highlands Regional Council
17.00 Break
17.30 Drinks
18.00 Dinner David Snadden, General Manager Strategy and Communications, Yarra Valley Water
21.30 Close

Events 2015

In 2015 we kicked off with a Steve Hrudey workshop, supported by Queensland Health. Regional mini conferences included Rockhampton, Cairns, Ingham and the Gold Coast and the Innovation Forum was held on the Sunshine Coast.

Date Venue Host Event
20 February Brisbane Supported by the Queensland Department of Health Steve Hrudey workshop
16 April Rockhampton Regional Library Rockhampton Regional Council Central Queenlsand Regional Conference
4 - 7 May Yarrabah, Cairns, Atherton, Mareeba, Hope Vale, Cooktown, Wujal Wujal, Port Douglas, Cairns Yarrabah ASC, Tablelands RC, Mareeba SC, Hope Vale ASC, Cook SC, Wujal Wujal ASC, Douglas SC, Cairns RC Water Connections Week Sponsored by Dial Before You Dig
8 May Civic Reception Room, Cairns
Cairns Regional Council FNQ Regional Conference and Taste Test
15 June Barcaldine Barcaldine Regional Council SWIM Training and WQ Taste Test
17-18 June Toowoomba WIOA WIOA State Conference and Water of Origin Taste Test. Queensland Winners (Richmond) compete against NSW.
23 June Tyto Precinct Conference Centre, Ingham Hinchinbrook Shire Council Water Quality Awareness and Distribution System Management Workshop and NQ Taste Test
31 July St George LGAQ LGAQ Bush Council Forum St George, including SWQ Taste Test
20 Aug Smart Water Research Centre, Gold Coast Gold Coast Water and Smart Water Research Centre SEQ Regional Conference and Taste Test
4 - 5 Nov Sunshine Coast Unitywater 2015 Innovation Forum and Taste Test Grand Final

Central Queensland Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
9.10am Registration, morning tea on arrival
9.15am Matthew Donohoe, Ixom Taste Test Sponsors - Brief overview of name change & new focus of Ixom in the water sector
9.30am Rockhampton Regional Council, Councillor Greg Belz Introduction and welcome
9.35am Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater qldwaterprogress report and taste test introduction
10.00am Jason Plumb, Fitzroy River Water South Rockhampton STP Upgrade
10.30am Mark Harvey, Townsville City Council Drinking Water Quality Management Plans
11.00am Break
11.15am Julian Tickle, Townsville City Council Chlorates Project, Phase 1
11.45am Craig Hamilton, Mackay Regional Council Our Journey: One council's experience - lessons from a serious trenching incident
12.15pm LUNCH CQ Regional Final, Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test, Water Tasting
1.00pm David Halliwell, Water Research Australia A pragmatic approach to prepare for HBT implementation
Afternoon session continues with option of Technical Tour or Workshop
1.30pm Bus departs for Technical Tour / Concurrently with workshop below Treatment Plant Tour - returning approx 4pm  
Option of either tour or workshop to be selected prior to event
1.30pm Inflow / Infiltration Workshop Introduction to session and update on ERA63 negotiations
1.45pm Evan Davison, Rockhampton Regional Council with Orion Australia North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation Project
2.15pm Linda Pearson, Mackay Regional Council I & I - what problem are we trying to solve?
2.4 pm Shannon Orr, GHD Inflow and Infiltration - Monitoring to modelling and how this impacts infrastructure costing
3.15pm Addressing the hard questions Workshop session
3.50pm Feedback and future actions Progressing further on the issue and how?
4.00pm Bus returns from Technical Tour
4.30pm Afternoon Tea Announcing winner of the CQ Ixom Best of the Best Water Taste Test
5.00pm Networking drinks Venue TBA

Far North Queensland Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
10.00am Registration, morning tea on arrival Lodgement of water taste test samples
10.10am Graham O'Byrne, General Manager, Cairns Water and Waste Welcome and introduction to Cairns 
10.15am Gerhard Floridia & Glyn Parry, Ixom Taste Test Sponsor - Brief overview of name change & new focus of Ixom in the water sector
10.30am Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater
qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
11.00am Toni Veronese, Cairns Regional Council CTM Alliance
11.30am Chris Mooney, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection EHP Update
12.00pm Richard Scott, Department of Energy and Water Supply DEWS Update
12.30pm Simon Page, Cairns Regional Council Servicing to regional councils
1.00pm Lunch, FNQ Regional Final Water Tasting Session and Best Palate Competition Far North Queensland Regional Final - Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
1.45pm Michael Lever, Leveredge Waterborne Disease Epidemics
2.15pm To be advised to be advised
2.45pm Rob Fearon, qldwater The cost of efficiency for urban water and sewerage services
3.15pm Afternoon tea.  Taste Test Winner and "Water Guru" Winner announced
3.45pm Simon Page, Cairns Regional Council Edmonton WWTP - RAS
4.15pm Pat Nixon, Cairns Regional Council WSAG Community Collaboration
4.45pm Close Networking drinks

Water Quality Awareness Workshop and North Queensland Taste Test

Time Venue Topic
9.00am Registration Tea, coffee + morning tea on arrival
9.20am Welcome and introduction, Dave Cameron, qldwater qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
9.40am Peter Mosse Training Seminar

  • Distribution system and public health
  • Pathogen management
  • Filters and disinfection
  • ADWG Framework
  • Control points, target objectives, critical limits and corrective action
  • Distribution system targets
  • Operator responsibilities
  • How can pathogens get into the distribution system and what do we need to do about it?
  • Disinfection
12.00pm Lunch Including the NQ Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
1.00 pm Peter Mosse Training Seminar Resumes

  • Repair tappings and new mains
  • System clearing
  • Optimisation of distribution system
3.30pm Afternoon tea Announcing winner of the NQ Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
4.00 pm CLOSE

South East Queensland Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
9.15am Registration, morning tea and lodgement of water samples
9.30am Welcome from Gold Coast Water Dick Went, Manager, Operational Strategy, Gold Coast Water
9.35am Gerhard Floridia & Glyn Parry, Ixom Taste Test sponsors - brief overview of name change and new focus of Ixom in the water sector
9.45am Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater Welcome and introduction
10.15am Rob Fearon, qldwater Cost Drivers
10.30am Dr John Xie and Dr Mio Li, Smart Water Research Centre PONDS - getting the most out of the water treated by maturation ponds
11.00am Bradley Taylor, Redland Water, Redland Water and Waste Point Lookout Project / PS67 Pump Upgrade
11.30am Kelly Hopewell, Gold Coast Water Showcase of Projects
12.00pm Daryl Ross, Water Business Manager, Logan City Council What's Happening in Logan?
12.30pm Lunch South East Queensland Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test and Best Palate Competition
"I’ll show you mine if you show me yours"; Presentations and workshop discussion sessions IT Issues and Solutions for Water and Sewerage
1.15pm Scott Casey, Bundaberg Regional Council Work management systems, data capture approaches including metering and field tools
1.55pm John Betts / Alan Kleinschmidt, Toowoomba Regional Council Practical limitations of a corporate environment – how to ensure a focus on best outcomes for water and sewerage services with the broader organisation driving choice of systems (asset management, GIS, finance, HR)
2.20pm David Brooker, Mackay Regional Council Customers – customer engagement / systems, customers business drivers and systems positively influencing customer behaviour
2.45pm Afternoon tea Announcing winner of the South East Queensland Ixom Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test and SEQ "Water Guru"
3.15pm Technical Tour - departing from Griffith University G:Link Station G:Link - Gold Coast Light Rail tour, including talks and stops
5.45pm Conference Close Return to Smart Water Research Centre or hop off the tram at your accommodation stop
6.30pm Optional Dinner including drinks  Kurrawa Surf Life Saving Club, Beachside, Old Burleigh Road, Broadbeach

2015 Innovation Forum and Taste Test Grand Final

Time Session Presentation Speaker
9.25 Principal Sponsor's Address Andy Hornbuckle, SPEL Environmental  
9.35 Introduction and Welcome Innovation at Unitywater George Theo, Unitywater
9.45 Keynote Speaker Efficiency Benchmarking Professor Andrew Worthington, Griffith University
10.15 Technology Papers Chair: Jason Devitt  
10.15   Cultivation of freshwater Macroalgae in wastewater Nicholas Paul, James Cook University
NEREDA sewage treatment technology at Kingaroy Russell Hood / Nerida Airs, South Burnett Regional Council
10.55   Mobility / paperless field solutions Simon Page, Cairns Regional Council
Aeration at reservoirs to assist in THM removal Trevor Dean, Wide Bay Water Corporation
11.35   JCS liquid vacuum chemical feeder trial Luisa Magalhaes, Unitywater
Sewerbatt / SL RAT comparative trial Craig Ma, QUU
12.05   Panel - Overview of collaborative trials David Fillmore, Unitywater; Craig Ma, QUU; Nicholas Paul, JCU
12.25 Lunch Address from Jon Black, DG, Department of Environment & Heritage Protection  
13.25 DEWS-Themed Panel Session Chair: Dick Went
Panel - Customers and approaches Davina McCormick, QUU; Judy Bailey, Unitywater; David Brooker, Mackay Regional Council
13.55 Building Capacity in Operations
and Support Services

Chair: Dave Cameron
Workforce Transformation at Unitywater Kenan Hibberd, Unitywater
When operators become health professionals Kathy Northcott, Veolia
Roll out of new AM systems, Literacy and Numeracy Kim Moore, Unitywater
Achieving service delivery standards in regional South Australia Steve Rose, SA Water
Panel session - building capacity in operations and support services
14.50   Panel session - building capacity in operations and support services
15.10   Wrap up / summary of discussion
15.20 EHP-Themed Panel Session Chair: Rob Fearon
Balancing requirements for wastewater releases and environmental improvement Dick Went, Gold Coast Water; Jon Black, DEHP;  Cameron Jackson, QUU
15.50 Afternoon Tea Announcing the winner of the Taste Test
16.05 Regulation and Data Chair: Keith Parsons
NPR, benchmarking and efficiency Peter Gee, WSAA
Benchmarking opportunities for Queensland Rob Fearon, qldwater
Level playing field - private service providers Matt Dawson, AWA
17.15 Future Directions Chair: John Betts / qldwater

17.45 Break

Dinner Presentation Mark Pascoe, International Water Centre
22.00 Conclude

Events 2014

Regional mini conferences and taste test events were held in Bundaberg, Warwick, Gladstone, Mackay, Mount Isa and Innisfail. The taste test grand final took place at the IPWEAQ State Conference in Caloundra.

Date Region Venue Host
27, 28  March SEQ Regional Conference Bargara Community Hall Bundaberg Regional Council
12 - 16 May Water Connections Week Dalby, Roma, St George, Goondiwindi, Warwick Western Downs, Maranoa, Balonne, Goondiwindi and Southern Downs Regional Councils
16 May SWQ Regional Conference
Cafe Jacqui Conference Room, Warwick  Southern Downs Regional Council
13 June CQ Regional Conference
Gladstone Entertainment Centre Gladstone Regional Council- linking with AWA event on 12 June
29 July NQ Conference and Taste Test Mackay  Mackay Regional Council - linking with AWA event
21 August WQ Regional Conference Civic Centre, Mount Isa  Mount Isa City Council
11 September FNQ Conference and Taste Test Innisfail Cassowary Coast Regional Council
8-10 October Taste Test Grand Final - IPWEAQ State Conference Caloundra IPWEAQ

South East Queensland Conference Program

Thursday 27 March

Time Speaker Topic
Registration and lunch on arrival.  Lodgement of water samples SEQ Taste Test Semi Final takes place during afternoon tea on Thursday 27 March
Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater
Welcome and Introduction
12.45pm Discussion Session
Topics to be nominated on arrival
Scott Reid, Compliance Officer, Bundaberg Regional Council Overview of Bundaberg Regional Council Water Service Areas
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Australia
And Now For Something Completely Different.....
Christian Truscott & Mark Newland, Tenix
Constructing and Commissioning / Process Proving - Whitsunday Treatment Plants - Presented by the Australian Water Association Queensland Branch
Tino Ferrero, National Construction Manager  - Water & Enviro Specialist Engineering, John Holland Group
Observations from Major Water Infrastructure Delivery Projects Around Australia - Presented by the Australian Water Association Queensland Branch
3.15 pm
Afternoon tea, Water Tasting SEQ Final
Orica Australia "Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test"
3.45 pm
Kym Kneebone, Treatment Coordinator, Bundaberg Regional Counc
Now the Mud has Dried - Overview of the January 2013 Flood
4.15 pm
Shane Grimstone, Client Relationship Manager & Fleet Contracts, Local Buy  
The Merchant of Fairness - Integrity, Honesty, Ethics, Transparency and Fairness in Procurement
Networking Drinks

Dinner and drinks at Bargara Golf Club (optional)
Additional cost applies (see registration form for details)

Friday 28 March

Time Speaker Topic
Tea and coffee on arrival

Dr Rob Fearon, qldwater Council Leaders in Urban Water
10.00am Brett Kronk, Environment Technical Officer, Bundaberg Regional Council
Beneficial use of Biosolids
Morning tea
Taste test winner announced and Best Palate Competition
Andy Hornbuckle / Clint Mead, SPEL Environmental
Floating Wetlands Technology
Trevor Harvey, North Burnett Regional Council
Biggenden Rocks

Technical Tour Site Visits by coach (BYO hat, sunscreen, water and walking shoes)
Lovers Walk Ground Water Treatment Plant, Branyan Water Treatment Plant, Thabeban Wastewater Treatment Plant - Upgrade Project
Coach Returns to Bargara Community Hall

South West Queensland Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
Registration - Morning tea on arrival, lodgement of water taste test samples
South West Queensland Water Taste Test Semi Final take place during lunch. 
Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater
Welcome and introduction
11.00am Discussion Session - Industry "Hot Topics"
Open session - topics to be nominated by conference delegates on arrival
Allan Petersingham, Southern Downs Regional Council
Allora Water Main Project Lessons Learned
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Australia And Now for Something Completely Different... 
Bevan Edwards, Coordinator Trade Waste Services, Toowoomba Regional Council
Introduction of a Trade Waste Environmental Management Plan
Lunch, Water Tasting and Judging

Michael Lever, Leveredge
Waterborne Disease Outbreaks
Peter Vance, Senior Regulatory Analyst, Water Policy and Economics, Department of Energy and Water Supply
Regulatory Reform and KPIs 2014
Rob Fearon, Director Innovation Partnerships, qldwater
Council Leaders in Urban Water
Ben Godford, Maranoa Regional Council
Roma Sewerage Major Projects
Afternoon tea, Winner of taste test announced followed by Best Palate Competition
South West Queensland Regional Final, Best of the Best Water Taste Test

Will Higgins, Principal Engineer, Water Project Services and Vish Mariaprakasam, Engineer, Water Project Services, Toowoomba Regional Council

Pechey WTP Project History and Progression
Ashleigh Bailey, Southern Downs Regional Council Southern Downs Water Modelling
Networking Drinks

Conference Close

Central Queensland Regional Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
9.30am Morning tea on arrival Lodgement of taste test water samples
Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater
Welcome and introduction
10.30am Discussion session Industry "Hot Topics" Open forum - topics to be nominated by conference delegates on arrival
11.00am Andy Hornbuckle, SPEL Environmental Floating wetlands technology
11.30am Paul Newman, Dial Before You Dig
Dangers associated with not following safe digging practices
12.00pm Lunch. CQ Final Orica Australia Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test CQ final water tasting
1.00pm Phil Boshoff, Gladstone Regional Council, Shannon Orr, GHD Curtis Island Water and Sewerage
1.30pm Moira Zeilinga, Central Highlands Regional Council Water Quality challenges at Blackwater
2.00pm Afternoon tea.  Taste Test winner announced, followed by "Best Palate Competition" And the winner is...
2.30pm Sarah Lunau, Gladstone Area Water Board Developing and delivering effective DWQMPs
3.00pm Troy Leydon, Fitzroy River Water Domestic Water Meter Accuracy Report
3.30pm Michelle Hill, Manager Skills and Strategy Technical assessment and mentoring for regional and remote water operators
4.00pm Networking drinks
4.30pm Close

Western Queensland Regional Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
Technical Tour - Mount Isa Wastewater Treatment Plant and Pump Station 1 Delegates to meet at the Wastewater Treatment Plant off Commercial Rd at 8.30am
Return from Technical Tour - morning tea on arrival Lodgement of taste test samples
10.00am Cr Tony McGrady, Mayor, Mount Isa City Council Conference opening and welcome to Mount Isa
Dave Cameron, Acting CEO qldwater Welcome and introduction
10.30am Discussion Session, Industry Hot Topics Open forum - topics to be nominated by delegates on arrival
Andy Hornbuckle, SPEL Environmental Floating Wetland Technology
Terry O'Keeffe, Dial Before You Dig Dangers associated with not following safe digging practices
Mark Samblebe, Aeramix Pty Ltd Richmond Shire Water Quality Improvements
Lunch WQ Final Water Tasting Session
Ricardo Marino, Mount Isa City Council MICC Sewerage Augmentation Project - Stage 1
Michelle Hill, qldwater Skills and Training
Mark Harvey, Townsville City Council DWQMP - taking it off the shelf
Afternoon Tea Announcing Taste Test winner followed by 'Best Palate Competition'
Networking drinks

Events 2013

Six regional conferences were held in Gympie, Toowoomba, Townsville, Cooktown, Longreach and Rockhampton.

Date Region Venue Host
21 Feb SEQ Regional Conference Gympie Gympie Regional Council
17/18 April SWQ Regional Conference Empire Church Theatre, Toowoomba Toowoomba Regional Council
29 April - 3 May Water Connections Tour Mount Isa, Cloncurry, McKinlay, Richmond,
Flinders, Charters Towers, Townsville

3 May NQ Regional Conference Townsville Townsville City Council
15 May FNQ Regional Conference Cooktown Events Centre Cook Shire Council
27 June WQ Regional Conference Longreach Civic Centre Linked to IPWEAQ Branch Conference
1 August CQ Regional Conference Rockhampton Regional Library Rockhampton Regional Council

South West Queensland Conference Program

Wednesday, 17 April
Time Speaker Topic
Registration and lunch
Kevin Flanagan, General Manager Water and Waste Services, Toowoomba Regional Council Welcome and overview of the Toowoomba Water Supply Network
1.30pm Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Fight Club
Shane Grimstone, Client Relationship Manager, Local Buy Procurement and Probity
Craig McMahon, Engineer - Network Planning & Bruce Gaydon, Coordinator Water Demand Management, Toowoomba Regional Council Water end use study
Justin Watts, Engineering Manager, Mondadelphous Back to the Future 2050
Michael Shellshear, Project Engineer, Balonne Shire Council Impacts of Natural Disasters on Balonne Shire’s Water and Sewerage Infrastructure
Terry Fagg, Water Treatment Principal, Western Downs Regional Council Ten years of desalination operation
Networking Drinks
Thursday, 18 April
Time Speaker Topic
Tea and coffee on arrival and lodging water samples
Dr Rob Fearon, qldwater 30 year strategies we can start right now!
9.00am Alan Kleinschmidt, Manager Water Operations, Toowoomba Regional Council Operational benefits brought about by Toowoomba Regional Council amalgamation
Aleisha Wrigley, Western Downs Regional Council
Flood recovery and recycled water production
Dr Helen Stratton, Microbiologist, Smart Water Research Centre
Rapid Diagnostics - what can be done now, in the near future and 5-10 years away
Morning tea and Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test SWQ Regional Final
TRG Session Open session
Announcing Winner of the SWQ Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
Bus tour of Perseverance and Cressbrook dams

Lunch provided at the dam
End of conference

North Queensland Regional Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
Registration, morning tea and lodgement of water samples
Cr Ray Gartell, Water Chair, Townsville City Council Introduction and Welcome
10.30am Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Fight Club
Neil Walker, Operations Manager, Trility Topic TBC
Rob Fearon, qldwater
30 year strategies we can start right now!
Linda Pearson, Project Manager Planning and Sustainability, Mackay Regional Council Impacts of a new regulatory environment, green tape reduction and practical implications for councils.
North Queensland Semi Final of the Orica Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
Julian Tickle, Water Treatment Engineer, Townsville Water
Helping North Burnett – first responses to natural disasters.
Michael Lever, qldwater
What stresses me out – my ten worst nightmares.
Mark Harvey, Manager Water Operations, Townsville Water
Northern Water Treatment Plant.
Announcing NQ winner of the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
Mark Vis, Manager Wastewater Operations, Townsville Water
Cleveland Bay Purification Plant’s Hydrogen Sulphide experience.
Technical Reference Group Session Open forum 
Close and pack up
Networking Drinks

Far North Queensland Regional Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
Registration, morning tea and lodgement of water samples
Cook Shire Council Mayor Peter Scott
Introduction and Welcome
10.45am Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Fight Club
Dr Rob Fearon, qldwater 30 year strategies we can start right now!
Robert Fenn, Cook Shire Council
SWIMLocal Experiences
Lunch FNQ Semi Final of the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
Matt Fanning, TBG Pty Ltd
Around the Traps - Cloncurry and McKinlay Projects
Pat McGuire, Torres Strait Island Regional Council
Equity in Local Government Funding
Paul Newman, Dial Before You Dig
Dial Before You Dig
2.10pm Peter Kirchmann, Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
Demand Management for Small Communities
2.30pm Shane Thomas/Simon Page, Cairns Regional Council
Micro-filtration of a Rural Supply
Announcing the winner of the FNQ Semi Final of the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
Technical Reference Group session Open forum to discuss issues such as 30 year plan and fluoridation
Networking Drinks
IPWEAQ Welcome and BBQ

Western Queensland Regional Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
10.00am Registration, morning tea and lodgement of water samples
Longreach CEO Mark Watt
Introduction and Welcome
10.45am Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Sodium Hypochlorite Storage update
Dr Rob Fearon, qldwater 30 year strategies we can start right now!
John Roworth, Director Infrastructure Services, Longreach Regional Council
Don't mention the bore!
Lunch WQ Semi Final of the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test
Paul Newman, Manager, Dial Before You Dig Why the DBYD service is vital to your business
1.45pm Philip McKone, Rockhampton Regional Council and Chris Hegarty, Cardno Keeping the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines up to date
David Scheltinga, SWIM Manager, qldwater SWIM Presentation
2.45pm Announcing the winner of the WQ Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test Afternoon Tea
3.00pm Technical Reference Group session Open forum to discuss current issues such as the Queensland Government 30 year strategy
3.30pm John Roworth, Dowdens Tour of Longreach Water Infrastructure
6.30pm IPWEAQ Welcome Function

Central Queensland Regional Conference Program

Time Speaker Topic
Technical Tour - Meet outside library at 0745 for bus transport to Treatment Plant
Emu Park Water Treatment Plant
10.00am Return from Technical Tour
10.15am Registration and lodgement of water samples Morning Tea
10.30am Rockhampton Regional Councillor Greg Belz Introduction and welcome
Welcome and introduction by Dave Cameron, CEO, qldwater qldwater progress report and taste test introduction
George Lech, Key Account Manager, Orica Australia Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Update
Michelle Hill, qldwater  Skills Programs
Dr Jason Plumb, Rockhampton Regional Council
Managing Changes to Drinking Water Quality and Customer Expectations
Lunch Central Queensland Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test, Water Tasting / Judging
Aneurin Hughes, Senior Principal & Discipline Leader, Asset Management, Cardno
Management of Knowledge Within a Water Utility
Evan Davison, Rockhampton Regional Council
Wet Weather Sewage Surcharge Management Case Study
Shane Grimstone, Client Relationship Manager, Local Buy Procurement and Probity
Richard West, Gladstone Area Water Board and Matthew Miller, Gladstone Regional Council Provision of Water and Sewerage Services to Curtis Island
Challenges with Construction of a Desalination Plant
David Karrol, Central Highlands Regional Council Correct Chemical Use for Coagulation and Flocculation
Technical Reference Group Session Open forum to discuss current issues including 30 year strategy
Networking Drinks

Events 2012

In 2012 we hosted six regional conferences in Maroochydore, Charleville, Emerald, Longreach, Bowen and Cairns.

Venue Speaker Presentation
Maroochydore Partha Susarla, Strategic Planning Manager, Strategic Planning and Asset Management, Infrastructure Services Division, Unitywater Case study on Total Water Cycle Management Planning at Unitywater including an overview of the joint project between Unitywater, Moreton Bay Regional Council and Sunshine Coast Council that recently won a Storm Water Industry Award.

Peter McTaggart, SunWater Project Manager, Connors River Dam and Michael Grosser, Partner, Holding Redlich An overview of the Connors River Dam project

Ben Goodall, Strategic Planner, Unitywater, Infrastructure Services Division Case study on Unitywater and DERM innovatively pushing the traditional sewage treatment plant (STP) licencing/ upgrading boundaries including traditional licensing triggers to plant upgrades; costs of recent upgrades; drivers pushing Unitywater to think “outside” the norm including wetlands; cooperation between DERM and Unitywater; and the way forward.

Dr Helen Stratton, Smartwater Research Centre Overview of Rural and Regional Water Security project.
Charleville  Russell Hood – Director of Engineering Services, Murweh Shire Council Overview of Murweh Shire water and sewerage schemes.

Neil Judd, CEO, South West NRM Progress on Healthy Waters Management Plans in the SW catchments and across the Queensland Murray Darling Basin and Carp management work in the Warrego River
Graham McKeon, Coordinator Management Systems, Water Operations, Toowoomba Regional Council Overview on Toowoomba Drinking Water Quality Management Plans
Emerald David Karrol, Manager - Water & Sewerage, Central Highlands Regional Council Water Management from a New Zealand perspective

Peter McTaggart, SunWater Project Manager, Connors River Dam and Michael Grosser, Partner, Holding Redlich As per Maroochydore presentation above.
Longreach John Roworth, Director of Infrastructure Services, Longreach Regional Council Longreach Mains Replacement Project: An ECI Model

Mike Donald, Manager Engineering Services, Barcaldine Regional Council Watering the Outback

Thomas Bean, Manager, GABSI, Department of Environment and Resource Management Update on the GABSI program
Bowen Ian Clarke, Director of Engineering Services, Etheridge Shire Council Case Study: Is 'User Pay' possible for a remote town water supply?

James Stewart, Whitsunday Regional Council Whitsunday Regional Council's Challenges in Water and Sewerage Management

Michael Lever – Leveredge Safe Water
Cairns> Lynne Powell, Sustainability Coordinator, Water and Waste, Cairs Regional Council Indigenous Partnerships - Obstacles and Opportunities

David Karroll, Manager - Water & Sewerage, Central Highlands Regional Council Disinfection by Chlorination