Resource Library - Water Treatment

This topic includes includes anything that happens at a water treatment plant, divided into qldwater resources, other resources, sample documents, contracts and specifications and specifications.

qldwater Resources

PFAS Basics Fact Sheet Rev2.1 - Release Date 19-Aug-2020: - An update the qldwater's PFAS Basics fact sheet including some new information from the NEMP 2.0 and background on the Stockholm Convention.

Review of DWQMP Analysis Requirements - Release Date 26-Jun-2020: - qldwater document examining the suite of chemical analysis that are required under approved drinking water quality management plans (DWQMP) and suggesting opportunities to rationalise the program. The impetus for this was that are situations in which the approved monitoring programs may be overly cautious when compared with the risk to public health, leading to unnecessary costs in analytical services, sample transport and manpower, which can be a substantial burden for small and remote service providers.

PFAS Basics Fact Sheet - Release Date 23-Oct-2019: - qldwater Fact Sheet on PFAS including what it is, what the concern is, where they are found, and what it means for the water and sewerage industry.

Gas or Hypo or Something Else: Disinfection Options for water service providers - Release Date 16-Jul-2018: - Information for water service providers to support management decisions on disinfection options. This discussion paper provides local government decision makers with information to help them make informed choices about disinfection options for their water and sewerage schemes. It addresses the pros and cons of disinfection using chlorine gas, bulk liquid sodium hypochlorite, on-site generated sodium hypochlorite, and solid calcium hypochlorite.

Remote Treatment Plant Operations - Release Date 22-May-2017: - This qldwater discussion paper outlines the critical factors to consider in planning and operating remote systems using a series of case studies to consider the significant benefits and help manage risks. We thank Alan Kleinschmidt for developing this paper and acknowledge the input from Peter Mosse as well as our members for their valuable assistance: Anthony Lipsys, Banana Shire Council; Jaek Passier, Toowoomba Regional Council and Terry Fagg,Western Downs Regional Council.

Ecoli Fact Sheet - Release Date 12-Nov-2014: - From 2 January 2009 new water legislation, The Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008, made it mandatory for all registered drinking water service providers to test for E.coli in their reticulated drinking water supply. This fact sheet provides more information.

Certification Drinking Water Operator Certification Discussion Paper August 2014 - Release Date 05-Aug-2014: - Implementation of the proposed National Certification Framework 2012 - Operators within Drinking Water Treatment Systems Final Report - Incorporating results of the Pilot Program to investigate costs, benefits and key issues.

Chlorate Fact Sheet - Release Date 05-Jun-2013: - Chlorate Fact Sheet 2013

Overview of 2011 Australian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines (ADWG) - Release Date 13-Nov-2012: - The Queensland and New South Wales Water Directorates have co-invested in the production of this summary document which helps make the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines more accessible. Note that this summary document is purely focussed on the ADWG. Links and summaries to Queensland-specific information including regulation are kept up to date at Non-members can purchase a copy by contacting the NSW Water Directorate

Water Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance Manual - Release Date 30-Jan-2008: - This manual deals with treatment facilities at Water Treatment Plants and was developed as a collaborative project between the NSW and Queensland Water Directorates. The finalised manual incorporates input from NSW and Queensland Water Directorate committee members and independent third party reviewers. The users of this manual will be local government authorities from NSW and Queensland responsible for the operation and maintenance of facilities at WTPs. | Available to members only. |

Other resources

Water Quality Testing for Treatment Optimisation - Release Date 09-Feb-2023: - Final report on water quality testing for treatment optimisation by Steve Carroll from Southern Downs Regional Council, funded through the Wide Bay Burnett Urban Water Alliance QWRAP group.

Chlorate Position Statement April 2022 - Release Date 12-Apr-2022: - Queensland Health Chlorate Position Statement April 2022 

Protecting Drinking Water Quality from Extreme Weather Events - Release Date 19-Dec-2018: - Water Research Australia publication to provide high-level guidance on the steps that can be taken by drinking water managers to improve the resilience of their systems to extreme weather events.

Drinking Water Provisions PH Reg 2018 - Release Date 04-Sep-2018: - Public Health Regulation 2018 – revised provisions for drinking water. The Public Health Regulation 2005 has been remade as the Public Health Regulation 2018. The new Regulation commenced on 1 September 2018 and contains revisions to the quality standards for drinking water. Amendments to the Regulations should not result in any day to day operational changes for drinking water service providers despite the 2018 Regulation looking quite different.

Hrudey Evidence Havelock North - Release Date 27-Jun-2017: - Evidence about underlying causes of drinking water outbreaks provided by Dr Steve Hrudey in relation to the North Havelock Inquiry in New Zealand. The evidence includes 38 outbreaks of serious drinking waterborne disease occurring in 13 affluent countries.

Alarm Workshop Outcomes - Defining CCPs - Release Date 22-May-2017: - This document is provided as a related accompanying document to the Remote Treatment Operations guideline below. We thank the author of this document, Goulburn Valley Water for providing this document for our members.

Competencies for Operators - Release Date 21-Jul-2015: - DEWS guidance on competencies for operators within drinking water treatment systems.

Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs): What are they and how are they used? - Release Date 12-Nov-2014: - The disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is a way of measuring the population impact of a health problem, or the burden of disease, associated with a specific condition. It is a measure of the amount of time (in years) that is ‘lost’ due to imperfect health from a particular cause, taking into account both premature death and time lived in a state of ill-health (termed disability). It also incorporates a weighting for the severity of the disability. Fact sheet kindly provided by Water Research

Health-Based Targets for Microbial Safety of Drinking Water - Release Date 12-Nov-2014: - Pathogens in source waters present a challenge for those tasked with providing safe drinking water. To achieve this, they are guided by the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, although advice from the ADWG on this issue could be improved. One proposal is the introduction of health based targets for microbial safety of drinking water. This Fact Sheet provides a brief explanation of HBTs and some rationale for their introduction into the ADWG and is kindly provided by Water Research Australia.

Health-Based Targets for the Microbial Safety of Drinking Water: Stakeholder viewpoints - Release Date 12-Nov-2014: - Health-based targets (HBTs) are measurable health, water quality or performance objectives that are established based on a judgement of what constitutes an acceptable level of health risk in relation to pathogens in drinking water. Incorporation of HBTs for microbial safety of drinking water into future revisions of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines is currently under discussion. Fact sheet kindly provided by Water Research Australia.

ARCHIVE DEWS-DWQMP-Reports-Template - Release Date 29-Oct-2014: - DEWS template for preparing a drinking water quality management plan (DWQMP) report under the requirements of the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008.

E. coli Field Tests for Drinking Water Compliance Monitoring - Release Date 30-Oct-2012: - This policy outlines the Department of Energy and Water Supply, Office of the Water Supply Regulator's policy regarding the use of field tests for the detection of E. coli in order to meet drinking water compliance requirements. |

Care and Maintenance of Fluoride Ion Selective Electrodes - Release Date 24-Apr-2012: - Queensland Health Scientific Services has released a new procedure to help operators clean and preserve sensors used as part of the fluoridation dosing and monitoring process. Thanks to Dr Henry Olszowy for preparing this practical procedure. |

DERM DWQMP Guidelines - Release Date 15-Nov-2011: - Guidelines for creating a Drinking Water Quality Management Plan from DERM September 2010. Superseded - for information only.

DERM DWQMP Supporting Information - Release Date 15-Nov-2011: - Supporting Information for creating a DWQMP from DERM - September 2010.

DERM DWQMP Template - Release Date 15-Nov-2011: - Template with Guidance Notes to assist in creating a Drinking Water Quality Management Plan from DERM September 2011

ARCHIVE Fluoridation Code of Practice (Sept 2010) - Release Date 21-Oct-2010: - The Queensland Health Water Quality Unit released a revised Water Fluoridation Code of Practice in late 2010 (see e Flash #94 which lists the principal changes) that introduces some key improvements to the previous CoP. | Free member download. | QHealth document that may be superseded. |

ARCHIVE Description of capital roll-out program for fluoridation - Release Date 11-Nov-2008: - Letter to Service Providers from Implementation Project Management Group (Cardno-Beca) that was sent to Council CEO's and Mayors on 10 November 2008 providing an overview of how to access the Fluroidation Capital Assistance Program. | Free member download. | Third Party document that may be superseded. |

ARCHIVE QFCAP (Fluoridation Assistance) process diagram - Release Date 11-Nov-2008: - Fluoridation Capital Assistance Program process diagram that was sent to Council CEO's and Mayors on 10 November 2008. The flow diagram gives an overview of the support and functions provided by the IPMG (Implementation Program Management Group). | Free member download. | DLGP document that may be superseded. |

Water Fluoridation Regulation Draft - Release Date 31-Oct-2008: - A working Draft of the Water Fluoridation Regulation and there are a number of provisions within the draft which Queensland Health is aware will need more work prior to the draft being finalised. Provided for comment by Queensland Service Providers.

DERM TMP Guidance Documents 311 AM Drinking Water Quality Management - Release Date 01-Jan-2008: -

Seqwater Technical Paper Disinfection Options - Release Date 03-Feb-2021: - A review of the disinfection C.t requirements during maintenance and project work on drinking water assets found inconsistencies across internationally recognised standards. This Seqwater study proposes a common approach of applying a C.t of 15300 mg.min/L based on 3 log Cryptosporidium inactivation. The study also identified improvements for the disinfection of filter media and emergent repair work in order to manage issues such as chlorine demand and the timely reinstatement of the asset. It also examined the challenges for implementation in a maintenance partnership including training, and the potential effect on equipment and system components.

Member sample documents

Help us populate this page by sending your sample documents to Please specify any conditions of use:

A. No restrictions on distribution (will be stored on protected area of web site, however if there is a request to share with a non-member we can do so)

B. Can be available to qldwater members (protected area of web site)

C. Other conditions which might allow it to be used more openly i.e. certain parts de-identified, costs removed etc.

Water Quality Testing for Treatment Optimisation - Release Date 09-Feb-2023: - Final report on water quality testing for treatment optimisation by Steve Carroll from Southern Downs Regional Council, funded through the Wide Bay Burnett Urban Water Alliance QWRAP group.

Cook Shire PD Treatment Plant Operator - Release Date 23-Oct-2019: - Cook Shire Council sample document: Position Description - Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator.

Competency Assessment of Trainee Water Treatment Plant Operators - Release Date 19-Nov-2018: - With thanks to Western Downs Regional Council for providing this practical guidance regarding competency assessments of trainee Water Treatment Plant Operators - October 2018.

Procurement Specification Document - Gold Coast Water - Release Date 28-Feb-2014: - Gold Coast Water Procurement specification for supply and delivery of various chemicals to Council.

Nebo Road Water Treatment Plant DA - Release Date 23-Nov-2011: - Nebo Road Water Treatment Plant Development Approval. |

Water incident management flowcharts (member example) - Release Date 29-Jan-2010: - High-level incident management flowcharts provided by Sunshine Coast Water, showing procedures followed in the event of a water incident.

Contracts and specifications

Please note: qldwater has put a hold on uploading new tender specifications to the Resource Library due to the limited number of downloads in relation to the work required to download specification documents, classify and upload to our site. We will continue to extract/download the tender specifications from VendorPanel and eTenderBox and store them on our network drive – keep an eye on our eFlashes for updates on the latest available documents or email us if you need help finding anything in particular.

Specification documents listed below may or may not have been final versions. Often additional posts or modified documents were provided from time to time but it has not been possible to capture and store all of these amendments. While the utilities responsible for preparation of the documents may be willing to assist in sourcing other related information, doing so would purely be at their own discretion.

Central Highlands Tender Poly Dosing Upgrade - Release Date 01-Dec-2020: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender  for the design and construction of replacement Polymer Activated Carbon (PAC) and Polymer chemical dosing systems at Opal Street Water Treatment Plant in Emerald. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands Tender Pump Station Upgrade - Release Date 02-Nov-2020: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the construction upgrade to the Blackwater Water Treatment Plant including the Raw Water Pump Station Facility and the supply line between the existing storage pond and the water treatment plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

TSIRC Tender Ugar Island Desal - Release Date 02-Nov-2020: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender for the design, fabrication, supply, factory testing, delivery and commissioning of a Reverse Osmosis Desalination Unit (RODU) to be located on Ugar Island in the Torres Strait. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands Tender Filter Media Replacement - Release Date 14-Oct-2020: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender to improve filter performance with regards to filter run times and filtered water quality at Opal Street Water Treatment Plant, Emerald by replacing the existing mono media (sand) with dual media (coal and sand). The purpose of this contract is to design and construct the replacement filter media, underdrains and nozzles in all cells of all filters. qldwater has archived all details relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

DLGRMA Tender SCADA Upgrade - Release Date 31-Aug-2020: - Department of Local Government, Racing & Multicultural Affairs tender for SCADA upgrade at Palm Island Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants and Sewage Pump Stations. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Longreach Sand Filter Replacement - Release Date 10-Jul-2020: - Longreach Regional Council is inviting tenders from suitably licensed, qualified and experienced contractors to undertake the supply and installation of Johnson Screens in the Sand Filters at the Longreach Water Treatment Plant as stipulated in the tender documentation. qldwater has archived all documents and they can be accessed on request.

Moreton Bay RC WQ Sampling Program - Release Date 10-Jul-2020: - Moreton Bay Regional Council tender to carry out Regional Basins Water Quality Sampling throughout the region. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Torres Strait IRC Badu WTP - Release Date 20-Dec-2019: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender for the design development and construction of upgrades to the Badu and Erub Water Treatment Plants under the Indigenous Councils Critical Infrastructure Program. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender Tieri WTP - Release Date 04-Dec-2019: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the removal and replacement of filter media at the Tieri Water Treatment Plant. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Torres Strait Island RC Tender Badu WTP - Release Date 04-Dec-2019: - Torres Strait Island Regional Council tender for the design and construction of upgrades to the Badu and Erub Water Treatment Plants under the Ingigenous Councils Critical Infrastructure Program. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Cherbourg ASC Tender Water Treatment Upgrades - Release Date 11-Nov-2019: - Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council tender for wastewater treatment and water supply and treatment upgrades. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Woorabinda ASC Tender Water and Wastewater Treatment Upgrades - Release Date 11-Nov-2019: - Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council tender for the provision of design and construction of various upgrades across local infrastructure including water supply, water treatment, SCADA, wastewater treatment upgrades and connection and commission of all new assets. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Gold Coast Tender Asset Lifecycle Delivery Services - Release Date 23-Oct-2019: - City of Gold Coast Water and Waste (WW) directorate EOI for a Delivery Contractor to assist it in maintaining, renewing and augmenting its water and sewerage network infrastructure, supporting delivery of WW’s renewals, preventative, programmed, and reactive maintenance, works and services.

Whitsunday RC Tender Mechanical Maintenance Services - Release Date 23-Oct-2019: - Whitsunday Regional Council tender for mechanical and maintenance services for Whitsunday Regional Council’s water and wastewater treatment and network assets. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Bundaberg RC Tender Branyan WTP Tank - Release Date 21-Oct-2019: - Bundaberg Regional Council tender to design and construct additional clear water storage and PAC contact tank at Branyan Water Treatment Plant. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Southern Downs RC Tender Critical Asset Condition Assessment - Release Date 10-Oct-2019: - Southern Downs Regional Council tender to produce water and wastewater critical asset condition assessment of all SDRC water and wastewater treatment plants. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

City of Gold Coast Tender Minor Works at Water and Waste Facilities - Release Date 30-Sep-2019: - City of Gold Coast tender for the minor works at Water and Waste Facilities. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender Capella WTP - Release Date 16-Sep-2019: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender for the construction of the Central Highlands Regional Council Capella Water Treatment Plant including to upgrade both the Aluminium Chlorohydrate and Powder Activated Carbon processing systems.

qldwater tender Reef Councils - Release Date 13-Aug-2019: - Queensland Water Directorate tender for the wastewater stewardship project to investigate alternative sewage management options and their applicability to reducing nutrient flows from GBR catchments

Fraser Coast RC Tender Teddington WTP - Release Date 29-Jul-2019: - Fraser Coast Regional Council tender for suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the construction of a pier supported concrete slab and associated pipework to introduce Carbon Dioxide treatment at the Teddington Water Treatment Plant, Queensland. The works involve the supply of plant, materials, labour, supervision and certification necessary for the installation of the bored piers in accordance with relevant specifications, drawings and standards. Qldwater has archived all documents

Gladstone RC tender Drinking Water Quality Consultant - Release Date 27-May-2019: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for consultancy services to facilitate quarterly Drinking Water Quality Committee meetings, provide ad hoc advice and consultancy, reviews and audit of Drinking Water Quality Management Plan and other services relating to drinking water quality management as directed by GRC. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Goondiwindi RC Tender WTP Piperwork - Release Date 13-Feb-2019: - Goondiwindi Regional Council tender for fabricated pipe assemblies, filter media and water main construction service at Goondiwindi Water Treatment Plant. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Central Highlands RC Tender WTP Filter Replacement Design - Release Date 09-Jan-2019: - Central Highlands Regional Council tender to engage consultants for filter replacement design at the Dingo and Duaringa Water Treatment Plants. Qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Douglas SC Tender Whyanbeel WTP Backwash Treatment Plant - Release Date 10-Oct-2018: - Douglas Shire Council tender for the design, construction and commissioning of the Backwash Treatment Plant upgrade at the Whyanbeel Water Treatment Plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Isaac RC Tender Moranbah Raw Water Storage Dam Remediation Works - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - Isaac Regional Council tender for remediation work to the Moranbah raw water storage dam localed at the Moranabah water treatment plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Isaac RC Tender Nebo WTP and Reservoirs - Release Date 17-Sep-2018: - Isaac Regional Council request for tender for the design and construction of the Nebo Water Treatment Plant and Reservoirs. qldwater has archived all document and drawings related to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Gladstone RC Tender Laboratory Services - Release Date 06-Aug-2018: - Gladstone Regional Council tender for NATA accredited laboratory services to undertake analytical testing of a wide range of water, wastewater and soil/bulk solids samples. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and they can be accessed on request.

Seqwater Beaudesert WTP Storage Upgrade - Release Date 06-Aug-2018: - Seqwater tender for the detailed design and construction of two new treated water storage reservoirs adjacent to the existing Beaudesert Water Treatment Plant. qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender, and they can be accessed on request.

Seqwater Tender Research Partners Panel - Release Date 20-Mar-2017: - Seqwater tender to partner with universities and research organisations to assist it in delivering research outcomes and meeting its organisational research needs. Partners are needed to support the following categories: Category 1: Changes in our catchments Category 2: Water supply safety Category 3: WTP technologies and process improvment Category 4: Water security, community and liveability Category 5: Strategic research planning qldwater has archived all documents relating to this tender and

Toowoomba Tender Decommissioning Water Treatment Plants - Release Date 26-May-2016: - This technical specification is for the decommissioning of the Crows Nest, Hampton and Highfields Water Treatment Plants (WTP). qldwater has archived all associated documentation and it can be accessed by request.

GAWB Tender GWTP Filter Media Replacement and Resurfacing - Release Date 22-Feb-2016: - Tender to replace filter media and resurface filter surfaces at the Gladstone Water Treatment Plant. qldwater has archived other project documents (which are listed in the Scope of Work) and they are available on request.

Gympie Tender Cooloola Coast SCADA Upgrade - Release Date 18-Feb-2016: - The Cooloola Coast SCADA Upgrade project is to implement a robust and reliable SCADA system to operate and monitor the watr and sewerage assets in the Cooloola Coast Region including the upgrade of telemetry assets at the WTPs, Water Distribution Sites, WWTPs and Pump Stations. qldwater has archived other project documents (which are listed in the Invitation to Offer) and they are available on request.

Livingstone Tender Woodbury WTP Tube Settler Reinstatement - Release Date 08-Feb-2016: - Livingstone Regional Council tender for contractor to carry out the reinstatement of tube settlers at Woodbury WTP including fabrication, installation of support structure, cleaning and installing existing tube settler modules, replacing damaged or missing tube settler modules and installing a central walkway. qldwater has archived other project documents (which are listed in the project specification) and they are available on request.


We have collated interesting presentations from our events over the years. We thank our presenters for allowing us to share their knowledge.

Essentials Webinar 28 Chlorine Planning Presentation - Release Date 17-Apr-2024: - Presentation by Ben Fleming, Chief Advisor, Chemical Safety Planning at the Major Hazards Facilities Unit of the Office of Industrial Relations, about land use safety planning for chlorine gas facilities. The presentation provides an overview of the application of safety and planning regulations to hazardous chemicals, current planning legacy and ideal planning outcomes.

Essentials Webinar HAB and Health - Release Date 02-Nov-2023: - The conditions that favour HABs include warm temperature, stratified water and calm or stagnant conditions: all circumstances that are associated with drier than usual wet seasons. If HABs do occur, they have the potential to impact drinking water supplies as well as recreational and irrigation water supplies. Queensland Health is currently updating its FAQ on HAB, and in this presentation Dr Phil Choy, Senior Environmental Health Scientist, Queensland Public Health and Scientific Services, Queensland Healthprovides an overview of the different kinds of algae, the impact of location that leads to toxins forming, and how these impact on the health of people and animals.

Essentials Webinar Managing HABs under the Drinking Water Regulatory Framework - Release Date 26-Oct-2023: - Ted Aldred, Manager Water Supply and Regulation – Water Operations and Systems at the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (RDMW), delivered this presentation on ways to manage HABs under the Drinking Water Regulatory Framework in Queensland.

Annual Forum Presentation Deb Gale Moving Bioreactors - Release Date 19-Sep-2022: - Deb Gale from Seqwater provides an update on the use of moving bed bioreactors as a water treatment process to remove T&O and NOM without chemicals.

Annual Forum Presentation Duncan Middleton Seqwater - Release Date 19-Sep-2022: - Duncan Middleton from Seqwater provides an overview of quantitative microbial risk assessments and health based targets in two different catchments - the Brisbane River and Lake Wivenhoe.

Port Douglas Presentation Craig Hanran Cook Shire Council - Release Date 08-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas presentation by Craig Hanran from Cook Shire Council: Turning mud into water in the wet tropics

Port Douglas Regional Conference John Bishop and Adam Schmalz - Release Date 07-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Regional Conference presentation by John Bishop and Adam Schmalz from Cairns Regional Council: Fishery Falls Filtration Trial

Port Douglas Regional Conference Presentation Robyn Maddalena - Release Date 07-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Regional Conference Presentation on Chorates by Robyn Maddalena, Cook Shire Council

Port Douglas Conference Presentation Peter Kirchmann - Release Date 08-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Regional Conference presentation by Peter Kirchmann, Douglas Shire Council: Ultrafiltration issues and solutions

Port Douglas Conference Presentation Ravenshoe Regional Water Quality Improvement Plan - Release Date 08-Jun-2022: - Port Douglas Conference presentation by Jon Turner, Megan Cappella and Danielle Jensen from Tablelands Regional Council: Ravenshoe Regional Water Quality Improvement Plan

Livingstone Conference Presentation Abby Carolan - Release Date 01-Apr-2022: - Livingstone Conference Presentation: Emerald Lifeline Stage 1 3D Scan and 3D Model Build
by Abby Carolan from AECOM & Central Highlands Regional Council

Livingstone Conference Presentation Michael Dalton - Release Date 01-Apr-2022: - Water Quality with CQU
by Michael Dalton and Larelle Fabbaro, Livingstone Shire Council

Essentials Webinar Terry Fagg Enhanced Coagulation - Release Date 08-Oct-2021: - Enhanced coagulation (EC) is viewed by many as a black art, that can have some real advantages in the management of DBP in waters where the raw water has high levels of natural organic matter (NOM). In this very detailed presentation, Terry outlines what EC is, how EC works in practise and what to consider if you think that EC may be applicable to your water treatment solution.

Charters Towers Presentation Alana Lorimer - Release Date 17-Aug-2021: - Piloting a Water Quality Offset Approach in the Reef Region
by Alana Lorimer, Townsville City Council

Charters Towers Presentation Laura Shiels - Release Date 17-Aug-2021: - Blue Green Algae Event Response
Laura Shiels, Townsville City Council

Charters Towers Presentation Mark Harvey DWQMP - Release Date 17-Aug-2021: - DWQMP: After 10 years, have we taken them off the shelf yet?
Mark Harvey, Charters Towers Regional Council

Charters Towers Presentation Mark Harvey Turbidity Flatline - Release Date 17-Aug-2021: - The Turbidity Analyser Flatlines when we pass 10,000 NTU
Mark Harvey, Charters Towers Regional Council

Charters Towers Presentation Melissa Keating - Release Date 17-Aug-2021: - The Chlorination Challenge
Melissa Keating, Flinders Shire Council

Fundamentals Webinar C.t Measurement - Release Date 22-Jun-2021: - Murray Thompson presents the Fundamentals of Disinfection and C.t Measurement

Fundamentals Webinar Jar Testing - Release Date 11-Jun-2021: - Terry Fagg from Western Downs Regional Council present the Fundamentals of Jar Testing.

Barcaldine Presentation DWQ Jane Doran - Release Date 26-May-2021: - A Collaborative Approach to DWQ Management - A Review of GRC's DWQ Stakeholder Committee Framework by Jane Doran, Gladstone Regional Council

Barcaldine Presentation Harin Karra - Release Date 26-May-2021: - RAPADSWA Strategic Aims and Chlorination Options in Regional Communities by Harin Karra, Boulia Shire Council

Fundamentals Webinar #7 Chemicals and Hazardous Substances - Release Date 24-Feb-2021: - Murray Thompson presents the Fundamentals of Working with Chemicals and Hazardous Substances. The presentation includes explanations of what hazardous substances are, what various classification and labelling systems mean and how to read codes and signage.

2020 Atherton Conference Presentation Jon Turner - Release Date 13-Oct-2020: - Atherton Conference presentation by Jon Turner, Tablelands Regional Council: Water Quality Improvement Program

2020 Atherton Conference Presentation Laura Shiels - Release Date 13-Oct-2020: - Atherton Conference 2020 - Presentation by Laura Shiels, Townsville City Council: Analysis of Naegleria fowleri in a Tropical Distribution Network

Fundamentals Webinar #1 Backwashing Media Filters - Release Date 23-Jun-2020: - Fundamentals Webinar Series #1: Presentation by Terry Fagg, Water Treatment Principal at Western Downs Regional Council giving an overview and video demonstration of media filter backwashing.

Essentials Webinar Presentation Martina De Silva - Release Date 01-May-2020: - Essentials Webinar Series #4 Presentation: Creating a Universal Point of Entry Drinking Water System for Rural Areas Using IoT by Martina De Silva, Process Engineering Manager - Water Source Australia

2019 Townsville Presentation Damien Baillie - Release Date 15-Jul-2019: - Townsville Mini Conference July 2019 - presentation by Damien Baillie, Trility: Improving disinfection at Douglas WTP (it's baffling)

2019 Townsville Presentation Edgar Salvador - Release Date 17-Jul-2019: - Townsville mini conference 2019 - presentation by Edgar Salvador, Lab Coordinator at Townsville Laboratory Services: Analysis of Poly and Perfluoro-Alkyl Substances by LCMSMS

2019 Townsville Presentation Laura Shiels - Release Date 15-Jul-2019: - Townsville Mini Conference 2019 - presentation by Laura Shiels, Townsville City Council: When a dirty water complaint leads to a lead detection.

2019 Contaminants Workshop Case studies on QUU approach to emerging contaminants - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Paul Sherman, QUU - Case studies on QUU approach to emerging contaminants

2019 Contaminants Workshop Future research directions for emerging contaminants - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Kathy Northcott , Water Research Australia - Future research directions for emerging contaminants

2019 Contaminants Workshop National initiatives for dealing with PFAS - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Simone Ventura, DES - National initiatives for dealing with PFAS

2019 Contaminants Workshop Overview of NESP. Update on microplastics research - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Frederieke Kroon, AIMS - overview of NESP and update on microplastics research

2019 Contaminants Workshop Prioritising emerging contaminants. NHMRC process for revising contaminan - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Stuart Khan, UNSW - Prioritising emerging contaminants, NHMRC process for revising contaminant targets

2019 Contaminants Workshop Townsville research project on contaminants in local catchments - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Laura Kuskopf, JCU/Townsville - Townsville research project on contaminants in local catchments

2019 Biloela Presentation GRC's Quick Connect Sample Unit - Release Date 08-Apr-2019: - 2019 Regional Conference Biloela Presentation by Jane Doran, Gladstone Regional Council - a new approach to water sampling

2019 Water Directorate Biloela Fabbro Dalton - Release Date 08-Apr-2019: - 2019 Biloela regional conference presentation by Associate Professor Larella Fabbro, CQU - Neurotoxins in CQ

2018 Bundaberg Preso Jeff Rohdmann BRC - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Jeff Rohdmann, Bundaberg Regional Council: Detection of PFAS in Bundaberg City Groundwater Supply.

2018 Bundaberg Preso Rulani van Rensburg Barcaldine - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Rulani Janse van Rensburg on behalf of Barcaldine Regional Council: Drinking water quality improvement through upgrading chlorindation system at Alpha and Jericho WTPs

2018 Bundaberg Preso Toni Stiles DNRME - Release Date 13-Aug-2018: - qldwater Regional Conference Bundaberg 9 August 2018 - Presentation by Toni Stiles, DNRME: Regulator Update - Cybersecurity and Guideline Development.

2018 Goondiwindi Preso John Mills - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - Goondiwindi Regional Conference 2018 - presentation by John Mills: International Water Taste Test Competition Berkeley Springs

2018 Goondiwindi Preso Trevor Seth - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - Goondiwindi Regional Conference 2018 - presentation by Trevor Seth: Conversion from Hypochlorite to Gaseous Chlorine.

2018 Cloncurry Presentation Dwayne Arnold - Release Date 29-Oct-2018: - Cloncurry Mini Conference 2018 - Presentation by Dwayne Arnold from Cloncurry Shire Council: delivering water to Cloncurry residents.

Brian Hester Disinfection Presentation Ozwater - Release Date 23-Apr-2018: - Brian Hester Ozwater Presentation: A review of the disinfection requirements during maintenance and project work on drinking water assets.

2018 Skills Forum Presentation Paul Rogers Seqwater - Release Date 30-Oct-2018: - Skills Forum 2018. Presentation by Paul Rogers, Seqwater: Multi-disciplined Water Officers - a new future for Water Industry Workers in SEQ.

2017 Annual Forum Presentation Trevor Harvey - Release Date 20-Sep-2017: - Annual Forum 2017 Presentation: Innovation and risk across asset life cycles by Trevor Harvey, North Burnett Regional Council

2017 NQ Conference Mackay Presentation Robin Hagen Isaac Regional Council - Release Date 19-Jul-2017: - 2017 NQ Conference Mackay. Presentation by Robin Hagen, Isaac Regional Council: Water and Wastewater Management Challenges in Isaac

2017 South West Queensland Conference Dalby Presentation Renee Henry DEWS - Release Date 01-Mar-2017: - 2017 South West Queensland Conference Dalby. Presentation by Renee Henry, DEWS: Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Review and Audit

2016 Innovation Forum Presentation Mathew Clements Seqwater - Release Date 15-Sep-2016: - Innovation Forum 2016. Presentation by Mathew Clements, Seqwater: Optimising filter design through pilot filter trials

2016 Emerald Conference Presentation David Karroll - Release Date 16-Aug-2012: - 2016 Regional Conference Emerald presentation by David Karroll

2016 Hervey Bay Regional Conference Presentation Denis Heron Wide Bay Water Corporation - Release Date 14-Apr-2016: - Hervey Bay Regional Conference 2016. Presentation by Denis Heron, Wide Bay Water Corporation: Wide Bay Water’s Approach to THM Management

2016 Hervey Bay Regional Conference Presentation Nerida Airs South Burnett Regional Council - Release Date 14-Apr-2016: - Hervey Bay Regional Conference 2016. Presentation by Nerida Airs, South Burnett Regional Council: Gordonbrook Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

2015 Innovation Event presentation Simon Page - Release Date 26-Nov-2015: - 2015 Innovation Forum presentation by Simon Page, Cairns Regional Council: Mobility Program

2015 Innovation Event presentation Trevor Dean - Release Date 26-Nov-2015: - 2015 Innovation Forum presentation by Trevor Dean, Wide Bay Water Corporation: THM Reduction Via Reservoir Aeration - Wide Bay Water Corporation's economic solution to achieve ADWG limits for THMs in Maryborough.

Andy Hornbuckle Innovation Event presentation - Release Date 26-Nov-2015: -

2015 Cairns Far North Queensland Conference Presentation Ixom - Release Date 08-May-2015: - Cairns Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by IXOM: Chlorine Dosing Equipment

2015 Cairns Far North Queensland Conference Presentation Michael Lever Leveredge - Release Date 08-May-2015: - Cairns Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Michael Lever, Leveredge: Waterborne Disease Epidemics

2015 Conference Cairns Presentation David Karroll - Release Date 16-Aug-2012: - Cairns Regional Conference Presentation by David Karroll

2015 Rockhampton Regional Conference Presentation Julian Tickle Townsville City Council - Release Date 16-Apr-2015: - Rockhampton Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Julian Tickle, Townsville City Council: Townsville Water and Waste Chlorate Project

2015 Rockhampton Regional Conference Presentation Mark Harvey Townsville City Council - Release Date 16-Apr-2015: - Rockhampton Regional Conference 2015. Presentation by Mark Harvey, Townsville City Council: DWQMP – Taking it off the shelf

2012 Bowen Presentation_Michael_Lever_Safe_Water - Release Date 01-Aug-2012: - 2012 Bowen Conference presentation by Michael Lever

2012 Charleville Conference Presentation_Graham_McKeon_TRC - Release Date 01-Aug-2012: - 2012 Charleville Conference Presentation by Graham McKeon, Toowoomba Regional Council

2019 Contaminants Workshop SEQ THM Strategy Group - Release Date 17-May-2019: - 2019 Emerging Contaminants Workshop presentation: Natasha Georgius, Logan City Council - SEQ THM Strategy Group

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