If you want to see innovation in action - have a disaster!

With this message from TRG Chair Troy Pettiford at the time of the initial crisis, the sector set to building on existing networks, innovation, information sharing and engaging mutual support to tackle issues as they arose. Communication was facilitated through a qldwater Forum to encoruage discussion. This forum has remained in place in case of need during future waves of COVID.

COVID-19 Forum

The qldwater COVID-19 Forum is not restricted to members to allow broad discussion during an emergency. Please email to get access.

The forum was most active during the initial outbreak in 2020 providing information such as links to useful videos, respected web sites, material from members and other sources, discussion documents and regulator responses to WQ and environmental regulation during COVID-19, updates on broader efforts including Queensland Government planning and links to national groups, FAQs from  members about COVID-19 related issues and descriptions of the various State and National groups dealing with COVID issues.

Chemical Supplies

During the start of the international COVID19 pandemic, service providers’ access to chemical supplies to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of their water and wastewater services was drawn into question.

The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water recognised the risks to logistical or supply chain issues for chemical supplies and formed a process for ensuring Service Providers could continue to access critical items.

Support Services

A key COVID risk for water and sewerage services is the impact on communities if front-line treatment operators and managers are unable to continue essential duties. This would be particularly telling in areas where capacity is already stretched and traditional backfilling arrangements would be prevented by pandemic impacts. In 2020, qldwater worked with members, state authorities and private service providers to coordinate planning for relief arrangements for these staff and have maintained a policy for providing Operator relief in times of emergency.

eFlash #434
eFlash #434
Date: 15-May-2020

Information for Water Industry Managers and Practitioners in the Queensland Water Industry.

Weekly Update – 15 May

Our sixth online ...

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COVID-19 Update and Key considerations for service providers in managing COVID-19
COVID-19 Update and Key considerations for service providers in managing COVID-19
Date: 25-Mar-2020

Best wishes to all our members and stakeholders in managing through the current tough times – the willingness to share ...

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COVID-19 update
COVID-19 update
Date: 23-Mar-2020

To members

We are aware that most organisations are immersed in business continuity planning and while it’s very difficult to ...

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COVID-19 update
COVID-19 update
Date: 23-Mar-2020

To members

We are aware that most organisations are immersed in business continuity planning and while it’s very difficult to ...

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Documents relating to COVID-19

NEW COVID-19 Hotspot Operator Relief Assistance - Release Date 15-Dec-2021: - This document outlines the arrangements to assist in the provision and safe deployment of relief staff to ensure that water and sewerage services are maintained for the safety of any community impacted by a COVID-19 outbreak.

DNRME Chemical Supplies August 2020 - Release Date 28-Aug-2020: - In light of the Victorian COVID situation, the tighter border restrictions and  potential impacts on water and wastewater chemical supply chains, DNRME have updated the chemical supplier list. Release date August 2020.

COVID-19 Hotspot Operator Relief Assistance - Release Date 18-Jun-2020: - This document outlines the arrangements to assist in the provision and safe deployment of relief staff to ensure that water and sewerage services are maintained for the safety of any community impacted by a COVID-19 outbreak.

Cairns Pandemic Management Plan - Release Date 02-Jun-2020: - Sample document available to qldwater members only. Cairns Regional Council Water and Waste Operations Specific COVID-19 Pandemic Management Plan

Essentials Webinar 8 Chris Mooney - Release Date 29-May-2020: - Essentials Webinar Series #8: Presentation by Chris Mooney, Department of Environment and Science - Regulatory approach to COVID-19

DNRME Chemical Suppliers May 2020 - Release Date 18-May-2020: - The Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy recognises that as the pandemic evolves, service providers may face some logistical or supply chain issues with these critical chemical supplies. To assist service providers the department has developed a list of suppliers of water and wastewater treatment chemicalsThe lists aim to provide a central source of information regarding the availability of chemicals, any known supply chain issues and details of chemical suppliers and was developed based on information provided by qldwater, LGAQ and Seqwater. These stakeholders have committed to continued collaboration on this matter whilst this list remains in use. 

COVID-19 Committees Map - Release Date 26-Apr-2020: - Summary of Queensland groups that have formed or been co-opted to deal with COVID-19 matters.

COVID-19 Groups and Committees - Release Date 26-Apr-2020: - Table of various groups and committees formed to deal with COVID-19 matters including links to websites and details where to seek further information or influence.

Essentials Webinar 3 Presentation Stuart Khan - Release Date 01-May-2020: - Essentials Webinar Series #3 Presentation: COVID Facts and the Water Sector by Stuart Khan (Water Research Centre, University of NSW)  

Essentials Webinar 2 Terry Fagg - Release Date 01-May-2020: - Essentials Webinar Series #2 Presentation: An Aviator’s Approach to Managing Water Services in a Crisis  by Terry Fagg from Western Downs Regional Council

DNRME Chemicals List - Release Date 29-Apr-2020: - The Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy recognises that as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, service providers may face some logistical or supply chain issues with these critical chemical supplies. To assist service providers the department  developed this A to Z list of water and wastewater treatment chemicals. 

DNRME Chemical Suppliers - Release Date 29-Apr-2020: - The Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy recognises that as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, service providers may face some logistical or supply chain issues with these critical chemical supplies. To assist service providers the department  developed this A to Z list of water and wastewater treatment chemical suppliers. 

COVID Statement of Regulatory Intent - Release Date 14-Apr-2020: - This statement of regulatory intent produced by Safe Work Australia sets out the enforcement approach that Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulators will take to ensure compliance with Australian WHS laws during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Essentials Webinar 1 Presentation Cameron Ansell - Release Date 01-May-2020: - Essentials Webinar Series #1, Presentation by Cameron Ansell from Fraser Coast Regional Council: COVID-19 response - a water service providers thinking on emerging situations

COVID and Biosolids Reuse - Release Date 03-Apr-2020: - Queensland Government information sheet to provide information for stakeholders regarding the potential for Coronavirus (COVID-19) to be present in Biosolids (sewage sludge), when used in accordance with the End of Waste Code Biosolids (ENEW07359617)

COVID-19 Risks to Environmental Compliance - Release Date 01-Apr-2020: - Discussion paper on compliance risks arising from COVID-19. This analysis is broken into two components: 1.description of sewerage business functions that will be impacted by COVID-19 disruption (Table 1), and 2.description of compliance risks caused by impacts to these business functions (Table 2).

COVID-19 Risks to Water Quality Compliance - Release Date 01-Apr-2020: - This analysis mirrors that undertaken for environmental compliance recognising assurance of safe water supplies will require increased focus in any community impacted by COVID. It has two components: 1.description of water business functions that will be impacted by COVID-19 disruption (Table 1), and 2.identifying compliance risks from business disruption and which should receive reduced or additional focus (Table 2).

COVID Managing Remote Teams - Release Date 01-Apr-2020: - Five best practices to manage your team remotely in times of crisis when you need your people to be at their best to raise to the challenges of the situation.

Fraser Coast Pandemic Management Plan - Release Date 23-Mar-2020: - Fraser Coast Regional Council Pandemic Management Plan completed just prior to the outbreak of COVID-19 and kindly shared with our members.

COVID Information for WSAA Members - Release Date 11-Mar-2020: - Guidance document provided to Water Services Association of Australia members with detailed information about wastewater workers, questions for water utilities to consider and general messages to staff.