Submissions and Discussion Papers

Documents for industry review are listed here along with previous industry responses collated by qldwater. Members may contribute to documents currently under review by contacting

qldwater  - Current Issues

qldwater Submission re PFAS Regulated Waste Limits - Release Date 18-Oct-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation on proposed changes to the PFAS Regulated Waste limits raising concerns about the detrimental effect of the current zero threshold, especially where it pertains to the loss of circular economy and revenue generation potential for beneficial reuse, the high costs associated with disposal of Category 1 regulated waste to landfill, the requirement for transport of all PFAS-containing materials as regulated waste and additional costs borne by local authorities for the management of material generated from infrastructure project that may contain low levels of PFAS.

qldwater Submission to the QCA Rural Irrigation Price Review - Release Date 17-Sep-2024: - qldwater submission to the Queensland Competition Authority regarding the draft report on Sunwater's rural irrigation price review 2025-29, raising concerns around a lack of transparency and a refusal to re-enter into long-term water supply contracts with local governments, making it impossible for service providers to set council budgets and raising speculation over future price impacts on householders during a cost-of-living crisis. Other concerns include the $38.6 million cost of a new customer billing system and a further $1.7 million per year ongoing costs to be shared with customers, and the ability for financially strained local governments to pay increased bulk water prices.

qldwater Submission on NSW Competency Benchmark for Operators - Release Date 10-Sep-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water regarding the competency benchmark for local water utility operators in NSW stating our support for a competency benchmark in the absence of national coordination and regulation, and suggesting a range of opportunities for consideration.

qldwater Submission to NHMRC re ADWG - Release Date 09-Sep-2024: - qldwater submission to the National Health and Medical Research Council in response to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines public consultation on draft guidance for lead replacements in plumbing products, lead and manganese seeking clarification on the form of Manganese that the health guidelines relate to and raising concern that the new guidelines will make some source waters across Queensland unusable at a time where there are increasing challenges to water security. While qldwater does not dispute the need for improving the ADWG Guidelines for the benefit of our communities, the new limits will require significant changes to water treatment processes and infrastructure upgrades long-term. Short-term some providers may be required to disconnect certain water sources, potentially resulting in intermittent water supply incidents.

2024 Election Manifesto - Release Date 12-Aug-2024: - As the central advisory and advocacy body for Queensland's urban water sector, qldwater have collated the key policy positions we wish to advance as part of the 2024 state elections. We invite all political candidates and parties to adopt these positions as formal political policy.

qldwater Submission on Draft Final End of Waste Code for Biochar - Release Date 28-Jun-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation on the Final Draft End of Waste Code for Biochar stating that qldwater does not support the Code. The overly conservative contaminant concentration limits for the classification of biosolids-derived biochar as a resource will create a barrier to the adoption of advanced thermal treatment in Queensland and to the sector's efforts to build a safe circular economy for Queensland.

Annual Report 2023-24 - Release Date 20-Jun-2024: - The qldwater Annual Report provides an overview of projects and advocacy undertaken in 2023-24.

qldwater Submission Reform Options for ACCU Scheme Landfill Gas Methods - Release Date 31-May-2024: - Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on the Reform Options for Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme Landfill Gas Methods (options paper) supporting the need to minimise methane emission but warning against setting baselines too high, which will diminish the ability for industry to conduct Source Separated Organic Waste (SSOW) and Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) while also making it more difficult for investments to occur in Landfill Gas projects. Local Councils (our members) are already under significant financial strain and reducing incentives for Landfill Gas projects will have a detrimental financial impact on these local councils.

Balmoral Group Australia Queensland Water Skills Survey 2024 - Release Date 01-Jul-2024: - This report is a detailed review of available information and data about skills and workforce prepared for qldwater and QWRAP Partners to inform BuildSkills Australia and qldwater as the Industry Skills Advisor for Queensland. The primary aim of this work is to shed light on water industry workforce dynamics, emphasising skills, training needs, and challenges in attraction and retention. These are crucial matters for the delivery of safe drinking water, maintenance of water infrastructure, and effective environmental risk management across Queensland communities.

qldwater Submission on Carbon Capture and Storage Within the GAB - Release Date 07-May-2024: - In this submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications regarding Glencore's proposed carbon capture and storage project within the Great Artesian Basin, qldwater raises serious concerns about the risks to drinking water assets and supplies, urging the Committee to reject the proposal and implement policy parameters to prevent any future CSS incursions into environmental assets such as the GAB. 

qldwater Submission to DCCEEW on Future National Water Agreement - Release Date 03-May-2024: - In this submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW), qldwater considers the proposed new objectives for the National Water Agreement to compare very poorly with the objectives in the original NWI, which provided a strategic direction for tangible and measurable improvements in water policy and management. Our submission includes some suggested Urban Water objectives that are more likely to achieve measurable and tangible water reform outcomes.

Telco Land Access Agreement - Release Date 29-Apr-2024: - This document has been prepared for qldwater to assist its members when dealing with a licensed carrier seeking to deploy low impact facilities (in particular, via a LAAN pursuant to Schedule 3 of the Telco Act). It is recommended that Water Service Providers should seek independent legal advice to determine whether its application is suitable for site specific and tenure arrangements.

High Pressure Water Jetting General Exemption Application - Release Date 10-Apr-2024: - qldwater General Exemption Application for the activity of HPWJ of AC pipes under section 684 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011. The requirement for HPWJ cleaning of AC pipes underpinning this submission relates to sewerage networks, and the water authorities who manage this infrastructure and Local Governments who own and manage this infrastructure and their contractors.

HPWJ General Exemption Application Attachment 1 - Release Date 10-Apr-2024: - HPWJ General Exemption Application Attachment 1 - Occupational Hygiene Sampling Summary Report Biosolids Asbestos Risks produced by WSP Australia Pty Ltd for Urban Utilities (UU) to investigate the potential exposure risk posed by asbestos fibres in biosolids. The investigation was conducted across a number of UU's resource recovery centres situated in the SEQ Catchment.

HPWJ General Exemption Application Attachment 3 - Release Date 10-Apr-2024: - Letter of Support from WSP to the Director, Occupational Health, Hygiene and Asbestos (OHHA) in the Office of Industrial Relation for an exemption to allow the use of high pressure water on underground asbestos pipes in Queensland. 

HPWJ General Exemption Application Attachment 4 - Release Date 10-Apr-2024: - Consultation Draft of the Asbestos Piping Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) to ensure the businesses, sites, supervisors, workers and contractors of the Queensland waste and resource recover industry understand the hazards involved with the processes and undertake HPWJ of asbestos piping using the low risk, safe control measures described in the SWMS.

HPWJ General Exemption Application Attachment 5 - Release Date 10-Apr-2024: - Additional supporting information in response to requests from the Director, Office of Industrial Relations.

qldwater Submission Financial Sustainability and Funding of Local Government - Release Date 10-Apr-2024: - qldwater Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport's inquiry into the financial sustainability and funding of Local Government with a focus on the provision of critical urban water services.

qldwater Submission to the EPOLA Bill 2024 - Release Date 04-Mar-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Health, Environment and Agriculture Committee regarding the Environmental Protection (Powers and Penalties) and Other Legislation Amendments Bill 2024 reiterating our serious concern about unintended and perverse outcomes that may arise from some of the proposed amendments primarily relating to the lack of an adequate descriptor of who a ‘polluter’ is, the uncertainty and lack of utility in the proposed duty to restore the environment absent direction about how contamination that has migrated off-site can be remedied, and the stealthy mechanism for amending an environmental authority condition, resulting in lack of business and operational certainty.

qldwater Submission on Restoring Our Rivers Draft Framework - Release Date 29-Feb-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in response to the Restoring Our Rivers: Draft framework for delivering the 450 GL of additional environmental water. qldwater proposes a Murray Darling Basin Local Government Water Recovery Program to deliver across all three key principles that the Commonwealth has developed for water recovery. Investment by the Commonwealth in more efficient urban water infrastructure will enhance environmental outcomes, minimise socio economic impact and achieve value for money as water demand management is the most cost-effective way of delivering water security outcomes for communities.

qldwater Submission Carbon Credits Policy - Release Date 19-Feb-2024: - qldwater Submission to Queensland Treasury regarding the Queensland Government Carbon Credits Policy Consultation Paper, highlighting local governments as critical stakeholders in the development of regulation given the potential impacts on the urban water sector.

qldwater Submission to the Draft Non-Transport Utility Management and Design Manual - Release Date 12-Feb-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Transport and Main Roads regarding the draft Non-Transport Utility Management and Design Manual raising concerns about the potential for wide-ranging and adverse impacts to water and sewerage service providers, especially for regional and remote Councils where the changes will place additional financial pressures on our members.

qldwater Submission to Productivity Commission Inquiry on National Water Reform 2024 - Release Date 06-Feb-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Productivity Commission's inquiry into National Water Reform, with a focus on skills to ensure access to a basic level of service, improved planning as one of the NWI modernised objectives (water entitlements and planning advice), implementing principles for best practice independent economic regulation and governance of regional and remote services through QWRAP.

State Benchmarking Report 2022-23 SIND - Release Date 05-Jan-2024: - 2022-23 State Benchmarking Report for Small and Indigenous service providers

State Benchmarking Report 2022-23 MLXL - Release Date 05-Jan-2024: - 2022-23 Benchmarking Report for Medium, Large and Extra Large Service Providers

qldwater Submission to ACCC re WSAA Application for Authorisation - Release Date 03-Jan-2024: - qldwater Submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission strongly supporting the Application for Authorisation (AA1000657) made by the Water Services Association of Australia seeking permission to secure adequate supplies and equitable distribution of gaseous chlorine for the Australian water sector.

State Benchmarking Report 2022-23 Explanatory Notes - Release Date 05-Jan-2024: - Explanatory notes for the 13th annual Urban Potable Water and Sewerage Benchmarking Report using data captured and reported to the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (RDMW).

qldwater Submission to Brisbane City Council Towards Zero Waste Strategy on Insinkerators - Release Date 20-Dec-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Brisbane City Council in response to proposed rebates for insinkerators to be installed at homes as a measure to reduce the landfill tax payable by Council, outlining the significant risk insinkerators pose to urban water infrastructure as well as the potential misalignment of the existing public education campaigns to divert wastes, oils and greases from disposal to sewerage.

qldwater Submission Planning and Other Legislation Make Developers Pay Amendment Bill 2023 - Release Date 14-Dec-2023: - qldwater Submission to the State Development and Regional Industries Committee in response to the Planning and Other Legislation (Make Developers Pay) Amendment Bill 2023 introduced by Michael Berkman MP, Member for Maiwar, supporting full autonomy for local governments and other urban water service providers to charge developers for both new and upgraded trunk (urban water) infrastructure according to the cost of delivering that infrastructure. Under the current arrangements, existing rate payers and councils (mostly through debt) are subsiding new development and developers.

qldwater Submission on Improving Powers and Penalties of the EP Act - Release Date 09-Nov-2023: - qldwater's response to the Department of Environment and Science consultation paper on improving the powers and penalties provisions of the the Environmental Protection Act 1994 recognises that many of the proposed changes are positive and are intended to ensure the broader environment is sustainable against the needs of industry, but raises concerns that several of the proposed amendments are an over-reach, unnecessary, and/or may have unintended consequences resulting in business and operational uncertainty. It asks for the urban water sector to be recognised as a critical stakeholder in the development of future tools and Guidelines and requests an immediate exclusion from the 30% fee for local councils seeking major amendments to their Environmental Authorities.

qldwater Submission on End of Waste Code for Biochar - Release Date 05-Oct-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Environment and Science raising several issues in relation to the draft End of Waste Code. 

qldwater Submission on the NSW Biosolids Regulatory Review - Release Date 03-Oct-2023: - The NSW Environment Protection Authority is consulting with communities and industry ahead of the development of an updated Biosolids Regulatory Approach for NSW. The Queensland End of Waste Code for biosolids leans heavily on the NSW Biosolids Guidelines, and the submission was developed with that in mind.

qldwater Submission to AEIC Review of Community Engagement Practices - Release Date 29-Sep-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner, Community Engagement Review Taskforce drawing urgent attention to several outstanding issues arising from the deficiencies in the regulatory legislation framework surrounding telecommunication deployment under telecommunication carriers under the Telecommunication Act 1997 impacting on the water sector.

qldwater Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into Metal Theft - Release Date 19-Sep-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Transport and Resources Committee reporting a significant and growing number of thefts of metal components and infrastructure from water and wastewater treatment facilities mostly linked to the removal of electrical components and infrastructure and, more recently, renewable energy technologies (solar photovoltaic panels and inverters). qldwater welcomes the inquiry into the matter as the direct risks to community safety, worker safety and the increasing financial burden to the urban water sector (and our customers) must be addressed.

qldwater Submission to SEQ Regional Plan 2023 - Release Date 11-Sep-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning raising concerns about the lack of planning for water and sewerage services in the plan and calling for meaningful consultation with the urban water industry to address the liabilities caused by the changes to the Queensland Development Code (QDC)—Building Over or Near Relevant Infrastructure. It calls on the Department to use water data from the Statewide Water Information Management (SWIM) system to provide quantification on the risks and opportunities for water security, the interaction of the urban water environment with key indicators such as catchment health and, amenity and recreational values.

qldwater Submission IChEMS Schedule 7 Decisions - Release Date 01-Sep-2023: - Submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water on the proposed IChEMS Schedule 7 decisions supporting the listing of Pentachlorobenzene, PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS chemicals, and by extension associated precursor compounds and associated chemicals. Concerns raised include the high proposed limit for unintentional trace contamination, the timeframe for implementation and review of the decision too long, regulation should be expanded to include all members of the PFAS class of compounds and labelling of all products containing PFAS is required.

qldwater Submission DYJESBT VET Strategy - Release Date 18-Aug-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training (DYESBT) discussion paper on the development of a Queensland Vocational Education and Training Strategy. Recommendations include opening the SAS platform to give more RTOs access to subsidised training, increase the number of subsidised units of competency and increased subsidy levels for Higher Level Skills.

qldwater Submission Sustainable Liquid Fuels Strategy - Release Date 18-Aug-2023: - Submission to the Department of Energy and Public Works on the Sustainable Liquid Fuels Strategy: Options and Opportunities Paper, May 2023. The submission urges the Department to urgently consider the water use of all these strategies and for the urban water sector to be represented at government forums like the Hydrogen Taskforce and the Ministerial Energy Council.

qldwater Submission Round 2 ANZCO - Release Date 14-Aug-2023: - qldwater submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics regarding its comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders’ needs, outlining several job roles not currently identified and poor accounting of the occupations within the water sector.

qldwater Submission to the Review of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 - Release Date 03-Aug-2023: - qldwater Submission to the Review of the Electrical Safety Act 2002 (Final Report 2021) raising matters of particular consideration for the urban water sector.

Letter to Communications Minister Regarding Telecommunications Act Deficiencies - Release Date 28-Jul-2023: - Letter to The Hon Michelle Rowland, Minister for Communications, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, drawing urgent attention to several outstanding issues arising from deficiencies in the regulatory framework surrounding telecommunications deployment by telecommunication carriers under the Telecommunications Act 1997 impacting upon the water sector.

2022 Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report - Release Date 17-Jul-2023: - The 2022 Queensland Water Directorate Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report: Tracking trends in workforce, skills and training issues for the Queensland Urban Water Industry

2022 Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report Key Indicators - Release Date 17-Jul-2023: - Key workforce indicators for the 2022 Queensland Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report

Capability Statement 2023 - Release Date 04-Jul-2023: - The Capability Statement provides an overview of qldwater programs and activities completed during the 2022-23 Financial Year.

qldwater Submission on Draft NEMP 3.0 - Release Date 28-Feb-2023: - qldwater Submission on the Draft PFAS NEMP 3.0, which telegraphs some important changes to the way that biosolids and water could be regulated in the future. The submission was developed in consultation with our members and other urban water industry partners nationally. 

qldwater Submission on the delivery of VET in regional, rural and remote Queensland - Release Date 02-Feb-2023: - qldwater submission to the Education, Employment and Training Committee’s (EETC) Inquiry into the delivery of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in regional, rural and remote (RRR) Queensland (the Inquiry).

qldwater Submission on EOW Framework Review - Release Date 19-Dec-2022: -  qldwater Submission on the 2022 review of the End of Waste Framework, being conducted by SLR Consulting on behalf of the Department of Environment and Science.

qldwater Submission to IChEMS on PFAS - Release Date 14-Dec-2022: - qldwater Submission to the call for information on PFAS as part of the IChEMS framework. 

Water Legislation Amendment Bill - Release Date 10-Nov-2022: - qldwater Submission to the parliamentary committee on the Water Legislation Amendment Bill 2022.

Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 - Release Date 28-Oct-2022: - Letter to the Legislative Policy Unit, Queensland Health in response to the Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, specifically with respect to the proposed amendments to the Water Fluoridation Act 2008. Feedback received from our members indicated that the proposed change is viewed as a positive move for the industry.

Water Industry Review of the ANZSCO Codes 2022 - Release Date 14-Aug-2023: - Combined review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) for the water sector by WSAA, WIOA, NSW Water Directorate and qldwater.

Capability Statement 2022 - Release Date 20-Jun-2022: - The Capability Statement provides an overview of qldwater programs and activities completed during the 2021-22 Financial Year.

qldwater Submission EPOLA Bill 2022 - Release Date 25-Oct-2022: - qldwater Submission to the Health and Environment Committee in response to the Environmental Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, acknowledging that it was a substantial improvement over early drafts but also highlighting some specific sections that we are unable to support. 

PFAS NEMP 3.0 Extension Request - Release Date 28-Oct-2022: - Letter to the National Coordinator for the PFAS NEMP, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water requesting an extension of time to provide feedback on the draft PFAS NEMP 3.0 to properly consult with qldwater members and fully consider the implications on recycling, water and the potential to disrupt circular economy outcomes.

Draft Model Conditions for ERA 63 Sewage Treatment 20220203 - Release Date 15-Feb-2022: - This document provides advice to potential environmental authority holders on the model conditions that may be applied to their environmental authority. It is relevant for environmentally relevant activity (ERA) 63 operations if a site-specific application is made.

Feedback table - ERA 63 Model Conditions - Release Date 15-Feb-2022: - Model conditions for sewage treatment activities – 2021 / 2022 review

SWEAP meeting presentation - sewage treatment model conditions review - Release Date 15-Feb-2022: - Model conditions review, How model conditions are used and the review process, Sewerage and Water Environmental Advisory Panel Presentation

SWEAP Recycled Water Discussion Paper - Release Date 15-Dec-2021: - This discussion paper was prepared by qldwater on behalf of SWEAP. It outlines regulation of recycled water in Queensland and recommends minor clarifications to often overlapping regulatory requirements for Water and Sewerage Service Providers. This alignment is needed both to improve management and reporting and to increase the likelihood of safe water recycling.The inconsistencies in definitions relevant to Queensland WSPs can be overcome without legislative change through adherence to the recommended interpretations and agreement on a common classification for intended uses as proposed.

Portfolio Approach to Addressing Contaminants of Emerging Concern (002) - Release Date 23-Nov-2021: - Contaminants of Emerging Concern are a present and increasing risk for all Water and Sewerage Service Providers.

Workforce Composition Snapshot of 2020 Snapshot Report - Release Date 06-Aug-2021: - An overview of the 2020 Workforce Composition Snapshot Report

Workforce Composition Snapshot Report 2020 - Release Date 06-Aug-2021: - The 2020 Queensland Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report: Tracking trends in workforce, skills and training issues for the Queensland Urban Water Industry

Capability Statement 2021 - Release Date 20-Jun-2021: - The Capability Statement provides an overview of qldwater programs and activities completed during the 2020-21 Financial Year.

2021 Goondiwindi Workshop Notes - Release Date 03-Mar-2021: - The Sustainable Services for Regional & Remote Communities workshop, hosted by qldwater and the NSW Water Directorate, asked participants to help develop the qldwater Roadmap  for the “small, remote and nimble” theme.The desire from the workshops was to develop a series of “key messages” – acknowledging the challenges of servicing small and remote communities and promoting sensible ideas to “decision makers” with the industry taking leadership in solutions.

Water Industry Training Needs Business Case - Release Date 26-Feb-2021: - This paper has been informed in consultation with Water Skills Partners. It poses a range of common skilling pathways and recommendations for future VET investment to support ongoing water industry training.

PC Submission August 2020 - Release Date 25-Aug-2020: - qldwater response to the Issues Paper submission for the Productivity Commission National Water Reform Inquiry - August 2020 

qldwater Response to PC Interim Skills Report July 2020 - Release Date 31-Jul-2020: - qldwater Response to the Interim Report on the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development, July 2020.  It follows our previous Submission to the Productivity Commission Review of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development, December 2019, which is also listed on our submission page.

Capability Statement 2020 - Release Date 06-Jul-2020: - The qldwater Capability Statement gives an overview of projects and advocacy undertaken in 2020.

Urban Water Sector Feedback Guidelines for Water Recycling - Release Date 23-Mar-2020: - Urban Water Sector Submission on Draft Revisions to the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risk (Phase 1)

qldwater Submission to Productivity Commission Review of Skills and Workforce Development - Release Date 31-Jan-2020: - qldwater and Water Skills Partnership submission to the Productivity Commission’s study into the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development.

State Benchmarking Report 2018-19 - Release Date 14-Dec-2019: - This is the ninth annual Urban Potable Water and Sewerage Benchmarking Report for Queensland. Produced by qldwater, it contains a suite of indicators and benchmarking data for all 72 of Queensland’s urban water/sewerage utilities. The data is presented in figures that provide comparative information to enable each service provider to compare its performance against that of similar sized service providers.

Urban Water Sector Submission on EOW Code for Biosolids - Release Date 02-Dec-2019: - This document summarises feedback from the urban water sector through discussions with members and written feedback from sewerage service providers. In general, the urban water and sewerage sector is supportive of the modified EOW Code for Biosolids and there is broad interest in remaining engaged in the ongoing development of this Code.

WSAA SUBMISSION 5G - Release Date 15-Nov-2019: - WSAA SUBMISSION: To the Parliamentary Committee for the inquiry into and report on the deployment, adoption and application of 5G in Australia

Infrastructure Cost Review Aug 2019 - Release Date 09-Sep-2019: - 2019 – Infrastructure Cliff? Queensland’s ageing water and sewerage assets. 2. Cost implications for in-ground assets.- Research Report 5.2: In-ground asset costs analysis.

2019 Asset Management Workshop Notes - Release Date 02-Aug-2019: - The Asset Management workshop held on the 13 June 2019 was attended by more than 60 delegates, with representatives from regional councils, SEQ water utilities and state agencies, including a delegation from the Solomon Islands. There seems to be a trend among councils and utilities to develop their AM systems in line with the ISO 55000 series of standards for asset management as it is essentially a business plan, many aspects of which councils as businesses are already following. The ISO 55000

QLD Urban Water Sector Feedback on EOW Code Water Treatment Residuals - Release Date 03-Jul-2019: - This collated response was compiled for the Department of Environment and Science in response to the invitation for feedback on the End of Waste Code proposed for water treatment residuals. This document summarises feedback from the urban water sector through discussions with members and written feedback from sewerage service providers.

QLD Urban Water Sector Feedback on PFAS NEMP 2.0 - Release Date 03-Jul-2019: - This collated response was compiled in response to a request for feedback on the PFAS National Environmental Management Plan V2.0 Consultation Draft. This document summarises feedback from the urban water sector through discussions with members, emails and written feedback from Water and Sewerage Service Providers (WSSPs). WSSPs were also encouraged to respond directly.

Workforce Composition Snapshot Report 2018 - Release Date 26-Jun-2019: - The 2018 Snapshot Report is the fifth iteration of the Queensland Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Report to track trends in skills and training issues.

Capability Statement 2019 - Release Date 20-Jun-2019: - The Capability Statement provides an overview of qldwater programs and activities completed during the 2018-19 Financial Year.

State Benchmarking Report 2017-18 - Release Date 04-Mar-2019: - The eighth annual Queensland Urban Potable Water and Sewerage Benchmarking Report contains a suite of indicators and benchmarking data for 70 of Queensland’s 71 urban water/sewerage utilities. The report provides comparative information to enable each Service Provider to compare its performance against that of similar sized Service Providers.

qldwater Future of Work Submission March 2019 - Release Date 22-Jan-2020: - qldwater response to ‘The Future of Work in Queensland to 2030’ Discussion Paper. This response has been informed with input from members of the Water Skills Partnership, the most significant industry-led skills program for the water industry in Queensland. qldwater holds a position on the Water Industry Reference Committee (Water IRC) convened by Australian Industry Standards, and is contracted by the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training as a VET Industry Advisory Organisation.

2018 SCADA Cybersecurity Discussion Paper February 2019 - Release Date 25-Feb-2019: - This discussion paper provides advice to qldwater members on ways of dealing with emerging cybersecurity risks as they relate to SCADA and ICS, and may inform the Queensland and Australian Governments’ development of rational and effective approaches to policy and regulatory frameworks to mitigate those risks.

Review of VET Sector January 2019 - Release Date 24-Jan-2019: - The Australian Government is conducting a review of the Vocational Education and Training Sector. qldwater has provided a submission to the review based on feedback from Water Skills Partners about what is working well in the VET Sector and what could be improved. Please contact Carlie Sargent on or phone 3632 6853 for more information.

Interim Report on Point Source Loads in GBR Catchments - Release Date 10-Jan-2019: - Interim report on the estimation of Point Source Loads from Sewage Treatment Plants in Great Barrier Reef catchments

Review of Chlorination and Dechlorination conditions in Qld STP Environmental Authorities - Release Date 10-Jan-2019: - Preliminary Report: A review of Chlorination and Dechlorination Conditions in Queensland Sewage Treatment Plants'Environmental Authorities

DRAFT - Class A + ecoli-calculation-tool - Release Date 30-Nov-2018: - Department of Health: DRAFT Class A + ecoli-calculation-tool

DRAFT - Class A ecoli-calculation-tool - Release Date 30-Nov-2018: - Department of Health: DRAFT - Class A ecoli-calculation-tool

DRAFT - Class B ecoli-calculation-tool - Release Date 30-Nov-2018: - Department of Health: DRAFT - Class B ecoli-calculation-tool

DRAFT - Class C ecoli-calculation-tool - Release Date 30-Nov-2018: - Department of Health: DRAFT - Class C ecoli-calculation-tool

DRAFT - Class D ecoli-calculation-tool - Release Date 30-Nov-2018: - Department of Health: DRAFT - Class D ecoli-calculation-tool

Draft Guideline for low-exposure recycled water schemes - Release Date 30-Nov-2018: - Department of Health released draft Guideline for low-exposure recycled water schemes, for feedback from the industry. This is only draft for comment, not the final version.

Feedback on EOW Code for Biosolids November 2018 - Release Date 29-Nov-2018: - A collated response from the urban water and sewerage sector on the proposed new EOW Code for biosolids – November 2018.

Urban Water Sector Feedback on Point Source Water Quality Offsets Policy - Release Date 07-Aug-2018: - qldwater collated feedback on July 2018 Draft Points Source Water Quality Offsets Policy and Guidelines.

Gas or Hypo or Something Else: Disinfection Options for water service providers - Release Date 16-Jul-2018: - Information for water service providers to support management decisions on disinfection options. This discussion paper provides local government decision makers with information to help them make informed choices about disinfection options for their water and sewerage schemes. It addresses the pros and cons of disinfection using chlorine gas, bulk liquid sodium hypochlorite, on-site generated sodium hypochlorite, and solid calcium hypochlorite.

Point Source Water Quality Offsets Guideline 2018 - Release Date 15-Jul-2018: - Department of Environment and Science Consultation Draft of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 - Point Source Water Quality Offsets Guideline 2018.

Point Source Water Quality Offsets Policy 2018 - Consultation Draft - Release Date 15-Jul-2018: - Department of Environment and Science consultation draft for the Environmental Protection Act 1994 - Point Source Water Quality Offsets Policy 2018

Southern Downs RC Community Engagement Workshop Report - Release Date 24-Jul-2018: - Final Report on Community Engagement Workshop held with Southern Downs Regional Council as part of the QWRAP DASB region. The aim was to provide recommendations on how to engage the community in meaningful ways to help develop a Water Efficiency Plan - June 2018.

Capability Statement 2018 - Release Date 29-Jun-2018: - The Capability Statement provides an overview of qldwater programs and activities completed during the 2017-18 Financial Year.

2018 SCADA Cyber Security Workshop Outputs - Release Date 18-Jun-2018: - Outputs of the SCADA / Cyber Security Workshop held on Thursday, 31 May 2018.

Proposed New Reef Catchments Regulations - Release Date 15-Jun-2018: - Feedback on the second round of consultation on regulations broadening and enhancing reef protection

DOH Submission Public Health Regulation 2018 - Release Date 09-May-2018: - qldwater submission to the Department of Health in response to the consultation on the draft Public Health Regulation 2018.