
Whether you need access to our extensive resource library or just want to get a weekly eFlash with the news you need to know, qldwater is your one stop shop for all things related to the Queensland urban water industry.

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Eligibility to access to the Member Resources area will be checked and you will receive a confirmation email with the details of the zones you have been granted access to. Please note, only employees from current qldwater members can register to access the members-only site.

Member Resources Access

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  qldwater eFlashes
  Skills eFlashes (access only to Water Skills Partners)
  qldwater Newsletter
  Member Resource Access (website) (access only to qldwater Members & Affiliate Members)
  qldwater Zoho Group (online forum for qldwater Members only)

By selecting any of the above, you are providing Queensland Water Directorate 'qldwater' consent to contact you through the above options.

Interested in becoming an Affiliate Member? Email to find out more!