During its first four years of operation, qldwater communicated and met directly with members through workshops, training days, treatment plant tours and regional conferences of IPWEAQ, LGAQ, AWA and LGMA. Feedback from members including the member satisfaction survey each year highlights demand from members for greater contact and regular updates on technical water industry matters.
In response, a trial program for water mini-conferences was commenced in 2010 to establish a test the potential for a consistent and regular regional structure for two-way communication on water issues. The conferences were designed to complement existing technical IPWEAQ branch conferences and the Northern AWA conference to provide a forum for water managers and workers to convene to hear about recent initiatives, provide feedback and share information.
Two events were held in 2010 in Rockhampton and Stanthorpe and two again in 2011 in Roma and Normanton.
In 2012 we expanded to include all Queensland regions and linked the conferences with the Best of the Best Queensland Water Taste Test. This was a great success with 31 out of a possible 62 samples entered in the competition, ensuring at least one person from each participating region would attend.
The mini-conferences aim to get the best and most relevant speakers in the regions including local papers as well as create processes for feedback from the industry in their own 'back yard'.