Queensland Water Directory DWQMPs Ultimate Engineering

Provider Details Ultimate Engineering - Water and Waste

Address: PO Box 411 , Cairns North, 4870
Phone: 07 4028 3777
8.00am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday
Services provided - Drinking Water Quality Management plans (DWQMP) workshops, procedure review and writing of DWQMPs
  • Plant operations
  • Investigations and reports
  • Royalties for Regions applications
  • Demand management projects
  • Asset management projects
  • P&ID and asset list
  • Maintenance lists and schedules
  • Operation manuals and procedures
  • Laboratory setup
  • Independent review of plans and specifications from tenderers, contractors or government bodies
  • Assistance as an independent technical expert in negotiations with external funders, private engineering firms and Government departments
  • Receiving Environment Monitoring Programs (REMPs), including design, monitoring and annual reporting
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) chapters (Surface Water and Aquatic Flora and Fauna)
  • Project management and reporting
Hourly Rates All jobs quotable.
Hourly rate $75 for first time customers.
Please give an indication of the qualifications and experience of your personnel – e.g. manager, senior staff, technicians.  Chris Roberts, MEng Water and Waste Engineering (Griffth Uni)
BSC (hons) Applied Microbiology (Liverpool UK)
PGCEnv  Environmental management(CIWEM)
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