Provider Details | Symbio Laboratories |
Symbio Laboratories
Brisbane Laboratory: 52 Brandl Street, Eight Mile Plains, QLD 4113 Townsville Laboratory: 17 Hamil Street, Garbutt, QLD 4814 Ph: 1300 703 166 |
Hours of business (for receipt of samples) |
8am – 5pm Monday to Friday 9am – 12pm Saturday |
Do you offer external laboratory services? | Yes, Symbio Laboratories is an independent laboratory service. Symbio Laboratories has extensive experience working with a number of regional councils in Qld and NSW. Symbio Laboratories provides a comprehensive service with a wide scope of accreditations in microbiology, chemistry and residue testing. |
Summary of the lab's accreditations/ QA processes |
Symbio Laboratories operates under the guidelines set out in ISO/IEC 17025. All laboratories are accredited by NATA for a wide range of biological and chemical testing, accreditation number is 2455. |
Analytical services provided - drinking water, sewerage and recycled water | Symbio Laboratories has one of the broadest range of testing capabilities for the environmental testing market, making Symbio Laboratories the first choice for many environmental consultants, water authorities and waste water treatment companies. The laboratories are equipped with the most advanced analytical instrumentation available to ensure that detection limits meet customer and regulatory requirements. Symbio Laboratories conducts a wide array of tests on water, soil, effluent, surfaces and air to ensure that the health of the immediate and wider environment is not compromised as a result of your production activities. Compliance with requirements set by the Environmental Protection Authority, relevant Occupational Health and Safety bodies, as well as individual food safety plans demands constant surveillance of the many by-products of agricultural and food manufacturer businesses. Access the full laboratory scope here: |
Plans to offer further services or specialisations in future | Symbio Laboratories is currently in the process of expanding operations nationally and is continuing to develop new methods based on needs identified for the many challenges facing the water sector. |
Summary of pricing policy | Symbio Laboratories understands the need for tailored pricing solution, depending on the number of samples submitted for testing and the frequency. For large projects, tenders and ongoing routine testing, your Symbio Laboratories Account Manager will be able to find the right pricing solution for your business. |
Qualifications and experience of laboratory personnel | Symbio Laboratories employs qualified chemists and microbiologists who have considerable experience in the analysis of environmental samples. Staff are members of professional organisations such as the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, The Water Association, The Environmental Laboratories Industry Group, and many more are used by NATA as technical assessors for auditing other laboratories. |