This Administrative Page is accessible only to LGAQ and qldwater and provides links to all documents associated with the first stage of Reef Councils MIP WWSSA. This includes publicly available documents and documents available only to the Project Steering Group, as well as documents shared only between LGAQ and qldwater (often provided as links to ‘live’ GoogleDocs documents).
Minutes from LGAQ-qldwater meetings
Reef Councils Executed Grant Deed - Release Date 25-Mar-2019: - Grant Deed between the Department of Environment and Science and Local Government Association Queensland to enter into a partnership to carry out activities which will contribute necessary knowledge to enable actions that will improve water quality outcomes for the Great Barrier Reef.
Reef Councils MIP Project Plan v2_2 - Release Date 25-Mar-2019: - Reef Council MIP wastewater strategic assessment Project Plan V2_2
Reef Councils MIP Objectives and Measures on a Page - Release Date 03-Apr-2019: - Reef Councils outputs, objectives, measures, targets and timeframes on one page.
Reef Councils MIP Project Calendar v2 - Release Date 13-May-2019: - Reef Councils MIP Project Calendar v2, May 2019
Reef Councils WWSSA Flyer - Release Date 30-Apr-2019: - The Wastewater Stewardship: Strategic Assessment (WWSSA) Project is the first initiative under the Reef Councils Major Integrated Project plan which aims to prioritise local government response to the targets and objectives of the Reef 2050 Plan.
Reef Councils Project Plan - Release Date 25-Mar-2019: - The wastewater stewardship project will investigate alternative sewage management options and their applicability to addressing nutrient risks from GBR catchments. Providing pathways to reduce nutrient flows to the GBR needs to address the impact from sewage treatment plants and the central role Councils play as stewards of GBR catchments. This project is the initial component required to enable consideration of a larger MIP proposal.