The broad diversity and geographical dispersion of Queensland's urbane water industry means that it is often difficult for qldwater members to represent their interests and joint responses to common issues require coordination. qldwater seeks to support and strengthen the industry through representation and advocacy in the following ways.
qldwater alerts and reminds the industry about current review processes and documents and provides an opportunity for members to contribute to joint industry responses. Previous issues and collated responses are collected here.
The dispersion and remoteness of many Queensland Service Providers Mean that it is difficult to attend some industry meetings. qldwater represents members on whole-of-industry-topics at centralised meetings, ensuring even the smallest service providers have a voice. Two way communication with the industry is maintained through direct contact, regional visits and forums and through e Flashes. All relevant documents, web links and updates (including relevant e Flashes) are collated under specific topics trhough the publications web pages.
qldwater partners with LGAQ and other organisations including WSAA, AWA, WIOA and IPWEAQ to influence policy, legislation and other industry drivers affecting the Queensland water industry. Single industry responses are developed through the TRG in discussion with the membership. Recent issues are listed here.
The real experience and knowledge about the needs and best future directions for urban water are held by the people working in the industry itself. qldwater convenes expert panels around key issues either to provide informed feedback on current issues or to gather information and knowledge into industry publications. Current and past expert panels are listed here.