Skills Toolbox

If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail. Let's drill deeper...

What's your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)?

What sets you apart from other employers in the region? Things like caring for the environment, flexible work hours or other benefits you offer to employees.

Over the past year, the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) have spent significant resources on an EVP project for the water industry – the 2023 Skills Forum featured a session to provide an update, and the resources from this project may provide some ideas on ways to structure your job ads so they will resonate with the right people. Find the resources here.


Find locals where possible!

Have a think of some of the places in your local community where you may be able to find suitable candidates.

Some examples include:

I need help developing a Position Description

No need to reinvent the wheel!

qldwater members have kindly shared some PDs which you are welcome to copy. Find them here

What's the best place to advertise positions?

Do you feel like your ads are not being seen? You’re not alone!

qldwater advertised positions on LinkedIn and Seek and had limited interest, but when we promoted a job through the Ethical Jobs platform, we immediately received some impressive applications.

The Federal Government Workforce Australia website offers a free recruitment service as well as personalised and professional help for your workforce needs.

What government support is there?

State-based support – Regional Jobs Committees

As part of the Skills for Queensland – Great training for quality jobs strategy, Regional Jobs Committeeswere established across the state. The establishment of these committees aligns closely with advice provided by Jobs Queensland on the importance of place-based skills and employment strategies.

These committees are part of the Queensland Government’s plan to work within the community and help grow local industries by ensuring they have the skilled workforce for the jobs they need now and into the future. Committees are located in:

Each Regional Jobs Committee is supported by Jobs Queensland and can draw upon research and industry engagement to help identify their region’s workforce development priorities and to inform training investment needs.

Federal Support – Workforce Australia Local Jobs Program

Managed by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), the Local Jobs Program supports the development and implementation of tailored approaches to accelerate reskilling, upskilling and employment across Australia and seeks to provide tailored responses to support local labour markets.

The program includes 51 Employment Regions and runs until 30 June 2025. Each region has:

  • An Employment Facilitator
  • A Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce
  • A Local Jobs Plan
  • A Local Recovery Fund to support small scale regional activities
  • The National Priority Fund to support employment growth through projects addressing structural barriers in the labour market.

To apply for funding, contact the Employment facilitator in your region to discuss activity proposals. 

Activities must include training and re-skilling opportunities; tailored training; professional development; job seeker mentoring; work experience; employment pathway and internship programs.

The department anticipates success will include, but is not limited to, initiatives that:

  • Mitigate or remove barriers for Australians to take up work and/or meet the workforce needs of employers
  • Strengthen the capacity of stakeholders, industries and local governments to identify workforce development needs, skills shortages and those occupational areas in which training or retraining might be targeted
  • Complement the creation of durable employment for Australians
  • Result in more efficient labour markets
  • Provide longer-term economic and social benefits for the community

Workforce Planning Support

Need help with workforce planning?

Jobs Queensland developed a suite of materials designed to support employers access the skills and workforce they need. Find the Workforce Planning Connect tools and resources here.

Workforce Planning: A summary guide outlining the 4 stages of workforce planning can be found here.

All the workforce planning tools and resources can be downloaded via this link.

Workforce Planning Connect Workbook: A practical guide for micro business and small enterprise - 

Jobs Queensland, in partnership with the University of the Sunshine Coast, is offering a free workforce planning course. The next course starts in 2024 – register here

Where can I find a Relief Operator?

Need to take a break but don't have staff to fill in?

Check out the listings for Relief Operator Services on the Queensland Water Directory.