The Technical Competency Handbook assists water utilities in developing processes and practices to deliver a technically competent operational workforce. It has been developed by WIOA and the VicWater Learning and Development Network with support from qldwater and explores options for the planning and delivery of learning and development programs and managing ongoing professional development. It includes a number of case studies, including two Queensland examples of best practice with the Water Industry Worker Program and Seqwater’s Site-based Operator Competency Assessment and also provides information about implementing Operator Certification. The handbook is intended to be used by HR, L&D practitioners and direct line managers tasked with the creation and implementation of L&D programs for water industry operations staff.
Work, industries and skills are changing and Queensland needs an adaptable workforce. Through research, consultation and other activities, Jobs Queensland is exploring what the future of work could look like in 2030 for Queenslanders and the economy. This includes considering the implications for skills and employment policy of technological change, social and demographic trends, and institutional frameworks. The Future work, future jobs: Preparing Queensland for the evolution of work report outlines findings and recommendations relevant to future work in Queensland. qldwater provided a submission to the development of the report which you can read in the member only area of the qldwater website.
qldwater Future of Work Submission March 2019 - Release Date 22-Jan-2020: - qldwater response to ‘The Future of Work in Queensland to 2030’ Discussion Paper. This response has been informed with input from members of the Water Skills Partnership, the most significant industry-led skills program for the water industry in Queensland. qldwater holds a position on the Water Industry Reference Committee (Water IRC) convened by Australian Industry Standards, and is contracted by the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training as a VET Industry Advisory Organisation.
Jobs Queensland has developed a range of resources to support organisations undertake workforce planning. Workforce Planning Connect provides a range of free tools to help organisations understand and plan for their workforce needs now and into the future. The toolkit includes an introductory guide to workforce planning and a toolkit with a range of templates, fact sheets and guides.
Every third week of October, the Australian Water Association (AWA) hosts National Water Week across Australia, inspiring individuals, communities and organisations to work together to build awareness around the value of water. Access to clean water is hugely important to every aspect of our lives, and we must do our best to protect our water environments and resources, and use water wisely.
qldwater Fact Sheets
Infosheet - Workplace Absenteeism - Release Date 11-Oct-2011: -
This Information sheet contains information on the factors that can contribute to absenteeism and suggested strategies to address the issues.
Infosheet - Flexible Working Arrangements - Release Date 24-Oct-2011: - Queensland Urban Water Skills Partnership infosheet on flexible working arrangements.
This information sheet contains information on the pros and cons of flexible working arrangements and strategies for implementation.
Enterprise Agreements Comparison June 2015 - Release Date 27-Sep-2011: - A comparison of a number of council EB agreements available on the internet.