Queensland Water Directory DWQMPs Hunter H2O

Provider Details Hunter H2O
 Address: Level 13, 288 Edward St, Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone 02 4941 5000
Website: www.hunterh2o.com.au
Opening Hours: 8.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Please summarise any accreditations/ QA processes

Hunter H2O offers over 80 senior and principal engineers who are recognised through the relevant professional bodies. 

With over 120 water industry specialist staff, 18 of whom are RPEQ certified across a range of disciplines. Our resource pool additionally offers staff certified in:

Water Quality Auditing: WQMS Lead Auditor (Exemplar Global), We are recognised by Schneider and have achieved Master Integrator Status, 

Cyber Security Specialists and WSAA Accredited designers.

Hunter H2O has an integrated Business Management System including triple certification with Quality Certified to ISO9001, Work Health & Safety Certified to AS4801 and Environmental Management System certified to ISO 14001. 

The Quality Management, Safety Management and Environmental Management System’s registration scope covers the provision of Engineering Consulting Services in the water industry and associated fields, including planning, environmental, survey, design, construction, project management, commissioning, and operational services.

Each of these systems are prominent in project planning phase with project specific plans developed to ensure the process meets the management system requirements and therefore the final product meets your requirements.
Services provided

Hunter H2O is one of the largest Australian private specialist consulting firms in the water industry. We operate across a broad range of water industry project types within the following diverse set of clients and geographies: Regional Water Authorities, Metropolitan Water Authorities, International, Private Sector Clients and Government Agencies.
We employ about 100 water industry specialists and forecast continual growth through building a strong presence around our major city offices in Brisbane, Newcastle, Adelaide, Tamworth and Fiji. 
We are best known for integrating the following service areas collaboratively into client water challenges to drive successful outcomes:

- Advisory and planning
- Asset Management
- Design
- Digital and SCADA technologies
- Process engineering
- Project Management
- Operations Support
Hourly Rates Together with our clients we develop customised solutions to meet your specific needs and objectives. We aim to create pricing structures that are both transparent and flexible such as fixed fee, hourly rates and discounts for longer full-time positions/projects such as secondments and longer term partnerships. 
Please give an indication of the qualifications and experience of your personnel – e.g. manager, senior staff, technicians. Hunter H2O offers a national specialist team of 36 process engineers, 34 Design Delivery, 17 Planning and Advisory and 26 Electrical and Automation professionals. Within the QLD region, we have 8 engineers based in our Brisbane CBD office.
Any other information you would like to add? As a specialist water industry firm that focuses specifically on water and wastewater assets we are committed to matching your needs with the impressive skillset of our resource pool across the Australia-Pacific region. Should there be a service we do not currently specialise in, we integrate a partnership approach to ensure you have access to the best local talent and enhance your communities’ outcomes. We always seek your input and permission prior to engaging any subconsultants/contractors and as health, safety, environmental sustainability and quality assurance of our work is paramount, we ensure we maintain third party certified HSEQ Systems at all times. 