qldwater through the Water Skills Partnership works collaboratively with members to address common skilling, training and workforce issues for water service providers from across Queensland. The Water Skills Partnership is the only industry-led skills program for the Queensland industry with approximately 50 subscribers and broad representation across the State.
qldwater is contracted by the Queensland Department of Finance, Trade, Employment and Training (DFTET) as an Industry Skills and Jobs Advisor (ISJA) and on behalf of members and subscribers to the Water Skills Partnership, provides industry advice and intelligence about current and emerging workforce, skilling and training needs and opportunities. The ISJA engages with stakeholders across broader sectors, facilitating collaboration through the Queensland Water Industry Reference Group (QWIRG) and representing Queensland’s water issues nationally to Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs), particularly BuildSkills Australia.
Regular Skills eFlashes provide updates on the latest water industry skills and training news.
Read moreThe Queensland Water Skills Partnership is the most significant industry-led skills program for the water industry in Queensland.
Read moreExplore the variety of pathways into the urban water industry including qldwater's Water Industry Worker vocational training program.
Read moreState and Federal Funding for water industry training is available under a range of State and Federal initiatives.
Read moreInformation on the workforce composition of the industry, career profiles, fact sheets and more.
Read moreqldwater invests a lot of time in programs that improve skills, build career paths and recognising the crucial role water operators play in delivering water and sewerage services to Queensland communities.
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