Workforce Composition Snapshot Reports

Over the past few years, both qldwater and various national bodies have conducted studies to quantify the number and types of roles within the water industry. The Urban Water Industry Workforce Composition Snapshot Reports help to analyse Queensland water industry workforce trends and issues like attraction and retention, competition from other industries and labour shortages. In order to monitor these trends in the industry, qldwater (through the Queensland Water Skills Partnership) intends to publish a Snapshot Report approximately every two years.

In addition to the regular snapshot reports, qldwater engaged Balmoral Group Australia in 2024 to deliver a Queensland Water Workforce Skills Survey Report to ground truth the available information and data about skills and workforce in Queensland. The report was funded through QWRAP and aims to assist QWRAP partners and qldwater in its role as Industry Skills Advisor to inform BuildSkills Australia on water industry workforce dynamics, skills and training needs and challenges in attraction and retention.

Download the Balmoral Report

2022 Snapshot Report

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2022 Key Workforce Indicators

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2020 Snapshot Report

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2020 Key Workforce Indicators

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Previous Snapshot Reports

2018 Snapshot Report

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2018 Key Workforce Indicators

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2016 Snapshot Report

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2014 Snapshot Report

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2012 Snapshot Report

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2010 Snapshot Report

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