QWRAP Progress Reports and Reviews

QWRAP has been funded since 2011 by the Queensland Government in partnership with LGAQ, qldwater and participating councils. In July 2018, the program was extended for four years by the state government with funding available for five QWRAP regions and an annual research project. Annual reports to the Queensland Government on the program can be found here along with QWRAP highlights from other reviews.

Annual Progress Reports

QWRAP Annual Report 2022-23 - Release Date 19-Apr-2024: - QWRAP Annual Report 2022-23

QWRAP Annual Report 2021-22 - Release Date 21-Feb-2023: - QWRAP Annual Report 2022

QWRAP 2021 - Release Date 26-Oct-2021: - QWRAP Annual Report 2021

QWRAP 2020 - Release Date 28-Aug-2020: - QWRAP Annual Report 2020

QWRAP 2019 - Release Date 29-May-2020: - QWRAP Annual Report 2019

QWRAP 2018 - Release Date 11-Dec-2018: - QWRAP Annual Progress Report 2018

QWRAP 2017 - Release Date 07-Dec-2017: - QWRAP Update: Year 2. 2016-2017 Funding

QWRAP 2016 (Planning) - Release Date 07-Sep-2016: - Update and future planning,September 2016

QWRAP 2016 - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - QWRAP Update Report June 2016

QWRAP 2014 - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - QWRAP Update Report 2014

QWRAP 2013 - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - QWRAP Update Report 2013

QWRAP 2012 - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - QWRAP Update Report 2012

QWRAP 2011 - Release Date 23-Jul-2018: - QWRAP Update Report 2011

Productivity Commission report 2017

In 2017, the National Productivity Commission undertook an inquiry into the reform of Australia’s water resources sector. The final report was released to the public on 31 May 2018 and made reference to the challenges faced by water service providers in Queensland "due to the high cost of serving small and dispersed populations". The QWRAP program was specifically mentioned in reference to the progress that has been made in Queensland in fostering regional collaborative arrangements. The Productivity Commission recommended that:

"Local water utilities and State Governments in New South Wales and Queensland should strategically examine opportunities to improve service delivery through collaboration."

QWRAP Review by Deloitte Access Economics

In 2017, the Queensland Government commissioned an independent review of the program by Deloitte Access Economics. Some key success factors for the program identified by Deloitte were:

  • having a champion to drive progress;
  • quick wins that encourage buy-in;
  • keeping it voluntary;
  • having a trusting environment;
  • finding the governance that works for each region.

Some of the key challenges listed included the diversity of local needs, geographic dispersion, the importance of the regional coordinator role, and also opportunities for joint effort in regulatory compliance. The review determined that the program had been effective in increasing collaboration, knowledge sharing and undertaking joint activities, including joint procurement of products and services, collaboration on water in industry regulatory compliance, standardisation of codes and procedures, knowledge sharing and research and technical studies.

Deloitte found that "it is important to continue the collection of benefit data for the QWRAP program going forward in order to establish a full assessment on return on investment in the future." This recommendation has prompted an increased attention on the benefits capture and reporting for QWRAP funded projects. The review concluded that:

"QWRAP represents a unique opportunity for government to continue building economies of scale for the efficient and sustainable delivery of urban water and sewerage services to rural and regional communities."