The State Government commenced a program of work to amend chapter 6 (Network Modelling and Applications) of these guidelines a few years ago, convening an industry reference group to assist with the amendments. The primary purpose of Chapter 6 has always been to facilitate strategic thinking in the planning process. qldwater was unaware of the final publication which occurred in March 2014, and this notice is to advise interested members who may also have missed it. It is particularly relevant to network planning in relation to fire flows
In very brief summary feedback indicated terminology changes were required to update the guideline:
In regard, to the legislative requirements of Chapter 6 of the Planning Guidelines for Water Supply and Sewerage the intent has always been for Chapter 6 to be read in conjunction with all other legislative requirements and where inconsistency with the any legislative requirements, the legislative requirements prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
While provision of network capacity to fight fires in the community is an important part of the water supply network, there is no legal requirement for a water service provider in Queensland to do so unless specified in a WSP’s customer service standard.
To comply (voluntarily) with the guideline, providers will need to:
The consultation has now been finalised and the amended guideline is available on the departmental website:
If you would like to discuss further the results of the consultation please do not hesitate to contact Chris Pfeffer from the department on (07) 3199 4880.
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