eFlash #591

eFlash #591

eFlash #591
Date: 19-Feb-2024


NPR (National Performance Report) information

By now everyone should be aware that there will be some changes to Water Service Provider’s annual water and sewerage reporting requirements for 2024/25. This is related to changes to NPR reporting for >10,000 connection WSPs but importantly to <10,000 connection WSPs who will have to report to the NPR for the first time in 2025 (so need to start collecting data from 1 July 2024).

Now is the time to start looking into what you will need to report on. BoM has published the NPR handbook (definitions) here: Publications: About: Water Information: Bureau of Meteorology (bom.gov.au). 

Alongside the handbook is a release note explaining:

  • changes to performance indictors from the previous 2018 handbook 
  • timing of changes to data collection and reporting on the performance indicators

There are also guidance memos providing information for both >10,000 and <10,000 connection entities for the 2024-25 reporting period. 

Additional information is available on the Bureau's NPR updates web page.

A copy of the information is also available on the qldwater SWIM Help & Informationweb page.

qldwater has started to communicate this information via QWRAP meetings and there will be more information and training sessions offered in the coming months via QWRAP meetings, Webinars, emails, TEAMS and in-person meetings. So please keep an eye out for further information.

If you have any questions in relation NPR reporting, please don’t hesitate to contact David (dscheltinga@qldwater.com.au) or Anne-Marie Patch (AnnMarie.Patch@rdmw.qld.gov.au).

IPWEA-QNT Asset Management Symposium

The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia – Queensland and Northern Territory (IPWEA-QNT) Asset Management Symposium will feature a number of water and sewerage related presentations including a case study on critical water and wastewater asset management for SWQROC by Peter See, Matthew Brennan and David Wiskar, and an Innovative Approach to Managing Rural Water and Wastewater Infrastructure by Geoffrey Smart from Langtree Consulting. 

Check out the program and register here.

Essentials Webinar: Arc Flash Risks, Causes and Management

Wednesday 29 February 2024 from 10am to 11am

Michael Gibson from Queensland's Electrical Safety Office, will provide information and insights on the risks, causes and management of arc flash. As the Director of Field Services, Michael's key focus is on the promotion of education and training on all matters relating to electrical safety. He supports this through the development and delivery of evidence-based compliance and engagement programs which focuses on ESO’s priority areas. 

Register Now!

Essentials Webinar: Land Use Safety Planning for Chlorine Gas Facilities

Thursday 6 March 2024 from 10am to 11am

Ben Fleming, Senior Safety Advisor at the Major Hazard Facilities Unit within the Office of Industrial Relations, will present on land use safety planning for chlorine gas facilities providing an overview of the application of safety and planning regulations to hazardous chemicals, current planning legacy and ideal planning outcomes. 

Register Now!


BuildSkills Australia Water Webinar

BuildSkills Australia is the new national Jobs and Skills Council for the Built Environment - including the water sector. BuildSkills is preparing the first ever Built Environment Workforce Plan to guide a national response to the skills shortages facing the construction, property and water industries. Join them for this roundtable discussion to help shape national plans for the future of jobs and skills in the water industry. You will hear BuildSkills' latest analysis and outlook and have an opportunity to feed your own insights and concerns into their thinking.

To find out more, and to register, visit their webpage here.

Cyber security – risk and international threats

The Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC) US partner, CISA (along with the FBI and EPA) recently released an incident response guide specifically for the water and wastewater sector. 

A press release can be found in the following link. CISA, FBI and EPA Release Incident Response Guide for Water and Wastewater Systems Sector  | CISA.

While based around the US system, it has some great information that is relevant to Australia in relation to preparation, detection and response.

To stay up to date or for additional guidance you can go to cyber.gov.au or go to the ACSC’s partner program

In Queensland, water and sewerage service providers are required to report on their cyber security preparedness through annual Performance Reporting KPIs and should report any incidents to the Queensland Government Chief Information Office (QGCIO), qgisvrt@qld.gov.au. Any cyber security incidents that have the potential to impact the provision of safe drinking water must also be reported as an event to Water Supply Regulation at the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water via the normal process. You can also report any incidents to the ACSC if you are impacted.

Advice, support and collaboration opportunities for water and sewerage service providers can be accessed to assist with cyber preparedness through the Queensland Government Cyber Security Unit.

The Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN) is an Australian Government initiative administered by the Department of Home Affairs, and is specifically geared towards critical infrastructure protection. 

Inclusion of community and other events in DWQMPs

Many communities host regular community events or experience other significant variations in their population. When next conducting a review of your DWQMP, remember to include information about source water emergency or contingency supplies that are either available or planned if/when usual supplies are compromised (e.g., during events or disasters). Planned events with large changes in population may also trigger the requirement for additional drinking water testing to address the change in risk to public health. 

Refer to the guideline for further information or contact your allocated WSR officer. Email drinkingwater.reporting@rdmw.qld.gov.au with any questions.

Review of Carbon Credits and Act

The Climate Change Authority has completed and published reviews of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011

UK Government Bans Bonuses 

The UK Government is set to impose a new ruling meaning that water company bosses cannot receive bonuses if their organisation has breached certain governance aspects, such as management failings or substantial water pollution. Read more

Funding for Industrial Transformation

ARENA has opened applications under the $150 million Industrial Transformation Stream Round One (1) Focus Areas Program (including supporting decarbonisation of process heat in industrial processes). Applications are open until December 2024 or until funds are exhausted. 

The existingIndustrial Energy Transformation Studies Program, to assist large energy users to undertake engineering and feasibility studies to identify opportunities to lower energy costs and reduce emissions, remains open. 


Electricity Prices

Ergon Energy Network and Energex Network 2025-30 Regulatory Proposals and Tariff Structure Statements are now available on the Australian Energy Regulator  website.

The Regulatory Proposals set out the forecast capital and operating expenditure that they require to build, operate, and maintain their distribution networks and the revenue they intend to collect from customers through network charges. 

The Tariff Structure Statements explains the network tariffs that they will apply to customers in the next five-year period to recover the total allowed revenue.

Submissions are due by the 15 May.  Electricity is a significant cost factor for the urban water sector. qldwater will be making a submission to the AER on the Regulatory Proposals and the Tariff Strategy Statements and would appreciate any feedback.


  • 21 February - AWA Queensland Industry Breakfast 2024, Victoria Park, Brisbane
  • 29 February - Essentials Webinar: Arc Flash
  • 5-6 March – IPWEA-QNT SEQ/SWQ Branch Conference, Toowoomba
  • 16 March – Local Government Elections
  • 19 April – Water Skills Forum, Parliament House, Brisbane
  • 23-24 April – IPWEA-QNT Asset Management Symposium
  • 13-17 May – Water Connections Tour
  • 30-31 July - AWA North Queensland Conference, Hamilton Island
  • 21 August – QWRAP Chairs and Coordinators Forum
  • 22-23 August - qldwater Annual Forum
  • 26 October - State Government elections

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