Skills eFlash #127

Skills eFlash #127

Skills eFlash #127
Date: 30-Apr-2024

Date: 30 April 2024

In this edition: Water Skills Forum Wrap | Micro Credentials May | QWRAP HR / IR Toolkit |  BSA Make a Case for Change 

1. Annual Water Skills Forum 2024 

Thank you to all those who attended the 2024 Water Skills Forum last week – it was great to catch up with so many of our members and partners and to broaden our connections with the HR professionals in our member organisations. 

An overview of the day’s activities, along with a link to all the presentations, are available on this web page.

Photos taken on the day are available here.

We would like to draw your attention to a range of products launched on the day, including:

2. Micro-Credentials May

Micro-Credentials May is a series of one-hour webinars to promote the new series of Micro-Credential (MC) Courses to be delivered later this year. (Please note the SCADA introduction webinar is a 90 minute presentation.)

The webinars are free to attend and will also be recorded for members to access after the presentations.

This is your opportunity to see what the full MCs will include and to decide who in your teams would benefit from the courses.

Register from the links below:

•SCADA Introduction - Wednesday 8 May 1.00 to 2.30pm

•Making Use of Water Quality Data - Tuesday 14 May 10.00 to 11.00am

•DWQMPs – Practical Implications - Wednesday 22 May 10.00 to 11.00am

•Fluoridation for QLD Operators - Wednesday 29 May 10.00 to 11.00am

The full MCs will be delivered between June and September this year, with enrolments managed by Lee-Anne Willis, Water Industry Worker Coordinator. We will share those dates shortly.

The Micro-Credentialing Program is part of the Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 and is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.

3. Water Workforce Toolbox

We are pleased to release a new look Water Workforce Toolbox featuring the HR/IR toolkit developed by HR Consultant Chris Hancock and Elle Ackland from LGAQ. 

The HR/IR toolkit includes a series of Position Descriptions aligned with the Queensland Local Government Industry (Stream B) Award with Schedule 1 (Classifications – Operational Services) which can be downloaded and tailored to suit specific requirements of the role / organisational context.

The other topics in the toolbox include a curated selection of documents, presentations and video recordings from our website and events. 

More topics will be added over time, so please let us know if there are any subjects you would like to see featured in more detail.

4. Invitation - BuildSkills Australia – Make a Case for Change 

We heard from BuildSkills Australia at the Skills Forum, giving us an update of their work and the roadmap ahead as they engage with the sector.

George Wall, National Manager Water Sector Industry Engagement made a call to the sector to engage with the BuildSkills Australia Make a Case for Change system, which lodges sector issues and allows BSA to assess issues that require positive action.

We would encourage members to engage and submit their issues via this link.

This enters the issues into the BSA system, allowing investigation, follow up and feedback. It is important that members lodge issues, whatever they may be, so that BSA can examine them.

5. TRILITY Introductory Courses 

The first in a suite of introduction courses provided by TRILITY is now available on the website.

In order to understand water’s unique chemical properties we must first gain a broad understanding of Chemistry. This course includes short video recordings delivered by Charles Dyer introducing basic atomic theory, atomic structure, valence and reactions, chemical formulae, chemical equations, Ions, water and pH, reactions in solution, chemistry in action, coagulation and flocculation, disinfection, water softening and fluoridation.

The course is open for self-enrolment from this link.

The other courses currently being developed include:

  • Calculations
  • Isolation
  • Fluid Flow
  • Monitoring

We are looking for operators interested in the delivery of training packages to help us improve the course materials by adding video clips, photos, graphics etc. If you have an interest in any of the topics above and would like to show off your training capabilities, please contact Des Gralton.


  • 24 July - WIOA QLD Gala Awards Dinner
  • 24-25 July - WIOA QLD Conference, Sunshine Coast
  • 30-31 July - AWA North QLD Conference, Hamilton Island
  • 22-23 August - qldwater Annual Forum
  • 26 October - State Government elections
  • 30 October - QWater'24
  • 21-22 November - Emerging Contaminants Workshop

Kind Regards,


qldwater is a business unit of IPWEAQ

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