eFlash #611

eFlash #611

eFlash #611
Date: 30-Oct-2024

In this edition: qldwater end of year drinks and new government opportunity | Consultation session on NHMRC changes to the ADWG | qldwater Emerging Contaminants workshop: early bird registrations closing soon! | Recording of Essentials Webinar available now | LGAQ motions supported | SWIM in the news | Global water cycle off balance | Productivity Commission submission on proposed National Water Agreement | Dam good job in Cairns | EOI AWA water literacy and education specialist network | Managing fatigue risks 


1. qldwater end of year drinks and new government opportunity

We invite all our members and partners to celebrate the end of a successful year with drinks at Parliament House.

The qldwater team is working with the incoming Government and we hope that this will be an opportunity for the industry to interface with new Ministers and Senior Government Officials.

When:Wednesday, 4 December 2024

5.30pm to 7.30pm

Where:   River Deck, Parliament House

69 Alice St, Brisbane

Cost:Members $80

Non-Members $110

Register here. 

Sole sponsorship available. Download the sponsorship prospectus here

2. Consultation session on NHMRC changes to the ADWG

The NHMRC has opened a consultation on the proposed changes to the ADWG for PFAS. qldwater will be making a submission on the proposed changes outlined below. We are seeking member feedback on what impact these changes may have on water service providers. 

Implications may include:

  • having to add additional treatment to meet new guidelines, and cost implications.
  • having to find alternative raw water sources to supplement existing supplies.
  • having to PFAS test drinking water to low levels on a regular basis
  • other unforeseen PFAS sources in treatment processes.

We would like to understand what you believe the impacts will be on your schemes to help draft an informed response to the consultation (closing on 22 November).

We are holding and online consultation session to discuss this and frame a response on Thursday 31 October at 2:00-3:00 pm.

Please register here to receive a confirmation email with the meeting details. 

3. qldwater EC workshop: early bird registrations closing soon!

Early bird registrations for the upcoming Emerging Contaminants Workshop will close on 1 November, so register now to avoid disappointment. 

The Workshop will take place in Townsville on 21-22 November and will focus on three themes:

  • Science progressing understanding of emerging contaminants 
  • Emerging contaminants regulation and solutions 
  • Utilities' responses to emerging contaminants 

This event is tapping into the need for discussion around options for the regional communities in emerging contaminant management. In the 5 years since the first workshop was held in Brisbane, the regulatory landscape has changed dramatically (EOW codes, PFAS NEMP 3.0, IChEMS), and even the smaller local government owned water utilities are examining their options for future management of biosolids, treated wastewater effluent and landfill leachate. This event will provide a forum for the discussion of these topics in detail.

Join a host of speakers, including:

  • Dr Elvis Okoffo, UQ – Microplastics
  • Dr Bob Symons, Eurofins – Measurement of CEC
  • Prof Bernadette McCabe, USQ – Biochar nutrient availability
  • Dr Shaun Presow, NZ EPA – The NZ PFAS ban
  • Sarah Hausler, McCullough Robertson Lawyers – Legal frameworks and implications of CEC

For more information and to register, click here

4. Recording of Essentials Webinar available now

A recording of the latest qldwater Essentials Webinar on The Water Supply Regulation perspective on processing amendments to a DWQMP is now available on the qldwater website

Other webinars in the qldwater Essentials Webinar series are available here. Stay up to date with upcoming webinars and events by visiting our upcoming events page

5. LGAQ motions supported

The needs of the water sector were a key focus of the 128th Annual LGAQ Conference. With the support of QWRAP regions and councils, two key motions were supported on the conference floor.

Motion 22

That the LGAQ calls on the State Government to establish a dedicated funding pipeline / program to support the implementation of initiatives (including planning studies, asset condition assessments and capital and maintenance infrastructure works) identified through the Urban Water Risk Assessment Project and Queensland Water Regional Alliance Programs, which form a critical component of Queensland’s Water Strategy.

Motion 49

That the LGAQ calls on the State and Federal governments to ban the importation and use of products containing PFAS-group chemicals by the end of 2026, including products not covered by the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standard (cosmetics, personal care products, food packaging, clothing) rather than requiring local government water service providers to upgrade treatment technology to protect community health and the environment from these chemicals.

qldwater would like to acknowledge the Councils and their water leaders that supported these initiatives and helped to garner the necessary policy focus on our industries key issues.

Sponsoring Councils:

  • North Burnett (Shaun Johnson)
  • Rockhampton City Council (Dan Toon)
  • Central Highlands Regional Council (Amber Robinson) – Motion 49
  • South West Queensland Water and Sewerage Alliance led by Bulloo Shire Council (George Inocentes) - Motion 22

LGAQ, qldwater and local government mayors will now focus on advocating for these important motions over the next 12 months.

Thanks to all QWRAP regions for your support of these matters and the briefings you provided to Councillors to ensure that these items were voted through easily on the conference floor.

6. SWIM in the news

The latest edition of Inside Water features an article on the evolution of SWIM and swimlocal. Read it here.


7. Global water cycle of balance

A recent report published by the Global Commission on the Economics of Water suggests that humanity has thrown the global water cycle off balance for the first time in human history, fuelling a growing water disaster that will wreak havoc on economies, food production and lives. The report blames decades of destructive land use and water mismanagement combined with the climate crisis for putting unprecedented stress on the global water cycle.

Disruptions to the water cycle are already causing suffering. Nearly 3 billion people face water scarcity. Crops are shriveling and cities are sinking as the groundwater beneath them dries out.

The consequences will be even more catastrophic without urgent action. The water crisis threatens more than 50% of global food production and risks shaving an average of 8% off countries' GDPs by 2050, with much higher losses of up to 15% projected in low-income countries, the report found.

Read the report here

8. Productivity Commission submission on proposed National Water Agreement

The Productivity Commission (PC) has provided feedback to the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) on the discussion paper Consultation on the draft principles of a National Water Agreement (NWA). This submission draws on the PC’s previous advice to governments on the potential content and structure of a new NWA. 

The submission, published on 14 October 2024,is available here

9. Dam good job in Cairns

Cairns Regional Council is seeking a Senior Engineer – Dams, to join their team. In this role you will be responsible for providing critical engineering inputs to assist with regulatory compliance, upgrades, and overall asset management of all referable dams. You will ensure that all dam infrastructure meets stringent safety standards, complies with relevant regulations, and is maintained to the highest standards. Your work will include managing inspections, coordinating upgrade projects, and developing long-term strategies for the sustainable management of these vital assets.

This role isn’t just about engineering – it’s about safeguarding the community and environment. You will work closely with internal teams and external stakeholders to navigate complex regulatory landscapes, address technical challenges, and contribute to the resilience of the water infrastructure.

If you are passionate about dam safety and asset management and are ready to take on a role where your expertise can make a lasting impact, apply today!

For more information, please contact the recruitment team on (07) 4044 3310 or jobs@cairns.qld.gov.au. To apply please visit the Employment at Council website. Applications close on Sunday, 17 November 2024.

10. EOI AWA Water Literacy & Education Specialist Network

The AWA Water Literacy & Education Specialist Network is looking for four water utilities to share a 15 minute segment highlighting their community education initiatives. The presentations will be delivered at a Members Circle webinar during November. Please contact Des Gralton for more information.


11. Managing fatigue risks

Safe Work Australia is developing a model Code of Practice which provides guidance for PCBUs on managing fatigue risks at work. This draft model Code of Practice has been developed with the support of Safe Work Australia Members and other safety regulators.

To support the model Code’s development, SWA are seeking a wide range of views on the draft. Responses will be used to refine the draft model Code and ensure it:

  • assists duty holders to determine what is reasonably practicable to manage fatigue hazards, and 
  • is broadly applicable across all industries. 

Safe Work Australia welcomes submissions from all interested stakeholders, including duty holders, regulators, government agencies, unions, workers, legal professionals, researchers, members of the public and other parties. 

Responses close 11:59pm on 27 November 2024. Please go to Consultation hub for more information to have your say.


  • 31 Oct - 1 Nov - QWater'24, Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort 
  • 21-22 November - Emerging Contaminants Workshop, Townsville
  • 4 December - qldwater End of Year Drinks, Parliament House

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