eFlash #597

eFlash #597

eFlash #597
Date: 08-May-2024


Latest Submissions

qldwater Submission to DCCEEW on National Water Initiative

In this submission to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW), qldwater considers the proposed new objectives for the National Water Agreement to compare very poorly with the objectives in the original NWI, which provided a strategic direction for tangible and measurable improvements in water policy and management. Our submission includes some suggested Urban Water objectives that are more likely to achieve measurable and tangible water reform outcomes.

qldwater Submission on Carbon Capture and Storage Within the GAB

In this submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications regarding Glencore's proposed carbon capture and storage project within the Great Artesian Basin, qldwater raises serious concerns about the risks to drinking water assets and supplies, urging the Committee to reject the proposal and implement policy parameters to prevent any future CSS incursions into environmental assets such as the GAB.

Find all qldwater submissions here

Telco Land Access Agreement

The Telco Land Access Agreement discussed at the Essentials Webinar: Ensuring Telcos meet regulatory requirements to protect critical water infrastructure, is now available online. Members please log in to download.

Micro-Credentials May

Micro-Credentials May is a series of one-hour webinars to promote the new Micro-Credential (MC) Courses to be delivered later this year.

This is your opportunity to see what the full MCs will include and to decide who in your teams would benefit from the courses.

Wednesday 8 May 1.00 to 2.30pm - SCADA Introduction

Tuesday 14 May 10.00 to 11.00am - Making Use of Water Quality Data 

Wednesday 22 May 10.00 to 11.00am - DWQMPs – Practical Implications 

Wednesday 29 May 10.00 to 11.00am - Fluoridation for QLD Operators

The full MCs will be delivered between June and September this year, with enrolments managed by Lee-Anne Wills, Water Industry Worker Coordinator. Expressions of interest will open shortly.

The Micro-Credentialing Program is part of the Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 and is proudly supported and funded by the Queensland Government.


Works for Queensland Funding Open

Applications for the next round of Works for Queensland Funding will open next week for councils to propose local projects, such as housing supply and supporting infrastructure, water infrastructure, community safety, roads and drainage, disaster resilience and community sports facilities.

The 2024-27 round of Works for Queensland has increased the total funding pool to $300 million from the previous $200 million and will benefit the 65 councils outside the south-east corner of the state.

Under new guidelines released today, councils can also put part of their allocated funding towards planning for key infrastructure as well as staff training to operate essential assets.

IPWEA Excellence Awards

Congratulations to Logan Water who (in their words!) “scooped the poo-l” at the International Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA) Excellence Awards winning the Excellence in Water Project for their project titled Fired up: Australia's first biosolids gasification facility.

Held in Melbourne on 2 May 2024, these awards recognise the dedication, commitment and talent that its members bring to the field of public works engineering.

The Biosolids Gasification Facility turns human-waste biosolids into a commercially saleable product called Biochar while also effectively eliminating harmful chemicals like persistent organic pollutants and microplastics from biosolids, turning this into a highly effective soil conditioner.

Johanna Johnson, Sustainability Lead accepted this award on behalf of Logan Water.

AWA Awards

While we were hoping to nab the AWA Water Industry Safety Excellence Award for the watertraining website, we were happy to be selected as a finalist amongst some great projects. Congratulations to the winners: Suez, SA Water and other contributing organisations to the Innovative and Safe Solution for Water Distribution Maintenance – Portable Chlorine Disinfection Skid project 

Read more about the winners here

RSL Candidates

This month, the RSL have profiled 14 candidates that are highly skilled and ready to employ right now.Candidates have a wealth of skills and experience ranging from human resources, procurement, project coordination and more.

See the candidates from this link

If you have any questions, or want to know more about our candidates, contact the RSL team at employmentprogram@rslqld.org.


Georgina and Diamantina Water Plan

The process to review and replace the Water Plan (Georgina and Diamantina) 2004 (the water plan) is underway and you’re invited to have your say during our first round of public consultation. 

The water plan has reached its maximum life of 20 years so must be reviewed and replaced to ensure the region’s long-term water needs can be best met and managed into the future.

Submit feedback online by Friday 16 August 2024.

If you have any questions, please email NorthWPS@rdmw.qld.gov.au or phone 1800 822 100.

Regulated retail electricity prices for regional Queensland 2024–25

The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) have published their draft determination on the regulated retail electricity prices (notified prices) to apply in regional Queensland in 2024-25.

Relevant material is available on their website, including details on the information sessions that they plan to hold on the draft determination.

The regulated retail prices will increase for both small business tariff users and large business customers due to rising network costs. Details are in the report. 

Stakeholders can provide written submissions by 21 May 2024


  •  13-17 May – Water Connections Tour
  • 30-31 July - AWA North Queensland Conference, Hamilton Island
  • 21 August – QWRAP Chairs and Coordinators Forum
  • 22-23 August - qldwater Annual Forum
  • 26 October - State Government elections
  • 21-22 November - Emerging Contaminants Workshop
  • 26 October - State Government elections

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