Amendment of the Water Information Requirements in the Water Regulations 2008

Amendment of the Water Information Requirements in the Water Regulations 2008

Amendment of the Water Information Requirements in the Water Regulations 2008
Date: 29-Jun-2017

On 10 May 2012 the water information provisions of the Water Regulations 2008 were amended with most of the changes taking effect on Thursday 5 July 2012.

Category 7 (urban water management) has been extensively amended to align more tightly with the urban National Performance Reporting (NPR) framework. However, in general as SWIM has already aligned most of the BoM and NPR indicators, where there have been amendments to Category F, these amendments should not have any impact on the information required from WSPs and as such we do not anticipate any changes in the SWIM data collection process.

To further align with the NPR, the amendment also extends from 20 July to 31 August the requirement to give annual Category 7 information. Again, thanks to SWIM this August 31 deadline was already in place for utilities reporting via SWIM.

Changes have also been made to other categories and aspects of the Water Regulations which may affect your organisation, for example, the ‘Regs Online tool’ (which shows the current obligations of organisations) has been updated and a ‘Water Restrictions tool’ (where persons are required to provide their water use restrictions announcements) has been created.

A summary of the changes to the Water Regulations can be found at:

You can find more information about the amendment by visiting the BoM website:

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