Annual Water and Sewerage Data Due from ALL Queensland WSPs in early October

Annual Water and Sewerage Data Due from ALL Queensland WSPs in early October

Annual Water and Sewerage Data Due from ALL Queensland WSPs in early October
Date: 29-Jun-2017

All Water Service Providers (WSP) in Queensland have been asked to submit their annual 2011-12 water data report to SWIM in early October.

  • NPR reporting WSPs need to submit their data by the 1st of October so it can be sent to DEWS by 5th October.
  • All other WSPs need to submit their data by the 15th of October so it can be sent to DEWS and ABS by 31st October.

SWIM is now the main method for Queensland WSPs to submit their annual water data to the Queensland Government, ABS, BoM and NPR. Last year more than 88% of councils reported data through SWIM, which is not only providing valuable information to the State and Federal Governments, but also back to you in the form of your confidential comparative reports and the new (optional) public State benchmarking report.

Every WSP in Queensland should have received information from qldwater in the past month regarding accessing and using the SWIM system to submit their data. Please contact qldwater at, or 3632 6852 (Sally) if you have any queries regarding your SWIM reporting – we appreciate reporting can be a complicated task and are happy to assist you in any way we can.

Important: If you need an extension please contact us immediately.

*Note if you are required to complete BoM reporting or MDB ‘surface water sourced’ reporting, your data is now overdue – please contact us urgently if you need assistance with these reporting requirements. (You will be familiar with BoM reporting if you are required to do it.)

SWIM was developed by qldwater, on behalf of WSPs, to simplify the task of water data reporting. With your support and use of SWIM, we can continue to encourage government water data reporting to be rationalised and streamlined through systems such as SWIM. We urge you to submit your annual water data through SWIM on time so that its future as a water-industry-driven system is assured.

We welcome your feedback on SWIM. For more information please contact Sally Walding or Ph: 07 3632 6852; or visit

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