Several trainees from Banana Shire are getting to directly experience the challenges of water and sewerage operations through a range of traineeships including school-based and work-based traineeships. Banana Shire experiences significant difficulties in attracting and retaining skilled water operations staff and this program is designed to give hands on skills towards a career in the water industry along with some accredited training through Wide Bay Institute of TAFE.
Manager Water Services Anthony Lipsys says that the trial has a lot of potential. The aim is to expose the trainees to the water industry and hopefully spark some interest that will lead to a long term career.
“We’re participating in the qldwater Technical Assessment, Capacity Building and Mentoring Program for Regional and Remote Queensland Drinking Water System Operators and hope that a bit of formal training, on the job mentoring and exposure to industry experts will lead to some enthusiastic new recruits down the track” Mr Lipsys said.
School-based traineeships are mainly designed for Year 11 and 12 students and allow students to work for an employer, train towards a nationally recognised qualification and complete their secondary school studies at the same time. School-based traineeships are eligible for funding under the Queensland User Choice funding arrangements. For training contracts commencing 1 January 2013 and after a minimum of 50 days paid employment is generally required.
For more information about employing school based trainees visit the Queensland Government Apprenticeships Info website -
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