There is a long history on the introduction of MP1.4 of the Queensland Development Code in late 2014 and residual issues, but little positive to report since. Below is an update of our actions since the last e-flash on the subject (#283 - advice that our position paper had been forwarded to Minister De Brenni in March 2016).
- DHPW responded positively and committed to convening a reference group to address the matters raised in the position paper in April 2016. With the invaluable input of Nick Smith from QUU, further information was provided on residual issues which include combined sanitary drains, proximity exemption distance for large diameter mains and other proximity exemption working, the acceptable solution for lightweight structures, definition of “DN,” and clearance from connections.
- No further contact was received until June, when an officer was appointed to action.
- With no further contact, the department was again contacted in late August and it advised that the Minister was to be briefed.
- With no further contact, a new letter was sent to Minister De Brenni on 26 October, seeking resolution of the outstanding matters and citing the result of a decision by the Building and Development Dispute Resolutions Committee in August which found against Mackay Regional Council for rejecting a building application (for a structure over an access chamber) which did not satisfy the performance requirements of MP1.4. The decision was effectively based on the assumption that the Code was wrong, and in doing so it has established an unworkable precedent.
We continue to await a response.
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