Changes to building requirements for building over or near relevant infrastructure

Changes to building requirements for building over or near relevant infrastructure

Changes to building requirements for building over or near relevant infrastructure
Date: 29-Jun-2017

Some urgent amendments have been made to the Queensland Development Code Mandatory Part 1.4—Building over or near relevant infrastructure (MP 1.4) based on feedback from key stakeholders.

From 13 December 2013, the revised version of MP 1.4 includes the following changes:

  • Removal of restriction under A2 of MP 1.4 that meant the acceptable solutions only applied where relevant infrastructure (sewers, water mains, and stormwater drains) was located less than 1.5 metres below the finished surface level. This means that there will no longer be unnecessary referrals to a concurrence agency for this part.
  • Clarification that MP 1.4 does not apply to any internal alterations or repairs to existing buildings that do not involve an increase to the building's floor area or affect the building’s footing system or sub-structure.

The Department of Housing and Public Works' building over infrastructure factsheets have been amended to reflect these changes.

Building Codes Queensland will continue to closely monitor the implementation of MP 1.4. Any additional feedback from stakeholders will be registered to inform future refinements of the code. You can forward feedback directly to

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