SWIM comparative reports are now available on the SWIM website as confidential reports for each service provider that has submitted data in the past year. Indicators for individual Service Providers are compared with median values from utilities in the same region, those with a similar soil type, similar size and all service providers together. Service Providers can also see individual data for each of their schemes which provides a more useful measure of performance.
For the first time this year, data for selected indicators are also presented as graphs for simple visualisation and internal reporting. These graphs show individual council data with comparisons to medians and 10th and 90th percentiles of other similar service providers.
This year we are also inviting councils to volunteer to be part of the pilot project for public reporting of selected indicators. Public reporting is common for large service providers in Queensland and is present in most other Australian jurisdictions. This year specific data from SWIM will be collated in a public report that identifies performance of specific service providers that have agreed to take part in the pilot 'opt-in report'. Public reporting will be expanded in future years.
To assist service providers to decide whether they wish to opt-in to this year's pilot program, the types of data proposed to be included in the public report are provided as a sample in the final worksheet of the comparative report. Please view this data for your Service Providers and let us know whether your organisation wishes to be an industry leader and opt-in for this pilot year by contacting rfearon@qldwater.com.au.
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