The Department of Energy and Water Supply is writing to each water service provider in the next week outlining the Government endorsed direction for simplifying Queensland’s water and sewerage regulation. For example, Drinking Water Quality Management Plans will not be impacted, but Strategic Asset Management Plans, System Leakage Management Plans and Drought Management Plans are all proposed to cease, to be replaced by a number of mandatory performance indicators, to be reported against annually. The Department is currently working through what these indicators might look like using an advisory group comprising industry representatives along with qldwater.
The letter also encourages submissions for the 30 year water sector strategy, which are due by 29 March. We are presently working slowly through industry feedback and preparing qldwater’s submission. While it will represent our interpretation of the collective view of our members, it is clear that the current government values direct feedback from affected organisations and that all submissions will be carefully considered.
If you have any queries or concerns having read the DEWS letter (or don’t receive one), please feel free to contact us.
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