Most reports and plans must be made available for inspection and purchase but a number of documents must now be published online including Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Reports. Through SWIM we aim to produce a public “Performance Report” based on the new KPIs from 2015 which should satisfy member requirements for web publication. Templates will be developed in the coming months.
The Regulator will be issuing new notices to large service providers some time before the end of the financial year given a number of likely changes to NPR indicators. DEWS convened a business advisory group earlier in the year which agreed that 36 were now redundant. We understand that WSAA will be surveying its members and other states and territories will also have input to determine a final national list.
Finally, DEWS has advised that at this stage it will not be requiring routine audits of KPI data (including the NPR data) through the Water Supply Act section 108A power. This may be revisited for individual providers, classes of providers, or everyone, if there are concerns about the quality and integrity of the data as it comes in. This is primarily designed to reduce duplication and costs for service providers.
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