Disaster Management and Assistance

Disaster Management and Assistance

Disaster Management and Assistance
Date: 29-Jun-2017

The qldwater Technical Reference Group has for some time been trying to negotiate a clear role in coordinating assistance for water and sewerage recovery among members affected by significant events during storm season as there is a strong willingness to offer assistance from many utilities.  While a formal response has not been received, we offer the following advice to members for the upcoming storm season:

It is critical that you continue to operate through your local disaster management arrangements. This includes raising formal Requests for Assistance (RFA) through your Local Disaster Management Group in the first instance. This also helps to maximise eligibility for NDRRA or any other available funding support.

  1. If you identify a need for urgent assistance in restoring water supply or sewerage services that you believe could be efficiently met by another water service provider, you could also consider contacting either:
    1. Dave Cameron at dcameron@qldwater.com.au or 0407761991 or
    2. Rob Fearon at rfearon@qldwater.com.au or 0428300208

qldwater will make initial contact to other utilities to alert them to a possible need, evaluate options and discuss these with the LGAQ disaster management coordinator.  Any assistance will only proceed with approval from the CEOs of both the organisation offering assistance, and the organisation being assisted, and with the knowledge of the disaster management coordinator.  It is hoped that an early alert process like this will hasten any recovery efforts.

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