eFlash #583

eFlash #583

eFlash #583
Date: 27-Oct-2023


Essentials webinar series on Harmful Algal Blooms | Water Supply Regulation e-Alert | UN University Report on risk tipping points | Social licence for electricity transmission projects


1. Essentials Webinar Series on Harmful Algal Blooms

The second webinar in a series on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) took place on Thursday, 26 November with Ted Aldred, Manager Water Supply and Regulation – Water Operations and Systems at the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (RDMW), delivering a presentation on ways to manage HABs through your Drinking Water Quality Management Plan.

Blue green algae outbreaks in surface waters can be challenging for water service providers, especially when coupled with other risks that are heightened by high temperatures. In this presentation, Ted identifies where water service providers’ Drinking Water Quality Management Plans address those risks. The Q&A session addressed ways for water service providers to capture the emergent risk that HAB might present and included some lived experiences from service providers who are successfully managing those risks.

A recording of the presentation is available on our website. The page also contains a link to the useful resource: Management Strategies for Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae): a Guide for Water Utilities.

Part 3 in the series will take place next Thursday, 2 November from 10.00 to 11.00am with Dr Phil Choi, Senior Environmental Health Scientist, Queensland Public Health and Scientific Services at Queensland Health, presenting on the health aspects of HABs. 

Register here

Based on the success of the webinar series and feedback received, we will be following up the three part series with a webinar focused on service provider experiences with managing HABs.

On Thursday, 9 November at 10.00am, Tania Strixner-Harvey from Mount Isa Water Board will present on their journey with blue-green algae at Clear Water Lagoon, followed by Trish Knavel and Laura Shiels from Townsville City Council who will present on their experiences in Townsville.

Register here.


2. Water Supply Regulation e-Alert

The Water Supply Regulator (RDMW) has released their latest ‘Water Supply Regulation e-Alert’ and all members are encouraged to ensure that the right people in their organisations are registered to receive these as they are a key/main part of RDMW’s communication strategy.

Key Dates: 

  • Wednesday 15/11/23: Webinar – BoM on NPR indicators for SPs with <10,000 connections
  • Tuesday 19/12/23: DWQMP Annual Report 2022/23 (All Service Providers (SPs)) due
  • Tuesday 19/12/23: Annual Report 2022/23 (Recycled Water Scheme – relevant entity only) due

The e-Alert discusses important aspects of everyone’s responsibilities during a disaster as we approach the storm season. Under the Queensland State Disaster Management Plan, RDMW, and specifically the Water Supply Regulation unit, is required to report directly to the State Disaster Management Centre during a declared disaster, to provide timely and accurate information to manage the consequences of a water incident. For this reason, it is important that SPs continue to communicate with them as much as possible.

In the event of a disaster, where communication is still available, please contact the Water Supply Regulation daily via telephone on 1300 596 709 or by email to: drinkingwater.reporting@rdmw.qld.gov.au to inform them of the status of your drinking water supply and treatment system, even if there is no change from the previous day’s advice. Please note that you must immediately report any incidents or events that occur in your drinking water service or your recycled water scheme, if operating under a recycled water management plan.

If telephone and computer communication is impossible, your report to your Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) on the status of your drinking water and sewerage services will be conveyed to the State Disaster Coordination Centre (SDCC). In this case, reportable incidents and events must be reported to the regulator as soon as communications are restored. More information is provided in the e-Alert.

If you would like any further information or would like to receive the Water Supply Regulation e-Alerts, please contact drinkingwater.reporting@rdmw.qld.gov.au. 

3. UNU Report on Risk Tipping Points

The United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security this week released a report on Interconnected Disaster Risks: Risk Tipping Points, analysing six interconnected risk tipping points that represent immediate and increasing risks across the world.

The report paints a picture that the world is not only approaching a series of climate risk tipping points but is also on the brink of irreversible changes to nature, water systems and pollution in space.

The number of times that water is mentioned in the report and the links between water and all other ecosystems and processes provides a valuable oversight and reinforces why what we all do in the water sector is so important.


4. Social Licence for Electricity Transmission Projects

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published a Directions Paper on social licence for electricity transmission projects.

This paper sets out our current approach to social licence issues and covers how transmission networks may best address social licence under our regulatory framework, including: 

  • The AERs expectations of transmission networks in undertaking community engagement;
  • when and how social licence issues can be factored into the regulatory tests for the approval of and recovery of costs for new transmission development; and
  • the evidence that they want to see in support of proposed transmission network expansion and associated expenditure.

The AER are seeking feedback on this paper by 1 December and will use your feedback in refining their approach, updating guidelines and in developing more detailed guidance for industry during 2024.

Ideally feedback would be provided in writing, but they are open to receiving this feedback in different forms to reduce burden on stakeholders. To provide feedback or to contact the AER about this paper, please email  aerinquiry@aer.gov.au. 


  • 2 November at 10.00am - Essentials Webinar: The health aspects of HABs. 
  • 9 November at 10.00am - Essentials Webinar: Service Provider experiences managing HAB
  • 9-10 November - AWA QWater, Brisbane 


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9-10 November - AWA QWater, Brisbane 

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