Expressions of Interest – Treatment/ Innovation email group

Expressions of Interest – Treatment/ Innovation email group

Expressions of Interest – Treatment/ Innovation email group
Date: 29-Jun-2017

Expressions of interest are sought for representatives from members interested in participating in a new email group focussed around water quality, sewage treatment and new technologies and innovation. 

qldwater internet forums have historically been poorly supported and we continue to look for ways to improve information exchange among members.  We participate in a number of SEQ interest groups and will be establishing an email group to share summaries from meetings and exchange ideas initially.

We would prefer to have one representative per interested qldwater member rather than a large and unwieldy group.  The SEQ interest groups operate with varying degrees of formality, typically meet every couple of months.  As we are guests rather than convenors of the groups – the email process is a start to see what can work.

Contact Dave Cameron to register interest.

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