Fluoridations News

Fluoridations News

Fluoridations News
Date: 29-Jun-2017

There has been significant media attention in the last couple of weeks around Fluoridation with more conflicting messages coming from the State.  At least three councils have received assurances from ministers (other than the Health minister) which contradict what we understand to be current government policy.

On 19 September, Minister Springborg released a media statement, available here

“Mr Springborg said councils choosing to continue with the implementation of fluoridation in their relevant water supplies will still be able to claim up to 100% of eligible capital costs for installation.

There is capital assistance for infrastructure through the Queensland Fluoridation Capital Assistance Program and this is expected to continue through to June 30, 2014,” he said.

Councils that have already been funded to provide fluoridation will be required to continue their fluoridated supply.

Larger councils that have not yet begun to fluoridate their water will still be required to do so under the legislation.”

The Local Government Association of Queensland is writing to ministers shortly seeking clarification on the conflicting announcements.  We believe from our discussions with government representatives that the information contained in the press release from Minister Springborg is consistent with the current government position.  Further, the Health Minister will be issuing letters to water service providers still required to fluoridate schemes in 2012/13 clarifying any outstanding matters including exemption requests.

It is clear that appropriate departmental communication channels are not being observed which is serving to fuel community speculation and create significant frustration among members.  Only formal communications from Queensland Health on fluoridation should be considered credible in this environment.  If you need to discuss further, please contact Dave Cameron at dcameron@qldwater.com.au (ph. 0407 761 991).

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