The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has released a number of updated materials of potential interest to members.
New web tool available - the forms and fee finder: environmental authorities
The Forms and fees finder: environmental authorities is an interactive web tool developed to help business and industry understand the requirement for applying for a new environmental authority and managing their existing environmental authorities (for example, amending, amalgamating, transferring and surrendering their environmental authority).
This tool translates the licensing framework for both prescribed environmentally relevant activities (ERAs) and resource activities in the Environmental Protection Act 1994 to a series of straight forward question and answer format. It prompts users to select all their ERAs and identifies their application requirements, from the correct application form and annual fee to which environmental considerations should be covered in an application.
Draft eligibility criteria and standard conditions for prescribed ERAs now available for consultation
The Environmental Protection 1994 allows for standard applications for an environmental authority to be made for certain lower-risk activities. A standard application is one where the activity is subject to eligibility criteria and standard conditions. The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection has prepared 19 sets of draft eligibility criteria and standard conditions for activities such as screening, small sewage treatment plants and meat processing.