The new National Water Training package (now NWP) was endorsed by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee on the 1st of December 2015.
qldwater has been advised by the Queensland Department of Education and Training (DET) that the previous National Water Training Package (NWP07) qualifications have been listed as ‘deleted’ on their systems rather than ‘superseded’. Essentially this means that no further enrolments can take place in the old NWP07 qualifications under Government funding. Existing students will still have a ‘teach out’ period to complete their qualifications under any Government funding (or fee for service arrangement).
The deletion on the DET systems is contrary to what the National Register ( has listed - all NWP07 qualifications are ‘superseded’ on the website. However, the ASQA Glossary notes that – “The national register may also use the term ‘superseded’ for a qualification or unit of competency that has been deleted from its training package without having been replaced.”
As there are no RTOs currently registered to deliver qualifications under the new NWP, no enrolments can take place in the new qualifications. The process for RTOs to add the new qualifications to their scope (and apply to deliver the qualification under subsidised funding) is estimated to take between 3-6 months. Consequently there will be a delay on enrolments in any new NWP qualifications (through funding arrangements).
qldwater has raised this issue at both a state level through DET and also nationally through the new Skills Service Organisation for water (Australian Industry Standards Limited) and is pursuing options to have the issue resolved. Further updates will be provided on the progress of these negotiations.
Through discussions with industry networks, qldwater has also determined that there will be a number of implementation issues with the packaging rules for certain qualifications (specifically the Diploma) in the new training package. These issues will be raised both nationally and at the state level through relevant bodies. If you would like to provide feedback on any implementation issues with the new training package (such as the packaging rules) please email
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