KPI key dates and messages

KPI key dates and messages

KPI key dates and messages
Date: 29-Jun-2017

All Queensland service providers are required to report new mandatory KPIs based on 2014/15 data soon. We have approached Water Planning and Regulation (the Regulator) which has agreed to provide a few key points for everyone to note as part of the collection process. These have all been covered in notices or fact sheets you will have already received – it is a simple summary of key dates and priorities:

  • · Reports must be in to SWIM or to the Regulator directly by 1 October 2015 at the latest.
  • · Provide the most accurate data possible
  • · You must report against all of the KPI’s listed in your notice – no blank spaces – if you cannot report data put in “ND” (for no data) and then fill in the comments/free text field
  • · Use the comments/free text field to explain
    • o Why no data can be reported
    • o Why the data reported is an estimate
    • o Where you have had issues with the definition and what you did to manage these
    • o Indicate any KPIs that seem irrelevant or not useful and why through the comments/free text field

This information is important in our ongoing discussions with DEWS about continuous improvement of the KPI framework.

This page (under “related documents”) includes links to relevant fact sheets which are also not yet available on the DEWS site.

For more information, contact DEWS directly or Dave Scheltinga (, 0415 881 195) for any issues in using SWIM.

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