LGAQ ten-point plan released

LGAQ ten-point plan released

LGAQ ten-point plan released
Date: 29-Jun-2017

The LGAQ released their 2015 State election local government policy plan this week at their annual conference. A number of the policy recommendations are relevant to water and sewerage service providers in local government but two in particular have direct relevance to water and sewerage.

Point 2 titled ‘Maximising local infrastructure priorities and delivery’ notes that councils manage $76 billion in assets, the quality of which affect the daily lives of all Queenslanders. Assets in focus include water and sewerage infrastructure and while the activities of councils to meet the increased costs of building and maintain such assets is acknowledged, it is also recognised that, despite best efforts, the local government sector will always require State Government support to meet its funding obligations.

In relation to these assets, the Policy Plan seeks:  “the reinstatement of the Water and Sewerage Program (WASP) in real terms to $140 million per annum to ensure the community’s expectations relating to growth management, wastewater treatment and urban water supply and security can be met without placing an unfair financial burden on future generations”.  

The eighth point, ‘Sponsoring regional collaboration across water and sewerage services’ discusses the establishment and early successes of the Queensland Regional Water Alliances Program (QWRAP).  The pilot program is funded by the State government with investment from LGAQ, qldwater and the 21 participating councils. In the Policy Plan, the LGAQ seeks: “Continued support from the State Government for the Queensland Regional Alliance Program at $600k per annum for the next three years.


Over the coming months, the LGAQ will be coordinating its approach to each of the major parties in support of the Plan. For further information contact Craig Johnstone at LGAQ (craig_johnstone@lgaq.asn.au).

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