New Queensland MP 1.4 Published

New Queensland MP 1.4 Published

New Queensland MP 1.4 Published
Date: 29-Jun-2017

e-flash #207 advised that The Building and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2013 was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 6 August 2013, resulting to changes in the way development approval processes work when building over or near a sewer, water main or stormwater drain.  The new MP 1.4 was published on 15 October, meaning that it will commence as planned on 1 November 2013.

The pending part can be accessed on the Department of Housing and Public Work's website at:

The Department is now developing fact sheets to support the 1 November implementation of the new QDC part.  We will continue to forward this information as it is made available.


qldwater convened a technical reference group in 2012 to review the draft changes to MP1.4 of the Queensland Development Code.  The group in general did not support the justifications used for the Code fearing a reduction in the power of water service providers to be able to assess new developments with the potential to impact infrastructure. 

The Code does feature specific “concurrence” conditions which do allow service providers to review applications in certain circumstances – largely based on proximity and types of assets.

BCQ held a number of targeted consultation sessions involving SEQ councils and service providers during 2013 to refine the document. 

Changes since last distributed version

-        Various definitional changes based on feedback, amended drawings

-        S3 - Class 2-9 buildings will now be located at least 10m away from the vertical plane along the centreline of the relevant infrastructure.

-        Performance criteria P2 and Acceptable Solutions A2 amended to ensure service providers have access to maintenance covers, and a clear zone exists above such structures (i.e. carports can no longer be built over access chambers).

Thanks to all members who have provided advice to qldwater in making the Code workable or otherwise participated in this process.  Please direct any queries to Dave Cameron at or 0407 761 991.

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