The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has released a draft Information Paper: Effects of water fluoridation on dental and other health outcomes (draft Information Paper) for public consultation. The draft Information Paper summarises NHMRC’s consideration of the evidence on the dental and other health effects of water fluoridation in Australia.
The paper concludes that:
“Water fluoridation in Australia is effective in reducing the occurrence and severity of tooth decay. Some people may experience a slight change in the cosmetic appearance of their teeth due to an increase in the overall intake of fluoride but this does not affect the function of teeth. There is no evidence that water fluoridation within the current Australian range is associated with any negative health effects.”
Copies of the draft Information Paper, as well as information on the process for making a submission and the type of material that will be considered by NHMRC, can be obtained from the NHMRC public consultation website.
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