Plumbing and Drainage update

Plumbing and Drainage update

Plumbing and Drainage update
Date: 29-Jun-2017

The Department of Housing and Public Works is currently reviewing plumbing and drainage legislation, including the Act, Regulation and Plumbing and Wastewater Code.  Workshop sessions were held on Wednesday/ Thursday last week to step through the changes.

It is not possible to brief on the draft content, however the process should lead to significantly streamlined and easier to follow documents.  While we have not been able to consult broadly when asked for comment on specific sections, qldwater has endeavoured to ensure the input of relevant industry experts wherever possible.

Note that there are no further changes expected to current meter installation, maintain and replace requirements (see eflash # 263 and #267).  Licensed plumbers or enrolled apprentices operating under supervision need to be installing new meters after the end of the transition period (21 February 2017).

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