The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 2011 (ADWG) undergo a rolling revision to ensure it represents the latest scientific evidence on good quality drinking water. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is seeking public comment on a draft framework on microbial health based targets (HBT) and a draft fact sheet on lanthanum.
The draft framework on microbial HBT has been proposed by the Water Quality Advisory Committee. HBT have been adopted in the Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, World Health Organization and Health Canada guidelines for drinking water.
The draft fact sheet on lanthanum has been developed by the NHMRC and the National Industrial Chemical Notification Scheme, to provide guidance on lanthanum in drinking water.
You are invited to make a submission to NHMRC about the proposed changes. The draft amendments and information on how to make a submission can be obtained from the NHMRC public consultation website.
Alternatively, please contribute any comments directly to for inclusion in the likely qldwater submission on HBT’s.
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