As reported in eFlash #172 - 11 July 2012 extensive negotiations with the State on the issue of ERA 63(3) – regulation of large pumping stations – resulted in development in new Guidelines and a draft Code of Environmental Compliance for this activity. Last week the Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection Andrew Powell announced a new environmental approval process for sewage pumping stations noting that "The water industry has strong concerns about the significant costs and management implications involved in ensuring pumping stations obtain planning and environmental approvals.
"The new code allows operators of pumping stations with a capacity of greater than 40 kilolitres per hour to operate under set conditions, without having to apply for a development approval for an environmentally relevant activity (ERA)... and .... It is estimated that the new code will apply to over 1000 existing sewage pumping stations and 24 new stations expected to start construction in the next 12 months."
While this represents a significant improvement on the existing guidelines, industry members have noted that costs associated with meeting the legislation are still very high and that collaborative approaches are needed to reduce the expense of meeting the requirements and negotiating the interpretation of conditions with regional offices. The industry expert panel formed to discuss a cohesive approach to ERA 63 met for the first time this week and a day-long technical meeting will be held in Brisbane to further scope the activities of this group in late August. Expressions of interest to contribute to these discussions are welcome (see eFlash #174 - 1 August 2012).
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