qldwater Calendar of Events
Date: 29-Jun-2017
The dates for our 2015 Regional Conferences and Taste Test regional events have now been finalised.
- Rockhampton, 16 April (CQ Final)
- Cairns, 8 May (FNQ Final)
- Barcaldine, 15 June (SWIM Training and WQ Final)
- WIOA Conference and Water of Origin Taste Test 18 June (2014 Qld Winner, Richmond, competes against NSW)
- Ingham, 23 June (Water Quality Awareness and Distribution System Management Workshop and NQ Final)
- St George, 31 July (LGAQ Bush Council Forum and SWQ Final)
- Gold Coast, 20 August (SEQ Final)
- Sunshine Coast, 4 & 5 November (Innovation Event and Taste Test Grand Final)
For details on these conferences and sponsorship opportunities, please see our website http://www.qldwater.com.au/Mini-Conferences or email hgold@qldwater.com.au for more information.
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