Excellence Awards 2013 – Nominations open
IPWEAQ presents awards each year to encourage excellence in the innovation, development, completion and management of local government and public works projects.
qldwater sponsors the awards in water, wastewater, sewerage and drought management:
- Projects over $10 million
- Projects $5 million to $10 million
- Projects $1 million to $5 million
- Projects under $1 million (assistance with nomination is available)
- Innovation and/or Introduction of New and/or Improved Techniques
Do you know an individual or project that demonstrates innovative thinking, best practices and value to your community? This is the ideal opportunity to recognise, reward and showcase your projects and your people's achievements by nominating them for the IPWEA Queensland Excellence Awards. For nomination criteria and templates, please visit www.ipwea.org.au/Excellence_Awards or call Lucy Brown, Events & Membership Coordinator, IPWEAQ on 07 3632 6802.
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