Only 50 seats are available to participate in the field trip to QUU’s Luggage Point Treatment Plant Innovation Centre so register early to ensure your spot. Registrations after 14 November 2014 will incur a $100 late fee.
A reminder – LGAQ’s sponsorship supports attendance from our colleagues in small and remote councils for the forum. qldwater will provide complimentary registrations and LGAQ will provide $500 grants to help offset the costs of travel and accommodation for up to 4 representatives from Queensland councils to attend the forum. The grants are targeted at councils with fewer than 10,000 population and will be prioritised to greatest financial need. To be considered, please provide basic details of who the proposed attendee is to us and we will make contact to discuss eligibility.
The program includes an excellent set of presentations and activities around the theme of “utility led innovation – fit for purpose solutions to business needs” and a keynote from Minister McArdle.
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