Removal of Two Mandatory Plans

Removal of Two Mandatory Plans

Removal of Two Mandatory Plans
Date: 29-Jun-2017

EHP have formally advised that two, previously mandatory, planning requirements have been removed from their legislation.

The requirement for the development and implementation of Total Water Cycle Management Plans for local governments with a population greater than 25,000 no longer exists under the Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2009. We note that despite a long campaign lobbying against this particular requirement which was not implemented well outside of South East Queensland, qldwater strongly supports a whole-of-urban-water cycle approach to planning and management (integrated urban water cycle management or IUWCM). If you would like further information or contacts in developing or continuing implementation of this approach please contact Rob Fearon (

Second, mandatory environmental plans about trade waste management for those local governments that permit trade waste to enter their sewers has also been removed from the EPP (Water). In this case, qldwater argued unsuccessfully that these plans, which many members find useful, should be not be removed via the current rash of ‘green tape’ reduction. Appropriate trade waste management is essential for the operational, safety and environmental outcomes of the sector and appropriate plans and relationships with customers are essential. Trade waste plans will remain important for all service providers despite the regulatory change and requirements regarding trade waste under the Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act remain in place.

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