A significant policy shift in EHP has brought beneficial reuse under a new ‘End of Waste Framework’ (see https://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/waste/end-of-waste-framework.html). The aim is to reduce regulation and in effect shift all requirements ensuring a waste is fit-for-purpose to the generator.
Some service providers have specific beneficial use agreements and these apply until the expiry. Others can still operate under a new General Beneficial Use Approval which was developed with industry consultation in late December 2016 (see http://www.qldwater.com.au/_literature_224793/qldwater_response_on_Draft_General_BUA_Biosolids). All of these approvals expire by 31 December 2018. Outside of these transitional arrangements, all reuse of biosolids requires to be under a generic End of Waste Code or have a specific End of Waste Approval. Under this framework the requirements to have a waste redefined as a ‘resource’ fall solely with the waste producer and the waste must be fit for purpose when released to another party by the producer.
The Department decides when an End of Waste Code may be required, whether an industry needs to be consulted in the development of a code and also develops the code itself. The Department is currently holding a consultation process (until March 2017) asking all industries to provide feedback on the need for End of Waste Codes for each sector. They have sent letters to all Service Providers that currently have a beneficial reuse agreement, to the LGAQ and qldwater asking for feedback. qldwater is considering a joint submission coordinated through the ERA 63 expert panel.
Please advise of your preference for an End of Waste Code or forward any comments to be added to a collated industry response to rfearon@qldwater.com.au.
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